Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 616 Six Armored Soldiers

Chapter 616 Liujia Zhengbing (please subscribe!)

Since Nie Chang has been sent to the Jin army, the Privy Council of the Great Song Dynasty is temporarily unmanned.

And at this critical moment, how could it be possible without a minister in charge of military affairs?

Therefore, after Zhao Huan considered it, he promoted Shangshu Youcheng Sun Fu to be a member of the Privy Council, and let Sun Fu be in charge of the military.

After Sun Fu was promoted, the post of Shangshu Youcheng became vacant again.

What is unexpected is that Zhao Huan actually asked Li Hui, who had just been dismissed a few days ago, to take up this position. , Moreover, Li Hui did nothing during his tenure as a privy envoy.

On the same day that Li returned to his post, another crucial thing happened.

The matter is that Wang Zonglin, the commander in front of the palace, unexpectedly discovered a genius.

In the Gongsheng Army, there was a deputy capital named Guo Jing who boasted to everyone that he could throw beans into soldiers, and the soldiers could be invisible. It can defeat the enemy, and it is also said that when the soldiers of Liujia are facing the enemy, the soldiers will not move, and the magic soldiers will be used, and there is no way forward.

The Gongsheng Army belongs to the cavalry and is under the jurisdiction of the Dianqian Division.

Wang Zonglian was very surprised when he heard about this, and thought that Guo Jing might be the savior of the Song Dynasty, so he recommended to the court that if this person was used, the second commander of the Jin army could be captured alive and the Jin soldiers could be wiped out.

Prime Minister Tang Ke didn't believe what Guo Jing said at all, so he humiliated Guo Jing face to face and said: "Old soldiers are playing tricks, can it be as you said?"

Guo Jing was left speechless by Tang Ke's question, unable to answer.

However, just because Tang Ke doesn't believe it doesn't mean everyone doesn't believe it.

Sun Fu, who is in charge of the military, thinks so hard every day about the strategy to defeat the enemy that his hair turns gray.

One day, Sun Fu opened the volume of poems, trying to get inspiration from them.

The volume of poems that Sun Fu opened was Qiu Jun's "Poems of Observing Time and Feelings" in the Song Renzong era. One of the lines "Guo Jing, Yang Shi, and Liu Wuji are all lying in the southeast on white clouds" attracted Sun Fu's attention.

Sun Fu thought to himself: "This Guo Jing may be the one who saved Song Dynasty."


Guo Jing was rejected by Tang Ke!

It doesn't matter though.

Because Tang Ke was soon deposed by Zhao Huan.

Tang Ke became prime minister in August. At that time, the rescue of Taiyuan had completely failed.

Facts have proved that the current Song army is not the opponent of the current Jin army at all.

Therefore, after Tang Ke took office, he, together with Geng Nanzhong, Nie Chang and other ministers, devoted himself to negotiating peace with the Jin people, hoping to resolve the problems between Song and Jin through negotiations.

However, while the Jin people were negotiating, they marched at the same time—since August, the two armies of the Jin Army moved south quickly, without any intention of stopping their troops.

Tang Ke felt that the situation was not optimistic, and reminded Zhao Huan many times: "The golden man will come this winter."

What should I do if I can't fight and can't reach an agreement?
The only correct choice is to take the 36 plan as the best plan.

Tang Ke then secretly played Zhao Huan, urging Zhao Huan to avoid the enemy's edge, leave Tokyo for Luoyang or Chang'an as soon as possible, and then summon the soldiers of the world to fight the Jin people.

Tang Ke even considered that all the troops in the capital might be nostalgic for their homeland and relatives, and might not be willing to escort Zhao Huan from the capital, so he also suggested that the four generals be called to lead the escort.

At first Zhao Huan felt that Tang Ke's words were reasonable and accepted his suggestion.

Soon, He Li came to play.

Undecided, Zhao Huan told He Li about Tang Ke's suggestion.

When He Li heard this, he resolutely objected, saying: "Even if the Zhou family moved eastward, Tang Ke's suggestion is not too much. This is like an unworthy son who wants to sell all the fields and houses left by his father and grandfather."

The servants beside Zhao Huan also disapproved of Tang Ke's suggestion, and they were unwilling to leave Tokyo.

Seeing that everyone was against leaving Beijing, Zhao Huan changed his mind.

