Chapter 99
Xiaopei, Sheriff's Mansion.

Li Chen was sitting in the main hall, while the civil servants and generals were sitting in the hall.

The news that Yuan Shao sent 50 troops to Liu Bowen had already been disclosed to them, and everyone knew that it was the best choice to evacuate Xiaopei at this time.

The faces of civil and military personnel in the hall were all gloomy and uncertain, no one wanted to give up on Xiao Pei, but at this moment they had no choice.The generals under Li Chen's command in Yuwen Chengdu are fine, but Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others are not feeling well.

Xiaopei City was bought by Lu Bu with his life, but now they are leaving Xiaopei behind.

Lu Lingqi was dressed in red armor, and she was heroic.After several in-depth exchanges with Li Chen, he now has some feelings for Li Chen.After all, does time make love? (Day here is a verb.)
Seeing that Li Chen hadn't spoken, Zhang Liao looked around and stood up and said, "Marshal Dian, it's time to evacuate Xiaopei and stick to Xuzhou."

Zhang Liao thought that Li Chen was thinking about the emotions of the generals under Lu Bu, so he didn't mention the evacuation of Xiaopei.Let Zhang Liao bring up this matter, so as not to embarrass Li Chen.

"No, Xiaopei won't retreat, I will defend Xiaopei." Li Chen raised his head, looked at the generals and said firmly.

"Well, my father's hatred is not in a hurry. If we lose the army, the gain will not be worth the loss." Lu Lingqi also stood up at this time.

Although Lu Lingqi wanted to avenge her father, she also didn't want Li Chen to be defeated.You know, Li Chen is his only hope now, if Li Chen loses, her father's revenge will really be impossible.

"My lord, don't be arrogant." At this time, Liu Bowen stood up and shouted.

"My lord." All the generals came out, just about to persuade them.At this time, Li Chen interrupted everyone and said: "Don't talk, wait, wait for someone."

Li Chen sat in the hall, and below the hall were civil and military officials.The entire hall was silent, everyone was waiting, they wanted to see who Li Chen was waiting for.

Since Li Chen defeated Cao Jun, most of the people who had fled returned home.In this chaotic world, Xiaopei City has also recovered a bit of prosperity.The hustle and bustle, the sound of hawking, the city also has the breath of life at this time.

Outside Xiaopei city.

An army of 3000 men was marching towards Xiaopei. This army was all in silver-white armor with white cloaks behind it. The leader was a white-robed Confucian scholar.

Seeing a white-robed army inexplicably appearing outside the city, Xiao Pei's defenders couldn't help feeling nervous.Just at this moment, the leading Confucian scholar rode alone to the foot of Xiaopei city, and shouted to the city: "Chen Qingzhi led three thousand white-robed troops to join the commander-in-chief, please inform me."

"Just wait, I'll go to report when I'm here." After the guards on the city said, they dashed down from the city wall and headed towards the county guard's mansion inside the city.

Xiaopei, Sheriff's Mansion.

"Report" saw the people who came to report galloping into the main hall, knelt on one knee and said, "Report to Commander-in-Chief, three thousand troops and horses have come from outside the city, and the leader calls himself Chen Qingzhi, saying he is here to join you."

Hearing Chen Qingzhi's arrival, Li Chen slowly opened his eyes and woke up from his doze.

Li Chen smiled lightly, and said, "Military Master, the one who breaks the game is here."

"Chen Qingzhi, meet the Commander-in-Chief." Chen Qingzhi greeted Li Chen as soon as he saw him.

"Military division, please listen to Chen Qingzhi and tell him about the current battle situation, and see what countermeasures he has." Li Chen looked at Liu Bowen and said softly.

Hearing Li Chen's order, Liu Bowen told Chen Qingzhi about the current battle situation, and even the generals all listened attentively.

After Liu Bowen finished speaking, everyone turned their attention to Chen Qingzhi, and everyone wanted to hear what Chen Qingzhi, whom Li Chen called a breaker, could do.

Chen Qingzhi didn't hesitate, and as soon as Liu Bowen's words fell, Chen Qingzhi said, "Marshal Dian, at this time, we should send out surprise troops to take Yuan Shao's old nest, Ye City."

Liu Bowen: "????"

All the generals: "????"

Everyone's eyes were on Chen Qingzhi, just like the SKT coach looked at shy brother back then. (To popularize science, Brother Shy went to skt to fight hard in the jungle. The coach of skt asked Brother Shy what should you do after you finished clearing the jungle. Brother Shy said, go to the opposite jungle area to kill the opposing jungler solo.)
Chen Qingzhi's answer was completely beyond everyone's expectations. Yecheng is Yuan Shao's hinterland, and it is not an easy matter to take Yecheng directly.

Seeing his colleagues looking at him like fools, Chen Qingzhi explained: "Master Dian, it is true that Yuan Shao launched an attack with an army of 50. Although it is so powerful, it has actually exhausted all its troops. At this time, in Yuan Shao's territory, except for the defenders at various passes, I am afraid that there is not much troops to mobilize."

"At this time, Yecheng and even the entire territory of Yuan Shao is almost empty. As long as we bypass a few passes, we will be able to take Yecheng directly. Since ancient times, there has been a plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao. As long as our cavalry appears in Yecheng Under the circumstances, Yuan Shao will definitely send the army back to help, then I can rest assured and fight Cao Cao."

"Yecheng is Yuan Shao's base camp, and it is run by him like an iron bucket. Moreover, Xiaopei is far away from Yecheng, how can he infiltrate safely?" At this time, Zhang Liao came out and asked.

Chen Qingzhi replied: "Commander Dian, there are not many surprise raiders. I have [-] white-robed troops in my headquarters to take on the important task. When you are still far away from Yecheng, you can go out day and night to approach Yecheng. If you enter Yuan Shao's hinterland, Then we can pretend to be the broken soldiers who came down from the front line and continue to advance."

"Marshal Dian, if I, Chen Qingzhi, dare to issue a military order, I will definitely be able to break through to the vicinity of Ye City and force Yuan Jun to retreat."

Chen Qingzhi is proficient in blitzkrieg and surprise warfare, and he has some confidence in the surprise attack on Yecheng.

"Chen Qingzhi." Li Chen shouted loudly.

"The end is here." Chen Qingzhi cupped his hands and said.

"I ordered you to lead three thousand white-robed troops to send troops to attack Yecheng by surprise. If you win this battle, you will be the first." Li Chen said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Commander Dian, the general will not disappoint Commander Dian." Chen Qingzhi promised.

"Yuwen Chengdu." Li Chen ordered again.

"The end is here." Yu Wencheng came out to listen to the order.

"You go to General Chen Qingzhi's tent to listen to the order, and you must protect him no matter what." Li Chen said seriously.

Chen Qingzhi is a Confucian general, and his own martial arts are not outstanding.Raiding Yecheng is a dangerous thing, and with Yuwen Chengdu, a fierce general with undue bravery, it will be safer to some extent.

"No." Yu Wencheng said respectfully.

Seeing that Li Chen specially arranged for Yuwen Chengdu to protect him, Chen Qingzhi was very moved.He couldn't help but secretly made a decision in his heart, he must not disappoint the commander in chief.This trip is bound to give Dian Shuai a big surprise.

"Everyone, stick to Xiaopei and wait for the good news from General Qingzhi." Li Chen glanced at the generals and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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