Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 634 Like a tiger descending the mountain 1

Chapter 634 Like a tiger descending the mountain (please subscribe!)


The reason why Zhao Gou refused to agree to Zong Ze's request to send troops is actually because of his practical difficulties.

First of all, on the surface, Zhao Gou commanded an army of 17, but the actual situation was not like this.

Zhao Gou currently has not many soldiers and horses that he can really control, not even a third of them—most of the 17 troops are actually in the hands of Zhao Ye, Fan Ne, and Weng Yanguo.

Although Zhao Ye, Fan Ne, and Weng Yanguo received orders from the Grand Marshal's Mansion and were nominally affiliated to the Grand Marshal's Mansion, in fact they were somewhat incompatible with the Grand Marshal's Mansion—the soldiers and horses led by Zhao Ye and Fan Ne were stationed in Yingying District. The west and south of Tianfu did not allow Zhao Gou in the north to get involved at all, while Weng Yanguo simply led his own troops to station in Sizhou and did not report to Tianfu at all.

There are actually many people like Zhao Ye, Fan Ne, and Weng Yanguo.

Most of these people believe that in troubled times, heroes come from all directions, and those who have soldiers are the grass head kings.

This is also one of the important reasons why Zhao Gou extremely distrusts the military commanders in the future—these generals really like to support their troops.

Secondly, the 17 troops did not really obey Zhao Gou's command.

Take the rescue of Bianliang in Tokyo as an example.

Zhao Gou asked everyone to discuss when they can send troops to rescue Tokyo.


Some people advocate starting a war, suggesting to make an appointment with the divisions of the Qin Kings on a date, and march on the same day, and fight fiercely with the Jin army to determine the outcome.

Some people opposed the war. They believed that the Jin army only controlled the outer city wall and had not yet entered the city. If the war started now, the Jin army would be forced into the city.

Others believe that Zhao Huan once sent a wax edict, which has been clearly instructed (the Jin people can't go down the city, and they can make peace, but they can station troops near the Dian, and don't move lightly.), Zhao Huan's edict should be obeyed now, and wait and see what happens.

Thirdly, the composition of the 17 army is very complicated - some of them are thieves recruited for security, some of them are rout soldiers and army thieves gathered together, and there are also temporarily formed King Qin soldiers and militiamen.

One can imagine the military discipline and combat effectiveness of such a miscellaneous army.

In addition, the soldiers at the bottom, especially those who had been frightened by the defeat of the Jin army, were unwilling to fight with the Jin army again. For this reason, they even mutinied.

In fact, there have been two mutinies during this time.

For the first time, when we were in Xiangzhou, many rebel soldiers were unwilling to come to Yingtian Mansion with Zhao Gou, let alone start a war with the Jin Army. , Before dawn, secretly set fire to the north gate of the city and in front of the government office in an attempt to cause chaos, and then fled.

Thanks to Zhang Jun's quick response, he caught the rioters who set the fire in time, put out the fire, and then executed the rioters Ling Chi to suppress the mutiny.

After the army went south, some rebels who didn't want to go south tried to make trouble.

In the end, he was captured by Zhang Jun again, and then Ling Chi by Zhao Gou.

The two conspiracies in the army were smashed by Zhang Jun as soon as they emerged. Zhang Jun's keen insight and courage can be seen from this. This also shows that Zhang Jun is not as incompetent as the legend of later generations. It cannot be said that there is no reason at all for being the first of the four generals.

In fact, if you look through Zhang Jun's resume carefully, you will find that Zhang Jun also started his military career as a soldier, and worked hard step by step from the most basic level of the army.

It is really a test of Zhao Gou's courage to let Zhao Gou lead such a large army to compete with the powerful Jin army.

In fact, Zhao Gou is a guy who is strong outside but has no courage.

Of course, you can also say that Zhao Gou has a high political level, can endure, and will make the right choices.