Therefore, when Tang Ke urged Zhao Huan to leave Beijing quickly again, Zhao Huan was very angry, and stomped his foot on the ground fiercely and said, "I will defend the country to the death!"

At this time, Hu Shunzhi, the official censor, took the opportunity to impeach Tang Ke and Nie Chang.

Hu Shunzhi said that Tang Ke was short-sighted and unable to deal with side affairs. Now that the country is in a state of decline, it is really impossible to prepare for it.He also said that if the imperial court continues to retain Tang Ke and Nie Chang, all political affairs will not be repaired, the punishment will be weak, no talents will be available, and the soldiers will not use their lives.

(Not long after, Hu Shunzhi changed his words and suggested that Zhao Huan escape from Tokyo and take refuge in Luoyang or Chang'an. Therefore, Hu Shunzhi's impeachment of Tang Ke was actually random bombing.)
At this time, the soldiers and civilians in Bianliang City also generally believed that Tang Ke was a vulgar official, cowardly and incompetent, and people even wanted to find opportunities to beat Tang Ke.

One night, Tang Ke went out in a sedan chair and was discovered by the people.

All the people threw bricks and tiles at Tang Ke, and even broke the lanterns he was lighting.

Under the protection of the guards, Tang Ke escaped by abandoning the bridge and riding a horse.

After returning home, Tang Ke immediately wrote a letter requesting resignation.

Zhao Huan felt that Tang Ke had lost people's hearts and was not suitable to continue to serve as prime minister, so he was removed from the position of young prime minister and asked him to serve as a scholar of Guanwendian, envoy and attendant of Zhongtaiyi Palace.

After Tang Ke was dismissed as prime minister, Zhao Huan appointed He Li as his servant and quasi-prime minister.

After Zhao Huan's readjustment, the new ruling ministers of the imperial court were: Ying He Li, Minister of the Menxia, ​​Sun Fu, Minister of the Privy Council of Tongzhi, Chen Guoting, Minister of Zhongshu, Li Hui, Youcheng of Shangshu, and Cao Fu, Minister of the Privy Council who signed the letter.

(Shangshu Zuocheng Feng Chen was left in the army by Wanyan Zonghan at this time.)
Now that Tang Ke has resigned as prime minister, He Li has returned to the court and become the quasi-prime minister. Sun Fu thought, why not listen to He Li's views on Guo Jing?
So Sun Fu immediately went to He Li and recommended Guo Jing to He Li.

After listening to Sun Fu's introduction to Guo Jing, He Li believed that the imperial court should actively encourage and strongly support anyone who is willing to take up arms and fight against the Jin people now that the enemy is at hand.

Therefore, He Li, Sun Fu and other ruling ministers studied and decided to allocate tens of thousands of money and silk to Guo Jing, so that he could recruit soldiers from the society on his own.

Guo Jing was immediately promoted from a vice capital to governor of Yanzhou, a military strategist, to control the soldiers of Liujia.

Guo Jing then used Tianqing Temple as the military headquarters, where he recruited troops with great fanfare.

A large flag was soon erected at the gate of Tianqing Temple, on which were written four striking characters - Liujiazhengbing.

It is not that no one has seen through Guo Jingnong's Liujia Zhengbing.

Sun Zhi, a member of Zhongshushe, clearly pointed out: Guo Jing offered the Liujia method to deceive the imperial court, and he was especially deceitful.

Sun Zhi also specially went to meet Guo Jing once, and said face to face: "There are more than a dozen people from the Academy, Zhongshu Province, and Houjie Division, all of whom have signed up to join the Liujia Army. They are all street children, how can they be worthy of battle?"

Guo Jing said: "They don't need to fight, as long as they collect gold and kill people."

Sun Zhi said again: "Then, who will kill the golden man and let them pick up the golden man's head?"

Guo Jing looked annoyed and did not answer Sun Zhi's words.

After listening to the question and answer of Sun Zhi and Guo Jing, Li Zeng and Li Zhuo, Li Zeng and Li Zhuo of Zhongshu She, all looked at each other and sighed.


Neither Zhao Huan, nor He Su, nor Sun Fu paid enough attention to Sun Zhi's words.

Or maybe, Zhao Huan and others also knew that Guo Jing might be a liar, but they felt that they really had no other better way to stop the Jin army from invading, so they pinned their hopes on Guo Jing and his Liujia soldiers.


(End of this chapter)

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