Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 633 Target Tokyo Bianliang City

Chapter 633 Target Tokyo Bianliang City (please subscribe!)


Zhao Huan came to Jinying with the purpose of asking Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Zongwang to reduce or exempt gold and silver.

However, Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Zongwang refused to see him. They ordered Xiao Qing to inform Zhao Huan: If there is no gold and silver, people and things will be used to pay for it.

Zhao Huan was shocked, and said: "I have no objection to repaying debts with things, and people can..."

Xiao Qing interrupted Zhao Huan and said: "I came here not to discuss with the emperor, but to inform the emperor. The second marshal has ordered:

The emperor, the crown prince, Kang Wang and all the royal men were all hostages and went north with the army.

With 500 court ladies, 500 female singers, 3000 craftsmen of various colors, and 500 million taels of silver silk every year, they will pay tribute to Dajin.

It was originally planned to reward the army with 100 million ingots of gold and 500 million ingots of silver, which must be delivered within three days.

If it is not enough, the Song court artifacts can be used as tribute. In addition, people can be used to fill the number. Concubines, concubines, and emperor concubines, each person is allowed one thousand ingots of gold; [-] ingots of gold for each person; [-] ingots of gold for a family concubine; [-] ingots of silver for a court lady, Cai girl, and clan wife; [-] ingots of silver for a clan woman and singing girl; One hundred ingots of silver.

Once the three days arrive, if the original bonus for the army cannot be handed over, the army will enter the city and the livestock will not be left behind. "

This was an unequal treaty that made the Song people feel extremely humiliated. The key point was that it was inconsistent with the promise of the Zhao family not to perish. If the Jin people really did not want to perish the Zhao family, how could they capture all the men of their old Zhao family?

Moreover, the Jinren didn't even try to hide it, showing its urgency.

Zhao Huan's heart went cold all of a sudden, Li Ruoshui said loudly: "You Jinren do not believe what you say, the second prince once promised in public that I will not destroy the orthodoxy of the Song Dynasty, how can you go back on your word!"

Without waiting for Xiao Qing to speak, a group of golden soldiers suddenly rushed forward and roughly tore the yellow robe off Zhao Huan's body.

Seeing this, Li Ruoshui rushed up desperately, hugged Zhao Huan and refused to let him take off his clothes, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, don't take off his clothes! This thief is acting recklessly. This is the true emperor of the dynasty. You must not be rude to kill a dog!"

At this time, Wanyan Zonghan led a large group of people in from the outside.

Seeing this, Li Ruoshui hugged Zhao Huan with his left hand, pointed at Wanyan Zonghan with his right hand and cursed.

Several gold soldiers rushed up and beat Li Ruoshui violently, until his mouth and face bled, and pulled him aside.

Li Ruoshui struggled to look back, only to see that Zhao Huan was finally stripped of his royal clothes, and he fell to the ground immediately.

Jin Bing escorted Zhao Huan and others out of the big account, and went to Wanyan Zonghan's Guoxiang Marshal's camp, where an incense table facing north had been set up.

Song officials were ordered to stand in a row, a hundred steps away.

Zhao Huan was escorted forward alone, and then Wanyan Xiyin bowed his head to the incense table twice.

Song officials were ordered to kneel down again and listened to Gao Qingyi read the imperial edict issued by Emperor Wanyan Wu Qimai of the Kingdom of Jin.

After listening to the imperial edict, the Song officials knew that Zhao Huan had been bought by Wanyan Wu and begged to become a commoner.

Yes, Zhao Huan was not abolished by Wanyan Zonghan or Wanyan Zongwang, but was abolished by Wanyan Wu and became a commoner.

There are two reasons why the Jin people did not slowly blackmail Zhao Huan and his ministers until the second year of Jingkang to abolish Zhao Song, but at the end of the first year of Jingkang.
The first reason is that Wanyan Wu's eldest son, Wanyan Zongpan, whose Jurchen name is Puluhu, has come to Wanyan Zonghan's camp from Shangjing.