In short, Zhao Gou chose according to the current actual situation, not to send troops for the time being, and then wait and see, and then make a decision.


The Song Army hesitated there, but the Liangshan Army went down the mountain like a tiger, especially the forward of the Left Army, which was the forward army composed of the first battalion and Guo Haoguo.

These more than 1 horses are all cavalry, and there is the invincible first battalion as the spearhead, so that the forward army is like a spear straight into Dongming County.

At the beginning of the battle with the Jin Army, the Xuanfeng Army picked eighteen Jin Battalions in a row, and beat the Jin Army into a daze.

If it weren't for Han Shizhong's three orders in a row after learning about the incident, the forward army was not allowed to charge forward. With the ferocious momentum before the selection of the forward army, they could reach the city of Bianliang in three days.

However, the premise is that they are not ambushed by the Jin army.

In fact, Wanyan Zongwang has already made corresponding deployments for the more than 1 selected forwards. If they advance aggressively like before, they are likely to suffer a big defeat. You know, Wanyan Zongwang is also a famous general in hundreds of battles. So easily defeated by Guo Hao and Yang Zaixing?
However, there are no ifs in war.

With the initial onslaught of the Left Front Army, it only took six days for the Left Army to take down Dongming County, and then point their sword at Bianliang City.

By the way, in Dongming County, Han Shizhong withdrew the first battalion that had been rushing before (Yang Zaixing refused to accept it, and asked Han Shizhong to reason, Han Shizhong said that he really couldn't control the sharp knife of the first battalion, so he simply returned the first battalion To Li Yan.), leaving only Guo Hao as the draft forward, and then continue to move forward-moving forward carefully.

Unlike the left army who quickly advanced to Dongming County, Liu Kai implemented a steady and steady style of play for the right army. Wherever he passed, he would definitely clean up all the Jin troops he encountered, and then go Advance forward, and never give the Jin army any flaws.

Therefore, the marching speed of the right army should be slower.

It was Wanyan Zonghan who fought against the right army.

Seeing the right army fighting so steadily, Wanyan Zonghan suddenly felt like a formidable enemy.

Therefore, while Wan Yan Zonghan controlled the army to retreat steadily, he was preparing for a decisive battle with the right army, preparing to defeat the right army in one fell swoop.

Wanyan Zonghan is not only the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army, but also the commander-in-chief of the Jin Army. Therefore, Wanyan Zonghan can't just focus on the Liangshan Right Army, but also the current overall situation.

At first glance, Wanyan Zonghan felt bad.

The current situation facing the Jin army is that the Liangshan army is to the north and east, the 30 army from the Song State Marshal's Mansion is to the south (the Grand Marshal's mansion claims to be only 17 in reality), and the 20 troops led by Fan Zhixu are to the west. Great Song Xijun (actually only [-]).

Looking at it this way, the situation of the Jin army is extremely bad, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops, among which there are 10,000+ Liangshan troops who have been undefeated in the Southern and Northern Wars.

In this case, even if he is as arrogant as Wanyan Zonghan, he can't help but panic.

In addition, the Golden Army has been fighting for nearly half a year since it dispatched troops in August.

Although Lian Zhan Lian Jie gave the Jin army a good momentum, but no matter the general or the soldier, no matter the spirit or physical strength, the Jin army was deeply tired and needed to rest.

Among them, Wanyan Zongwang, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Route Army, was the most exhausted—Wanyan Zongwang's exhaustion was not only because of the constant battles these years, but also because of his lust. Seriously overdrawn.

Therefore, Wanyan Zonghan didn't dare and didn't want to stay in Tokyo anymore.

Based on this, after Zhao Huan signed the unequal treaty unilaterally formulated by the Jin with his eyes closed because he was afraid of death, Wan Yan Zonghan immediately issued an ultimatum to the people in Bianliang City.

In other words, the Golden Army is ready to withdraw...


(End of this chapter)

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