Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 617 The Battle of Cat and Mouse

Chapter 617 The Battle of Cat and Mouse (Please Subscribe!)

Many ministers think that Guo Jing is a liar, and Liujia Zhengbing is a joke, such as Tang Ke, Sun Zhi and others.

At the same time, many ministers believed that Guo Jing was a genius, such as Wang Zonglian, Sun Fu, He Li and others.

The ministers had different views on Guo Jing and attacked each other, which made Zhao Huan feel at a loss.

According to the Taoist classic "Tao Zang", Liujia Zhengbing is infinitely powerful. It can summon wind, cloud, thunder and lightning, break through military strongholds, make wooden oxen and horses, make people on the wall walk around, make all kinds of herbs bloom in winter, and ward off fire and water. Swordsmen can break through millions of people...

If Guo Jing really knows how to train Liujia Zhengbing, then what is the fear of the 10,000+ Jin army?
But the point is, will Guo Jing really know how to practice Liujia Zhengbing?
In order to thoroughly find out whether Guo Jing has mastered the art of Dunjia and whether he can save the Song Dynasty from the dire straits, Zhao Huan ordered Guo Jing to enter the palace and practice in front of the palace—Zhao Huan wanted to personally test the authenticity of this matter.

Guo Jing can make so many ministers believe in him, how can he have no "dao" at all?

After Guo Jing went to the palace, he personally drew a formation on the ground, and used the two corners of the formation as the "gate of life" and "gate of death".

After drawing the formation, Guo Jing asked people to place a cat and a mouse on the gate of life and the gate of death respectively.

The cat enters the formation through the gate of life, and the mouse enters the formation through the gate of death. Soon, the cat catches the mouse and eats it.

Guo Jing also asked people to put a cat and a mouse on the gate of death and the gate of life respectively.

The mouse enters through the gate of life, and the cat enters through the gate of death, but the cat can't find the mouse anyway, letting the mouse run around it.

After the rehearsal, Guo Jing said: "Using troops in this way, our army enters the way of life, and the bandits can't see it, so we can win."

Zhao Huan and the servants beside him were dumbfounded.

From then on, Zhao Huan began to believe in Guo Jing.

Guo Jing recruited Liujia Shenbing extensively in the city, and the progress was very smooth. There were many applicants, but he only needed 770 people.

Guo Jing's condition for recruiting soldiers is that he doesn't ask about his martial arts skills, his age, as long as his birth date meets Liujia.

The Liujia are: Jiazi, Jiayin, Jiachen, Jiawu, Jiashen, and Jiaxu.

There are many market children and idlers who have transformed into Liujia magic soldiers.

There was a man named Bo Jian who knew how to use sticks. He often set up venues on the streets on weekdays, earning a living by performing martial arts. Guo Jing hired him and asked him to be his instructor.

There is also a man named Liu Wuji, a Taoist who sells medicine. He often stands upside down in the mud and begs for money from passers-by.

Guo Jing has his own standards for recruiting soldiers. In addition to the yearly life must meet the Liujia, sometimes he needs to look at his face to decide whether to recruit.

A silk merchant came to sign up, determined to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and handed in a letter of request on the spot.

A military official wanted to accept the businessman as his deputy, but Guo Jing refused.

Because Guo Jing saw the ominous face of this businessman, and said to him bluntly: "Although the gentleman is talented, he will die in the first month of next year, and I am afraid that everyone will be affected."

He Li had recruited 5000 soldiers when he served in Kaifeng Mansion. Now that he has returned to the court to take on important responsibilities, he handed over the [-] troops to the leadership of Guo Jing.

As a result, these 5000 men and horses also became Liujia Shenbing.

Guo Jing ordered all the soldiers of the Six Armies to look different, and led them to show off in the city.

After seeing it, the residents of the capital, no matter how high or low they were, all jumped with joy, thinking that a god descended from heaven to help the Song Dynasty destroy the bandits.

Therefore, the people respected Guo Jing very much. When his name was mentioned, they all raised their foreheads with their hands and called him Mr. Guo.

On the other hand, people of insight were chilled by the court's enthusiasm for pretending to be gods and ghosts, and worried about the fate of the Song Dynasty.