Wanyan Zongpan heard that Wanyan Zongwang didn't want to abandon Zhao Song and change his surname, and said: "Why is the second prince private to Song, regardless of the great harm? There are still many soldiers in Song Dynasty, and the people's hearts are not gone. Now let go, there will be endless troubles. If you create a different surname, the country's power will change easily. Isn’t it a good plan to mix Xu and Tu together? Marshal Du Xie also agrees to abandon Zhao Song and give him another surname.”

Wanyan Zongwang said: "The Taizu stopped me from attacking the Song Dynasty, and the words are still in my ears. The Emperor respects this, so we are free. If the two of you insist on abolishing Zhao Song and establishing another surname, I can only reserve my opinion."

In other words, Wanyan Zongwang, who originally advocated not abolishing Zhao Song, abstained, so Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Zongpan began to plan to abolish Zhao Song.

The second reason is that Li Yan has already dispatched troops.

After Zhang Xian led the rear army to escort food, supplies, weapons and supplies to Jeju Prefecture, Li Yan immediately ordered: go out, and the target is Bianliang City, Tokyo.

Three days later.

Li Yan's former army was the right army, and went south from Kaide Mansion to attack the Weinan area controlled by the Jin army.

Li Yan took the left army as the left army, marched westward from Jeju Prefecture, and attacked the Dongming area controlled by the Jin army.

(The Ministry of Military Intelligence has already figured out the situation of the Jin Army's garrison. At present, the main force of the Jin Army is forming a Lianzhu village under Bianliang City, heading north to Weinan County, east to Dongming County, and west to Xun city ​​and county.

The characteristic of Lianzhu Village is that all the camps are closely connected like a string of beads, supporting each other and forming a whole, which cannot be easily broken down individually. Moreover, the fences of each camp are solid and there is no gap to take advantage of, which is very suitable for defense. )
Li Yan personally led the central army to serve as the rear of the left and right armies, and acted as reinforcements for the two armies.

In addition, Li Yan ordered Zhang Xian to lead the rear army to garrison in Jeju Prefecture, waiting for his further orders.

Soon, Liu Kai led the army and went straight to Huazhou.

However, Guo Hao and Yang Zaixing sent troops out of Guangji Army and went straight to Xingde Mansion-after Li Yan's adjustment, Guo Hao and Yang Zaixing's troops have been transferred to the left army.

It is impossible for the Jin army not to know that the Liangshan army put up such a big formation.

Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Zonghan dispatched troops to prepare for the battle, seized the time to destroy Zhao Song, and at the same time expanded the results of their southward march as much as possible.

Both the Liangshan Army and the Jin Army moved, making Zong Ze of the Generalissimo's Mansion ready to move too!
Today, the Grand Marshal’s Mansion has as many as 17 soldiers and horses—after Zhao Gou went south to Yingtian Mansion, the Hebei Xuanfu Envoy Fan Ne’s Department and the Beidao General Manager Zhao Ye’s Department, which had been waiting and watching in Nanjing, also belonged to the Grand Marshal’s Mansion .In addition, the Southeast Sixth Route Army (stationed in Sizhou) led by Weng Yanguo, the economic envoy of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian, also received orders from the Generalissimo's Mansion.In addition to these three large troops, there are also some small groups of troops, such as the more than 5000 Hebei soldiers led by Du Chong (there were originally more than 1, but they ran a lot on the road), such as Zhao Zisong's troops in Zhihuaining Prefecture, etc. Also come to the Grand Marshal's Mansion.In total, there are currently more than 17 soldiers in the Grand Marshal's Mansion.

In addition, news came out that Fan Zhixu, the envoy of Jiyingdian who compiled the Five Routes of Shaanxi Province, led 20 Western troops out of Tongguan and was heading towards Tokyo.

The above soldiers and horses gave Zongze confidence.

In Zongze's view, with these 40 to 10,000 troops, there is no problem at all in rescuing Tokyo. Song Dynasty can even get rid of the shame and leave behind all the [-]+ Jin troops who bullied Song people.

What's more, the Liangshan army over there has already started a war with the Jin army. They can join forces with the Liangshan army to destroy the Jin army first, and then plan how to drive the Liangshan army away.

Therefore, Zongze repeatedly asked Zhao Gou to order troops to be dispatched to relieve the crisis in Tokyo.

However, Zhao Gou did not respond to Zong Ze's request for a long time...


(End of this chapter)

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