Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 381 You can do it, come here

Chapter 381 You can do it, come here (please subscribe!)





"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."


The huge explosion impact, wherever it passed, people were turned on their backs, and many soldiers and horses of the Song army who were blown down didn't even have a wound on their bodies, but they were bleeding from seven holes!

The exploding black pyrotechnics swept across the ground more and more tightly, and many exploding black smoke pillars rolled into the air from the blasted uneven sandy land like a whirlwind!
Under the shroud of this seemingly endless black smoke, there are roars, shouts, cries of collapse, heart-piercing moans, and familiar people shouting to each other. Sounds, there are people chaotic everywhere, people are trampled and squeezed everywhere, the terrified soldiers of the Song army are running around on the battlefield at a loss, and there is despair everywhere...

Xin Xingzong, Song Jiang, Liu Guangshi and others fled back in a hurry!

They are lucky, standing far away from the battlefield, they can escape without any danger. Those soldiers of the Song army who are charging to attack the city are not so lucky. If you don't survive, it's all luck.

After escaping to a safe place, Xin Xingzong and Liu Guangshi were so afraid that their legs became weak. Liu Guangshi couldn't help muttering: "Is this God's punishment?"

Song Jiang took a few breaths and said, "This is... this is the Feilei Cannon."

"Flying Thunder Cannon?"

At first, most people were puzzled!
However, soon some well-informed people, such as Zhe Kecun, said: "But the flying thunder cannon that Governor Li swept across Korea?"

Song Jiangdao: "That's right, it's this sharp weapon."

Liu Zhengyan said angrily, "Why is Li Yan's sharp weapon in the hands of bandits?"

Song Jiangdao: "Maybe Tian Hu bought it."

Yao Pingzhong frowned and said, "You bought it?"

Song Jiangdao: "Flying thunder cannons cost [-] guns, and shells cost [-] guns. If you buy [-] shells at a time, you will get one flying thunder cannon. Li Yan has always sold Feilei cannons with clearly marked prices. I bought it."

(As big customers, and because they are allies, Tian Hu, Wang Qing, and Fang La are slightly cheaper to get arms from Li Yan.)
"This Li Dadu is really good at making money. One cannon can cost two hundred guns, and the robbery is not so fast!" Zhe Kecun said.

Song Jiangdao: "There are even more money-grabbing ones. Each of these flying thunder cannons can only shoot a hundred shots. No matter how many more, there is no guarantee that the chamber will not explode. Once the chamber explodes, it will cause incalculable losses to our side, so , once you use up his Thunder Cannon, you have to keep buying Thunder Cannon and shells from him, that is, you have to keep making money from him.”

Yao Pingzhong looked at the tragedy on the battlefield and said, "It's worth the money."

Song Jiang and the others were in the mood to talk about Feileipao, but Xin Xingzong was not in the mood. The main attack today was all his direct troops, and they still don't know how the casualties are. How could he be in the mood to care about Feileipao?

Therefore, when his legs were no longer weak, Xin Xingzong hurriedly organized troops to defend in order to prevent the horse army from suddenly rushing out of the city to cause secondary damage to them and restrain the rout.

Veteran Wang Huan came up from behind and said: "This flying thunder cannon is actually not that scary. It stands scattered and its lethality is limited. It is more scary and makes people confused. If it wants to cause large-scale To kill, you have to cooperate with other arms, such as cavalry."

Everyone watched for a while, and thought: "This old guy's eyes are really poisonous, and he saw the weakness of this Feilei Cannon immediately."

There is a saying: You can do it, come here.

It was because Wang Huan pointed out the weakness of Feilei Cannon, Song Jun, who felt that Feilei Cannon was difficult, pushed Wang Huan and his men to the front.

After Wang Huan took over, he ordered people to disperse and attack Gaizhou City from all directions.

In this way, Feilei Pao no longer had the amazing performance it had before. On the contrary, under Wang Huan's deliberate temptation, a lot of shells were wasted on Gaizhou City.

Slowly, everyone understood what Wang Huan meant.

It is true that the flying thunder cannon is powerful, but the cost is also high. It is impossible to have countless shells in Gaizhou city.

Therefore, if the consumption continues, Gaizhou City will definitely collapse without attacking.

Don't the people in the city know that Wang Huan is a feint?
How could you not know?
But they didn't dare to bet that Wang Huan was a feint, because as long as they dared to gamble, the feint could turn into a real attack at any time, which is what the Song army, which has a superior force, most wanted to see.

Moreover, under Wang Huan's command, the Song army kept attacking day and night-sometimes they didn't really attack, but used exhaustion tactics.

True and false, false and true.

This made the defenders in Gaizhou city impetuous, especially the three kings Tian Biao who came to support them.

On this day, at dusk at night, Niu Wenzhong and Tian Biao were just about to fall asleep, when they suddenly heard shouts shaking the sky outside the north gate, and the sound of drums and horns.

The two got up quickly and drove to the north gate.

When Niu Wenzhong and Tian Biao stepped on the top of the city to look at it, all the shouts and golden drums stopped again, and there were no people.

In the midst of doubts, the shouts rose again in the south of the city, and the golden drum shook the sky.

Niu Wenzhong ordered Yu Yulin to guard the north gate, and he and Tian Biao led troops and horses to the south city.

As soon as the two of them arrived in Nancheng, their shouts had died down, and the golden drum had stopped beating.

Looking at the city for a long time, the only thing I could hear was the faint sound of drumming in the southern camp of the Song Army. It was quiet and there was no light from the fire.

The two of them went down to the city slowly, wanting to go back to rest, when they suddenly heard the cannon fire outside the east gate, and the shouting and drumming in the west of the city.

Niu Wenzhong and Tian Biao chased here and there until midnight.

Tian Biao said angrily: "It's too much to bully people. I dare not rob the camp when I am the king!"

Niu Wenzhong said: "If you can't bear it, you will mess up and make big plans. Let him go. You, the three kings, go to rest first, and then come and replace me in the morning. You and I will take turns, and the teachers and soldiers will also take turns to rest. I still have [-] to [-] in Gaizhou City." With a large army and four or five thousand shells, as long as he is not given a chance, he will not be able to break through our fortified city."

Tian Biao wanted to agree, but at this moment, he heard drums and horns shouting again.

Tian Biao, who had endured it for nearly a month, couldn't bear it any longer, and said: "Mr. Song thought that you and I would stick to the end and dare not attack, so he was so unscrupulous. This king just brought 5000 troops to charge him. He is afraid!"

After finishing speaking, Tian Biao went down to the city to organize troops, Ren Niu Wenzhong shouted his throat, and did not look back.

Unable to stop it, Niu Wenzhong had no choice but to lead his troops to meet him.

Let's say that Tian Biao commanded five thousand troops and horses. They wore soft wars, and the horses plucked luan bells.

Seeing that the gate of the village was wide open and the lights in the village were shining brightly, Tian Biao knew that he had been tricked and retreated in a hurry.

A cannon rang out in Songzhai, more than a dozen generals and tens of thousands of elite soldiers rushed to gather them.

If he does mental calculations but doesn't care, why is Tian Biao undefeated?

Veteran Wang Huan spotted Tian Biao, the leader, and shot with an arrow!
Tian Biao, who was rushing left and right, fell off his horse.

This is not over yet.

At the same time, a "broken army" of the Jin army "withdrew" to Gaizhou City...


(End of this chapter)

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