Chapter 101
On Xuzhou's side, 40 Yuan troops attacked Xuzhou. This battle was fought in darkness, and the sun and the moon were dark.There were only blood and corpses left in the entire city of Xuzhou, even so, Yu Qian did not make Yan Liangwen ugly at all.

Xuzhou City is like an insurmountable moat. No matter how Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Lan attack, it will always be difficult to get off Xuzhou.

At the beginning of the battle, Yu Qian's role was revealed, and he was really a rare defender at this time.After passing the city wall he had defended, all kinds of defensive ordnance were in order. Under such a tight and mechanized defense, Yan Liang Wenchou suffered big losses in Xuzhou City many times.

Xuzhou is playing lively, but Xiaopei is extraordinarily calm.At this time, although Li Chen and Cao Cao were in a tense confrontation, neither of them took the initiative to attack.

Each other, both sides are waiting, waiting for the best time to attack.

Qiao County, Cao Jun Camp.

At this moment, Boss Cao was a little anxious.Originally, they planned to wait for Yan Liangwenchou from Xuzhou to come up with some clues, and plan to attack when Li Chen's army's morale was slackened.But who would have known that Yan Liangwen Chou fought here for a few days and left countless corpses under Xuzhou City, but he didn't take advantage of it at all.

Almost all the soldiers under Li Chen's command were Xuzhou soldiers. Once Yan Liangwenchou captured Xuzhou, or gained the upper hand slightly.The wives and children of the soldiers under Li Chen's command are all in Xuzhou, so the morale of the soldiers will naturally be weakened by then.

But now it seems that Yan Liangwen Chou is just a fancy to two silver gun barrels and wax gun heads. The 40-strong army looks mighty, but Xuzhou City, which is guarded by 7 to [-] people, can't take it down.

The name of Hebei Four Court Columns is extremely big. What are Four Court Columns? They are the four pillars that support the house. Without these four pillars, the house would collapse.

The meaning of Hebei Sitingzhu means that Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Gao Lan and Zhang Yun are the pillars of Yuan Shao's territory.The pillars are here, what you have is a thatched cottage.

"My lord, don't wait any longer. If you want to fight, fight as soon as possible. If you don't fight, I'm afraid you won't have a chance." Guo Jia looked at the military map with a serious face, and for some reason, he always felt a little ominous in his heart.

In fact, Guo Jia wanted to persuade Cao Cao to send troops, but things have reached this point.The military rations have already arrived, and all the troops in the rear have been mobilized. If they just withdraw at this time, it will be more or less reconciled.

Seeing Guo Jia's appearance, Cao Cao couldn't help but "click" in his heart.

Who is Guo Jia, the genius Guo Jia, the number one counselor in the early period of the Three Kingdoms.In the past, every time a battle started, he always looked like he had the chance to win, anticipating the enemy's opportunity first.But Guo Jia's appearance now doesn't look like he has confidence in his heart.

"Feng Xiao, is there anything you and I can't say? If you have something on your mind, you can tell me." Cao Cao hurriedly asked Guo Jia.

Guo Jia nodded, and said to Cao Cao solemnly: "My lord, Li Chen is still as safe as Mount Tai at this time. I always feel that he has something behind him. Yan Liangwen and Chou's 40 troops attacked Xu, and Xuzhou remained motionless after so many days .”

"With the mobilization of such a large army, if you don't win, you will lose. Let alone the battle between us and Li Chen at this time, Yuan Jun is already bound to lose."

"If we want to fight, we must fight quickly. We can't procrastinate any longer. We must defeat Xiaopei before Yuan Jun is defeated. If not, Li Chen wins Yuan Jun, and we will be next."

Guo Jia's words made Cao Cao very puzzled. Guo Jia actually thought that Li Chen could defeat Yuan Jun, which made Cao Cao never think of it.You know, with such a disparity in the strength of the two sides, Li Chen's main force was restrained by them.Under such a situation, how could Li Chen win.

The situation in Xuzhou is not a secret to Cao Jun. Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Lan have been attacking Xuzhou City for seven or eight days.These days, [-] to [-] corpses have been left behind, but they haven't even climbed to the top of Xuzhou City.

Yan Liangwenchou held an army of 40 and could not conquer Xuzhou, which was guarded by 7 or [-] people. This is indeed the meaning that people think that the Four Court Columns in Hebei are a bit of a vain name.

But Xuzhou City is as stable as Mount Tai, and it's okay to defend the city, but it must be impossible to let these 7 or [-] people go out of the city to fight Yan Liangwen and Chou in the field.Since it is impossible for the army in Xuzhou City to leave the city, where did the theory of Yuan Jun's defeat come from?

Cao Cao couldn't figure it out, and was about to ask, when Guo Jia said, "My lord, Li Chen must have a backhand, but I still can't guess what his backhand is. If my lord believes me, I'd better hurry up." Attack Xiao Pei."

It has to be said that Guo Jia's sensitivity to the battlefield is really beyond ordinary people.From many unusual places on the battlefield, he can perceive points that some people have not noticed.Although he couldn't figure out what kind of backhand made Li Chen so calm, but he also knew that once this backhand was revealed, it would be earth-shattering.

Cao Cao naturally believed Guo Jia's words, and even had a superstitious belief in Guo Jia's words.For the rest of the counselors, even if Cao Ren said that he went to ten rounds, it might not be as useful as Guo Jia's last sentence.Cao Cao was obedient to Guo Jia's words, so it was no surprise this time.

Boss Cao thought to himself, our mastermind has given us a quick fight, so let's fight quickly.

"Where is Cao Ren?" Cao Cao shouted.

"The last general is here." Cao Ren stood up to receive the order.

"Order all the ministries to assemble and send troops to Xiaopei tomorrow. We will only fight for seven days, and Xiaopei will be dispatched within seven days. Capture Xiaopei and reward the entire army." Cao Cao's order was issued.

"No." Cao Ren bowed his hands and accepted the order.

Cao Cao's order was conveyed, and the whole Qiao County was moved.A full 20 troops were dispatched to advance towards Xiaopei.

This battle can be said to be Cao Cao's desperate battle. In order to gather the 20 troops, Xun Yu even allocated [-]% of Xu Du's guards to the front line.If this battle is lost, Cao Cao will have to cultivate his health and rest for at least three to five years.


As soon as Cao Jun moved, Li Chen immediately received the news.Fighting Li Chen with Cao Cao is not afraid. Although Cao Cao has assembled an army of 20, he is the one who defends the city. The 40 yuan army could not attack Xuzhou, and the 20 army could not attack Xiaopei either.

Li Chen was waiting, while Chen Qingzhi had already set off for a few days.Whether it's Xiaopei or Xuzhou, they only need to defend now, as long as Chen Qingzhi's dark son is shocked, then it's time for Li Chen to switch from defense to offense.

After this battle, Li Chen's name will surely be heard throughout the world. Li Chen is going to step on Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, the strongest in the world, the two biggest stepping stones, step by step towards the top of the power of the big man.

(End of this chapter)

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