Someone said to Sun Fu: "Since ancient times, no one has ever heard of this kind of success. The current court may listen to it. It is better to pay less soldiers. When they have merits of size, they should be promoted a little bit. The current entrustment is too much. If they fail, they must Shame on the court."

Sun Fu was very angry when he heard this, and said: "Guo Jing was born for the time. He knows everything about the trivial matters of the enemy. Fortunately, you told me this. If you tell others, you will be appointed as a teacher." crime."

Some people in Bianliang City, like Guo Jing, who have a little bit of magic, saw that Guo Jing was so glamorous, so they all started to imitate.

There was a lay monk named Fu Zhenglin, or Mr. Fu, who was called Mr. Fu. He offered advice to the court, saying that he had a way to defeat the enemy and wanted to recruit victorious soldiers.

The court agreed.

There are also some merchants and tricksters, such as Liu Zhujie, who sells medicine, who also claim to understand military affairs and have strategies to defeat the enemy, hoping to pull up the team.

The imperial court agreed to let them recruit their own troops.

As a result, there was a wave of recruiting in Bianliang City.

These teams have different names, some are called "Six Ding Lishi", some are called "Beidou Shenbing", some are called "Tianguan General", etc...

Of course, Zhao Huan and his ministers did not pin all their hopes on these "magic soldiers".

Zhao Huanjun and his ministers still asked the Quartet to send troops to Qin Wang as soon as possible.


Because there were too many defeats before, so that there were not many troops left in the Song Dynasty. In addition, after the Jin army took the Hedong area, Chen Bing was in Guanzhong, making it impossible for the Western army to rescue the capital. Wang Qiong and Zheng Jianxiong led eight thousand troops to serve the king.

Regarding this, Zhao Huanjun and his ministers were anxious and helpless, which also made many people more inclined to negotiate peace with the Jinren regardless of everything.

The golden army in Tokyo is gathering more and more, so many that they will soon cut off all the main roads to and from Tokyo, so that Zhao Huan and his ministers have given up hope for the arrival of King Qin's army.

But at this time, Zhang Shuye, the head of the South Road, led 3000 people to Qin Wang.

After a bloody battle, Zhang Shuye's troops managed to get to Bianliang City, and then entered Bianliang City to station in Yujin Garden.

At the beginning, when Zhong Shidao presided over the work of the Privy Council, he learned that Taiyuan and Zhending had fallen one after another, and he had a premonition that something was wrong. The Jin people might go south to cross the river again and besiege Bianliang City.

Therefore, Zhang Shuye and Qian Gai were ordered to lead their troops to Beijing for protection.

At that time, Zhang Shuye gathered a total of 15 soldiers from Jingxi South Road and Jingbei Road, and planned to march to the capital.

However, after the death of Zhong Shidao, Tang Ke and Geng Nanzhong wanted to negotiate peace with the Jin people, and did not want to engage in military confrontation with the Jin people, so they suggested canceling Zhong Shidao on the grounds that they had no food to support soldiers and did not send troops to the Jin people. The command.

Zhao Huan felt that Tang Ke and Geng Nanzhong had something to say, so he issued an imperial edict ordering Zhang Shuye and Qian Gai to stop advancing troops, and the troops that had already assembled were dispersed.

Not long ago, Zhang Shuye suddenly received a letter from Zhao Huan, saying that the Jin soldiers had arrived in the suburbs of Beijing, so he hurriedly led his troops to serve the king.

Zhang Shuye hastily summoned his troops again.

But in a hurry, Zhang Shuye only assembled 3000 people.

Zhang Shuye knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and if he waited any longer, he might not be able to catch up with King Qin.

Therefore, Zhang Shuye asked his eldest son Zhang Bofen to lead the front army, his second son Zhang Zhongxiong to lead the rear army, and himself to lead the central army, and immediately marched towards Tokyo.

When Zhang Shuye and his party arrived at Yingchang Mansion, they happened to meet Wang Xiang, the head of the West Road, leading the troops to flee south.

Zhang Shuye went to see Wang Xiang.

Wang Xiang asked, "Where does the public want to go?"

Zhang Shuye replied: "The Jin man has arrived in Jiaodian, and the Lord is restless at his seat. He wants to serve the king with soldiers."

