Chapter 102
In ancient wars, the most important thing was that the soldiers and horses did not move, and the food and grass went first.There are two factors that determine whether a war can be won. One aspect is whether the army in front is brave in fighting, and the other aspect depends on whether the army transporting grain and grass in the rear can ensure the unimpeded flow of grain roads.

In the direction of Xuzhou, there are a full 40 troops fighting in front. Soldiers cannot fight hungry, so how to ensure the smooth flow of grain roads is very important.Therefore, the person who supervised the transportation of grain must be Yuan Shao's confidant.

Chunyu Qiong didn't say how capable he was, but he was someone Yuan Shao absolutely trusted.Back then, Chunyu Qiong was one of the Eight Captains of Xiyuan under Emperor Ling's command.From then on, he was the loyal dog by Yuan Shao's side.He is not very capable, but he is absolutely loyal to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao is the fourth generation and the third prince, Chunyu Qiong followed Yuan Shao but it was a mixed bag.He also knows his own business, and he still knows how capable he is, so he has always been doing work such as supervising the transportation of food and grass.

Not to mention whether Chunyuqiong is doing well or not, but this person is really good at being a man. Since Yuan Tan came, he can be said to have taken care of this little master properly.

Cao County, this place is about three hundred miles away from Yecheng.The grain, grass, ordnance, luggage and other things that have been transported since the Yuan Shao site was raised will be transported here first, and then transported to the front line through Cao County.

Chunyuqiong and Yuan Tan were sitting in Cao County at this time, and countless transport troops transporting food, grass and military equipment slowly drove from Cao County to Xuzhou.The route of grain and grass is almost all Yuan Shao's territory, and it is basically impossible to encounter attacks in these places.As long as Chunyu Qiong guarded the base camp of Cao County, then the grain roads in the rear would basically have no hidden dangers.

Chun Yuqiong is a good drinker, and Yuan Tan was very lecherous when he was young and strong, and the two of them had a lot of wine, sex and wealth.

Cao County is only three hundred miles away from Yecheng, and it is the hinterland of Yuan Shao's territory. Because of this, the defense here is not strict.The common people can still go out as much as they want, besides, there are countless carts full of military equipment, food and grass coming in and out of the north and south gates every day.

At the same time, a grain transportation team of about 3000 people was slowly moving towards Cao County on the periphery of Cao County [-] miles away.

Naturally, this grain transport team was not a serious grain transport team, but a disguise of the [-] white-robed troops led by Chen Qingzhi.They first sneaked into Yuan Shao's territory by day and night. A few days ago, they happened to meet a grain transportation team heading for Cao County.

So Chen Qingzhi ordered the soldiers to besiege and kill the food transport team, and then asked his soldiers to pretend to be them, and just swaggered to the vicinity of Cao County.

You must know that this expedition against Yuan Shao in Xuzhou can be said to have been exhausted, and the food, grass and weapons needed by the 50 army can be described as massive.Naturally, the food and grass were brought in from all over the country, so the troops transporting the food and grass naturally didn't know each other.Because of this, it can be regarded as creating excellent conditions for Chen Qingzhi to mix into Cao County.

Cao County.

At this moment, Chen Qingzhi brought his white-robed army, disguised as a food transport team, to the city of Cao County.There are countless food transportation teams that come and go in and out of Cao County every day, so Chen Qingzhi and the others entered the city smoothly without encountering any interrogation.

It was evening when Chen Qingzhi entered the city, and this timing was carefully chosen by him.After handing over the grain and grass, it was already dark.The soldiers were led to settle in the barracks in the city.

As night fell, Chen Qingzhi and Yuwen Chengdu quietly sneaked out of the barracks.

Cao County, the government office.

Jin Yiwei's hidden stake buried in Cao County has begun to move, and their mission today is to cooperate with Chen Qingzhi in kidnapping Yuan Tan.Yuan Tan is Yuan Shao's son, once Yuan Tan is in his hands, then this matter will be very promising.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

In the alleys outside the Cao County Government Office, more than a dozen Jin Yiwei's hidden piles have quietly lurked near the Government Office.The situation is urgent, and this is already the maximum force Jin Yiwei can mobilize near Cao County.

"Da da da."

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and Chen Qingzhi and Yu Wencheng, who were wearing Yuan Jun's armor, came out from the depths of the alley.

"General Chen."

"General Yuwen." The people of Jinyiwei hurriedly bowed when they saw the two of them.

In the Cao county government office, Chunyu Qiong and Yuan Tan were drinking and having fun, and the best singer in the city was dancing in the main hall.

"Are Yuan Tan and Chunyu Qiong inside?" Chen Qingzhi asked in a deep voice.

Although the guards in the Cao County Government Office were not strictly guarded, there would definitely be disturbances if they forced their way in. Once the defenders in the city were alarmed, they would become shackles.

Chunyuqiong is the grain supervisor in name, so this Cao County seat is also Chunyuqiong's residence.And Yuan Tan doesn't live here, he has his own house in the city.

Chen Qingzhi was waiting, he was waiting for Yuan Tan to come out, and he had to kidnap Yuan Tan on his way back to his house, so as not to alarm the defenders in the city.

Chen Qingzhi knew in his heart that he had to do something tonight, and that these foreign food transport soldiers had to leave the city at dawn tomorrow. Once they left the city, they would have no chance to do it.

The group waited for more than an hour outside the Cao county government office before they saw a man with the appearance of a son-in-law staggering out of the government office.

Yuan Tan's carriage had been waiting outside the Cao county government office for a long time, Yuan Tan got into the carriage as soon as he came out, and the carriage drove towards Yuan Tan's house.

"Follow." As soon as the carriage moved, Chen Qingzhi waved his hand and ordered everyone to follow.

The carriage drove to a deserted alley, and Chen Qingzhi and his group immediately surrounded it.

"Fire arrows."

Chen Qingzhi saw that there was no one around, and after a while, the Jinyiwei spies aimed the bow and crossbow in their hands at the guards around the carriage.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

There was a sound of string vibration, and countless arrows pierced through the darkness, shooting towards the guards around the carriage.After a burst of arrows, all the guards around the carriage, including the groom, fell to the ground.

The carriage was walking and stopped suddenly.In the carriage, the drunken Yuan Tan was jolted suddenly, and he came to his senses.

"What's going on." Yuan Tan opened the door curtain of the carriage, and stretched out half of his body to see what happened.

"This..." Yuan Tan stretched out his head and couldn't help but turn pale with shock when he saw the corpses all over the floor. Just as he was about to shout out, he felt a piercing chill on his neck.

"If you don't want to die, don't shout." The sword in Yu Wencheng's hand was already on Yuan Tan's neck.

A young man like Yuan Tan, who is greedy for wine and sex, is not a tough guy, and Yuan Tan's legs are limp at the moment when the knife is placed on his neck.

"Do not kill me!"

"Don't kill me!" Yuan Tan begged for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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