Chapter 100 Three-Party War
In the main hall, Li Chen looked at Chen Qingzhi and couldn't help checking his data.

[White-robed Army God Chen Qingzhi: Strength 79, Intelligence 95, Commander 99, Politics 94.Special skills, blitzkrieg. 】

Looking at Chen Qingzhi's data, Li Chen couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.The data can't be fooled, the commander is as high as 99, and the special skills of blitzkrieg.It is enough to prove that Chen Qingzhi is not only a general, but a real handsome talent.

Chen Qingzhi's special skill is blitzkrieg. There is no doubt that this surprise attack on Yecheng is in line with Chen Qingzhi's housekeeping skills.

Cao, Yuan, and Li each have their own plans, and all parties are preparing for the next round of offensive. The entire Xuzhou is calm on the surface, but in fact it is undercurrents.

Half a month later, Yuan Jun had sent troops to Xuzhou, and the army was on its way to Xuzhou.

Qiao County, Sheriff's Mansion.

There was silence in the main hall, and there was no sound, it could be said that the drop of a needle could be heard.Cao Cao paced back and forth, seemingly restless.

Cao Cao walked to the map, glanced at the generals, pointed to the map and said: "Now Yuan Shao's 40 troops are less than three days away from Xuzhou. Ju Yi and Zhang Xi led [-] troops and came straight to Xiaopei. .Once Ju Yi cuts off Li Chen's way of returning to aid, then Xuzhou will fall into an extremely dangerous situation."

"Everyone, why hasn't this Li Chen returned?"

Cao Cao is confused, he had lucky three daughters-in-law from other people's family last night, but he still didn't think why Li Chen didn't come back to help.

Cao Cao felt that Li Chen was really overpowering him.Every move of Li Chen's chess, he couldn't figure out why he made such a move.He really thought that Li Chen would go like this, but Li Chen just didn't go like that.

At this time, Cao Ren went out and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. From what I see, Li Chen will withdraw his troops within three days. By then, Xiao Pei will be in our pocket."

"Fengxiao, what do you think?" Cao Cao couldn't figure it out, so he could only place his hope on his backbone, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

At this time, Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao, who was given the nickname Ghost Talent by this person, also frowned.He is known as a ghost, precisely because he acts unpredictable and unexpected.But now after fighting against Li Chen, he realized that Li Chen's actions are truly unconstrained.If Guo Jia is said to be on the fifth floor, then Li Chen is simply in the atmosphere.

Guo Jia pondered for a long time, then frowned and said, "Master, let's prepare to face Li Chen's army alone."

"What does Feng Xiao mean by that?" Cao Cao asked hastily.

Guo Jia looked at Cao Cao and said solemnly, "I think Li Chen might not return to help Xuzhou?"

"A military commander can't, can't he? He lost the land of Xuzhou and insisted on guarding the land of Xiaopei. Isn't he, Li Chen, throwing watermelons to pick up sesame seeds?" Cao Ren stood up and said.

"I'm a little uncertain about Li Chen's behavior, but if he doesn't move now, he probably won't move anymore. Everyone, get ready to attack Xiao Pei." Guo Jia said in a deep voice.

As the saying goes, overwhelmed water is hard to reconcile, and there is no turning back when there is no turning back. The matter has reached this level, no matter whether Li Chen will return to help Xuzhou, this battle must be fought.If not, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Cao Cao also understood this, and immediately sent an order: "Order Cao Pi to supervise the transportation of the army for two months within seven days, and order Xun Yu to gather 20 soldiers and horses for the front line for me no matter what. Put on your armor and bring your armor to the front line."

Xuzhou, Yunlong Hall.

"Brother Ting Yi, Yan Liangwen Chou led an army of 40 to Xuzhou, and it is less than three days away from Xuzhou." Chen Deng looked at Yu Qian beside him, and said worriedly.

At this time, the soldiers and horses in Xuzhou City were only 40 soldiers and horses, even if the captives of Cao Jun who had just been incorporated into the array were counted.The enemy army has a full [-] troops, and the leader is a famous general like Yan Liangwen Chou.

"Brother Yuanlong, don't worry, deploy the defense according to my deployment plan. Let alone a 40 army, even if he comes with 60 troops, Xuzhou City will be as stable as Mount Tai." Yu Qian's tone was sonorous and forceful.

After these days of preparation, Xuzhou City has been transformed by Yu Qian like an iron bucket.All kinds of ordnance used to defend the city are well arranged, and even many large tanks have been turned upside down in the city, so as not to prevent the enemy from digging tunnels.

three days later.

Yan Liangwen and Chou led an army of 40 to Chen Bing under the city of Xuzhou, but no matter how they called the battle, Yu Qian was all up for avoiding the battle.No matter how they yelled and scolded in the city, Yu Qian never went out of the city to fight.

Under the city of Xuzhou, Yuan Jun camped.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Gao Lan are discussing.There is no one in Xuzhou City to fight, since it doesn't make any sense to delay like this, so at this time they already have the intention of attacking.

"Tomorrow, [-] troops will be left to guard the camp. You and I will each lead [-] troops to storm the city gates on the east, west, and south sides. Within seven days, Xuzhou must be conquered." Yan Liang said loudly.

At this time, Yuan Jun had just arrived in Xuzhou, and after a day of yelling and scolding, there was no one in Xuzhou city to fight.They only thought that the people in Xuzhou City were afraid of them, and Yuan Jun's morale was at its peak at this time.

"Okay, I will do as you say." Wen Chou and Gao Lan responded in unison.

Since ancient times, siege and playing mahjong have been the same, and there have always been three missing one.

Siege is called siege. There are four gates in the city wall, and there must be a gap in the siege.If the enemy is encircled on all sides, then the enemy will have no way out, and they will rise up and resist with the determination to break through.

On the contrary, if a gap is deliberately left, the enemy will have a way out, and will be vacillating between fleeing and fighting to the death, which will inevitably distract the enemy's troops.To attack three directions and leave one direction is to leave a way for the enemy to retreat.

Early the next morning, an army of 30 launched a tragic siege on Xuzhou.

The 30 army shouted and launched an attack on Xuzhou City from three directions. For a while, the entire Xuzhou City was surrounded by screams and killings.

However, in the sound of shouting and killing like a stormy sea, Xuzhou City remained motionless like a pillar of the sky.

As the saying goes, a mule is drawn out by a horse, which is so powerful that it is useless and useless. An army of 30 stormed Xuzhou, but Xuzhou City remained motionless.After fighting all day, Yu Qian let Yan Liangwen Chou, the two so-called Hebei famous generals, know what tough bones are.

The entire city of Xuzhou was devastated, and there were piles of corpses on the ground. These corpses were shot like porcupines, and their bodies were full of arrows.

All the corpses under the city, black blood, and siege equipment that were burned to ashes.The air smelled of blood and gunpowder.

After fighting for a whole day, 30 troops were invested, and tens of thousands of casualties were paid, but none of Yuan Jun climbed up the city wall.

It's true that after paying such a high price, Yuan Jun spent a whole day on the city wall of Xuzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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