Wang Xiang said: "The thieves are very strong, so don't go there."

Zhang Shuye didn't think so, he advised Wang Xiang to lead the troops to go to Beijing with him.

But Wang Xiang didn't listen.

Zhang Shuye then led the troops to set off from Yingchang Mansion and continue to advance to Tokyo.

When marching to Weishi County, Zhang Shuye and his entourage encountered Jin Junyou cavalry.

Without saying a word, Zhang Shuye led his army to fight the Jin army, and wiped out hundreds of enemies in one battle.

At this time, the main force of the Jin army had not yet reached the capital, and the rangers operating in the suburbs were all the vanguard of the Jin army on the East Road.

Along the way, Zhang Shuye led King Qin's army to fight the Jin people for a total of [-] times, and finally arrived outside the south gate of Bianliang City before the main force of the Jin army arrived at Bianliang City.

Wu Ge, who was ordered to go to Shaanxi to organize reinforcements, also returned to the city with Zhang Shuye.

After Wu Ge went out of the city a few days ago, he kept encountering Jinjun Rangers.

The people along the way told Wu Ge that the Jin army on the West Road was coming rapidly from west to east, and all the roads to Shaanxi were under the control of the Jin army.

Wu Ge then planned to return to Beijing.

Later, Wu Ge accidentally learned that Zhang Shuye was leading Qin Wang's soldiers from Yingchang Mansion to help the capital, so he went to join them, and then joined the army with Qin Wang.

The more than 1 Qin Wang soldiers brought by Zhang Shuye came in a timely manner, and they fought with the Jin army [-] times in a row, winning all of them.

Therefore, Zhao Huan went to Nanxun Gate to personally review the King Qin's army brought by Zhang Shuye.

Although Zhang Shuye's troops were not many in number, they were definitely a first-class force with a strict military appearance and awe-inspiring military discipline.

After Zhao Huan saw it, he was overjoyed, and that night he kindly received Zhang Shuye in Ruisi Hall.

Zhang Shuye suggested: "The enemy's front is very sharp. I hope that His Majesty can go to Xiangyang temporarily like Tang Minghuang did when he avoided Anlu Mountain, and then find a way to go to Yongzhou."

It should be said that the ministers who advised Zhao Huan to leave Tokyo temporarily at this time were all sober-minded, such as Zhong Shidao, Tang Ke, Sun Zhi and so on.

Zhang Shuye was also very clear-headed, and made this suggestion to Zhao Huan as soon as they met.

But at this time, it was already unrealistic for Zhao Huan to want to leave Bianliang City.

First of all, people in Bianliang City can't let Zhao Huan leave - in the eyes of many people, if Zhao Huan, the emperor, is in the city, Bianliang City still has some hope of keeping it, if Zhao Huan leaves, then Bianliang City will definitely be destroyed undoubtedly.And among these people, many of them are important ministers with heavy soldiers in their hands.On the other hand, many people's family members, relatives and friends are in Bianliang City, and it is unrealistic to take family members, relatives and friends to escape together. After all, their family members, relatives and friends include men, women, old and young. escape?As a result, they can only try to prevent Zhao Huan from leaving Bianliang City, because only in this way can they keep Bianliang City, their families, relatives and friends.

Secondly, the Jin army has already arrived at the city of Bianliang. If Zhao Huan runs away, he will definitely be chased and killed by the cavalry of the Jin army. ?

Again, Zhao Huan still has a kind of fluke mentality-he is lucky that Bianliang City can still stand still like last time, and the Jin people can't enter the city; or, Geng Nanzhong and Nie Chang went to the Jin Army to negotiate a success In other words, after the Jin people obtained the vast land on the north bank of the Yellow River, they immediately stopped marching and returned home; or, soon, King Qin's army would gather from all directions to confront the Jin army.



PS: I owed a lot of rewards and updates before, and I took a few days off this month. After calculation, I owe a lot of updates inside and out.

Returning it all, it seems that it is enough, the book has come to an end, if it is fast, it will be finished in three or two months, if it is slow, it will be four or five months.

The point is that there are too many trifles.

After thinking about it, how much can I pay back?

So, recently, if I have time, I try to write as much as possible and pay back.

(End of this chapter)

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