Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 98 White Robe Army God Chen Qingzhi

Chapter 98 White Robe Army God Chen Qingzhi

"Fengxiao, write back to Yuan Benchu. He said that I, Cao Mengde, was willing to serve him and Yuan Benchu ​​as the leader of the alliance, and I must obey the leader's orders." Cao Cao clapped his hands and laughed.

Yuan Shao has a good name, so Cao Cao gave him this name.As for the so-called obedience, it is naturally impossible.

Although Cao and Yuan formed an alliance, to put it bluntly, they still fight their own way.Cao Cao beat his Xiaopei, and Yuan Shao beat his Xuzhou. Let alone whether the two sides can support each other, it would be great if they could not stumbling each other.

The reason why Cao Cao was able to defeat Yuan Shao repeatedly was because Cao Cao had changed, and Yuan Shao was still the boy he was back then, without any change.Cao Cao knew Yuan Shao too well, even better than Yuan Shao himself.

This time, as soon as Cao Cao's reply letter reached Yecheng, it meant that Cao Yuan and Yuan had formally formed an alliance, and the two sides would jointly attack Li Chen.

Xiaopei, in the newly built Sheriff's Mansion.

"Marshal Dian, the information of Jin Yiwei." Liu Bowen handed the post in his hand to Li Chen.

Li Chen took the post from Liu Bowen's hand, before he finished reading the post, Li Chen frowned tightly.

"Yuan Shao raised 50 troops and came to Xuzhou." Li Chen looked at Liu Bowen and said with a heavy tone.

Thanks to the establishment of Jinyiwei, Yuan Shao's side had just started military mobilization, and Jinyiwei had already received the information.So when Cao Cao received Yuan Shaomeng's post, Li Chen also received the information from Jin Yiwei.

Liu Bowen didn't read the information sent by Jin Yiwei beforehand. Hearing what Li Chen said, Liu Bowen couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

After pondering for a few breaths, Liu Bowen said in a slightly heavy tone: "My lord, I'm afraid Xiao Pei will give up."

Hearing this, Li Chen didn't get together, and his face became even more gloomy: "Xuzhou has Yu Qian, let alone Yuan Shao's army of 50, even a million cavalry is as stable as Mount Tai. Does the military commander think that we can't defend Xiaopei?" live?"

Li Chen is still clear about the strength of Yu Qian and Yu Shaobao.In the Battle of Tumubao, the Ming Dynasty's 50 troops were wiped out.Oirat's 60 troops attacked, and Yu Qian was able to defend the capital with [-] recruits.

Today, Xuzhou still has 50 soldiers and horses, and Cao Jun has more than [-] prisoners, while Yuan Jun has only [-] troops.Compared to Yu Qian's battle of fame in hell in his previous life, the first battle in Xuzhou was at best an elite level of difficulty.

Liu Bowen looked at Li Chen, and said with piercing eyes: "My lord, if people are lost in the city, all people are in the city, but if the city is alive and people are dead, then the city is lost and people are dead."

Liu Bowen's words were very clear, and Li Chen naturally understood what Liu Bowen meant.

At this time, fighting on two fronts is not good for Li Chen.Even if Xuzhou and Xiaopei were able to defend, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao both retreated in the end.Even if the armies of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are exhausted now, they just need to recuperate for a few years.

But what about Li Chen?Once the troops in Li Chen's hands are exhausted.So even if Yuan Shao and Cao Cao withdrew, then Xuzhou would be a piece of fat to the rest of the people, and it would be an undefended piece of fat.

Liu Bowen believes that he simply gave up on Xiaopei, and then stuck to Xuzhou.Cao Cao won Xiaopei, so he was unable to attack Xuzhou for the time being, and when Yuan Shao saw Li Chen's army returning, he would definitely withdraw his army, and would not fight against Li Chen's main force, lest he would make Cao Cao a wedding dress.

"Hey." Li Chen couldn't help sighing, he knew in his heart that Liu Bowen was right.Abandoning Xiaopei is the wisest choice now.

50 troops, this Yuan Shao can actually raise 50 troops.Sure enough, the efforts of the four generations of his ancestors are far beyond what a self-made man like himself can compare.

To be honest, Li Chen didn't want to give up on Xiao Pei.Not only because it was saved by Lu Bu with his life, but also because Xiaopei was the hometown of Li Chen in his previous life.For this, he has an inexplicable feeling.

However, as the master of one party.No matter when Li Chen can't let his sensibility override his rationality, after thinking about it, he decided to give up Xiaopei.

"Go, call the generals to raise their accounts." Li Chen said to Liu Bowen with a slightly heavy tone.

After Liu Bowen left, Li Chen fell into deep thought.He was thinking of a way to break the situation, but it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Now Cao and Yuan have sent more than [-] troops, but he only has more than [-] troops.

If you want to win this battle, looking at the previous dynasties, I am afraid that someone in Daqin who does not accept orders below 40 will come to fight in order to win a big victory.

"Wait!" Li Chen suddenly thought that the diamond blind box he got when he defeated Cao Cao hadn't been opened yet.When I wanted to open it, I was interrupted by Lu Lingqi, and I didn't open it since then, thinking about staying for emergency.Now, isn't it time to open this blind box?

Li Chen discovered long ago that if he opened this blind box at a critical time, he would definitely be able to open something beneficial to him.Perhaps, this blind box can help him break the situation.

"Open the diamond blind box." Li Chen sank his thoughts into his mind, and in front of him was a blind box made of diamonds, square and square.

[The diamond blind box is being opened. 】

The system's prompt sounded, and the blind box in my mind was slowly rotating. After a long time, the blind box started.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a diamond-level character, Chen Qingzhi. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a gold-level unit, with 3000 white-robed troops. 】



"Famous teachers and generals should not be imprisoned, and thousands of troops will avoid white robes."

"Okay, okay, one Chen Qingzhi." In the lobby, Li Chen couldn't help laughing.

Outside the lobby, the soldiers guarding around couldn't help but looked at each other, thinking, the lord is probably crazy.

In China's 5000-year long history, countless famous generals have been born. If we talk about the people who are in the forefront, Chen Qingzhi must have a seat.

Chen Qingzhi is good at fighting blitz and raids, and is extremely good at winning more with less.In his combat career, he once fought 47 battles with a mere 32 white-robed troops and hundreds of thousands of troops from the Northern Wei Dynasty, and conquered [-] cities one after another.

It is precisely because Chen Qingzhi's achievements are too luxurious that the famous teacher and general should not be locked up, thousands of troops and horses avoid white robes.

Even in later generations, Chen Qingzhi was very controversial.Many people think that his record is exaggerated, after all, this record is indeed a bit unreal.

However, there is no reason for rumors (except for women), since there are rumors of Chen Qingzhi's record, then there is absolutely no doubt about this person's ability.

With Chen Qingzhi, Li Chen already had a countermeasure in mind.

Xiaopei, Xuzhou, children only make choices, and I, Li Chen, must guard them all.I not only want to defend Xuzhou, but also completely beat Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

Let Yuan Shao and Cao Cao know what it means if I don't stab your mother, you won't know that I am your father.

(End of this chapter)

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