Chapter 12 Xuzhou Situation
I saw that in the main hall of the State Shepherd's Mansion, the original plaque had disappeared.Now there is a brand new plaque with three big characters "Yunlong Palace" written on it.

The dragon is the palace.

From the three words Yunlongdian, Chen Deng saw Li Chen's ambition, and he felt more and more that he had made the right bet.

What are the subjects afraid of? What they fear the most is that the master has no ambitions and keeps himself safe.

Don't you see, Liu Bei has been in exile for most of his life.Tao Qian let Xuzhou, but he didn't keep it.Liu Biao let Jingzhou, but he has not kept it.

For the first half of Liu Bei's life, he fought and lost repeatedly, but even so, there were still a large group of people who followed Liu Bei around.

Why are these people willing to follow Liu Bei, isn't it because Liu Bei dares to toss?What they gained was the merit of being a dragon.

And Tao Qian has Xuzhou, and Liu Biao has Jingzhou, both of which are big cities and rich lands.But why did the tree fall and the monkeys scattered? It was because Tao Qian and those people under Liu Biao could see their future at a glance.I will live in the little Xuzhou, the little Jingzhou for the rest of my life.

It was completely dawn, and no one came in after a long time.Come to think of it, everything that should come should have arrived.

In Yunlong Hall, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.Chen Deng's appearance made everyone a little surprised, but at the same time, it also gave them a reassurance.

As the saying goes, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.The Chen family is the largest clan in Xuzhou, and Chen Deng dared to join Li Chen, so why should they be afraid of these poor and white officials.

At this moment, Li Chen walked in from the outside in a hurry, seeing the aura and demeanor, it was extremely attractive.

"Chen Deng, meet the lord."

"Meet the lord."

As soon as Li Chen entered the Yunlong Palace, he saw the former Xuzhou officials headed by Chen Deng and bowed.

Li Chen nodded, and looked at the crowd approvingly.Cao Cao's 30 army is on the way, and those who dare to set foot on his boat at this time, let alone whether they have the ability, but this courage is second-to-none.

"I am very pleased to see all of you here today. Let me put your minds to rest for the time being. I, Li Chen, are here to say that today Cao Cao dares to covet Xuzhou, and tomorrow I will beat his Sili. "

As soon as Li Chen said this, Chen Deng and the others immediately became excited, and their chests heaved violently.

Where is Sili? This is the most densely populated and affluent territory on Cao Cao's territory.Even Yuan Shao, who was about to beat out his brains with Cao Cao, might not dare to say that he coveted Sili.

Such a hero, how can one not feel excited.

In his previous life, Li Chen had watched Jack Ma's speech videos a lot, and his technique of drawing big cakes was very famous.After drawing this big pancake, Chen Deng and others were fed to their full in an instant.

"Yuanlong, what's the situation in Xuzhou now?" Li Chen paused, and it came slowly after Chen Deng and the others had digested the big cake in their belly.

Before Tao Qian ran away, Chen Deng was the captain of Diannong in Xuzhou.This Diannong Xiaowei is different from Mi Zhu's Xuzhou Biejia. The Diannong Xiaowei is a position of real power and is responsible for the farming work of the entire Xuzhou. It can be said that it is second only to Xuzhou Mu.

After thinking for a while, Chen Deng slowly described the current situation in Xuzhou: "Tao Qian made up his mind to abandon Xuzhou early in the morning. The grain in the village was sold at a low price to me, the Chen family, the Mi family and the Zhen family."

Chen Deng was one of the few people who knew the inside story, such as the small officials in the Yunlong Palace, actually didn't know that Tao Qian had emptied Xuzhou.

This is really tight on the front line and tight on the rear.When they were still thinking about defending Xuzhou to the death, Tao Qian, the lord of Xuzhou, had already made up his mind to abandon Xuzhou.

This scene made Li Chen think of a sentence, we are still fighting to the death, why did your majesty surrender first.Perhaps this is the greatest tragedy of being an official or a general.

Li Chen nodded, this situation was within his expectation.Although people like Tao Qian are planning to let Xuzhou be given to Liu Bei, they will definitely not make Liu Bei so comfortable.I cut off Xuzhou by myself, and took over Xuzhou, which was supposed to be Liu Bei, so I naturally had to face such a predicament.

Xuzhou is an empty city. Although it is bad news, there is good news too. At least Tao Qian sold his food in Xuzhou.If he sold it farther away, Li Chen would really be a clever woman.

"Yuanlong, let me tell you the truth. I robbed Cao Song's property, and I have no shortage of money. How about I get back the grain that Tao Qian sold to the Chen family at the market price?" Li Chen looked to Chen Deng and asked.

As soon as Li Chen said this, Chen Deng immediately stated: "My lord, where is this? These grains are Xuzhou's official grains. I will send people to return the grains to the warehouse tomorrow. Tao Qian was in a hurry to sell grains that day, and the price was far away." It’s lower than the market price. If I don’t sell it, the food will definitely flow out of Xuzhou. If Xuzhou is besieged by Cao’s army, the people of Xuzhou will starve.”


"How can Yuanlong spend money?" Li Chen said with some embarrassment.

Chen Deng looked as usual, and said slowly: "Since I, the Chen family, have already boarded the lord's boat, then we will be both prosperous and hurt. Naturally, we should do our part for Xuzhou. If not, the city of Xuzhou will be destroyed, and Cao's How can you let me off, Mrs. Chen."

Chen Deng's words were justified, but Li Chen didn't pretend.

"Zang Ba, how many soldiers are there in the battalion?" Li Chen asked Zang Ba beside him.

Zang Ba held the long knife at his waist and came out to respond: "There are more than 1 soldiers in the Xuzhou camp, and none of the tribes will leave."

With Deyi and Chen Deng taking refuge, the loss of soldiers in the Xuzhou camp was not serious.The Mi family and the Zhen family are both foreign families, and the Chen family is a local tycoon. Because of this, the combat power of the Xuzhou camp is still relatively intact.

"We will start recruiting soldiers from tomorrow. Don't be stingy about military pay. We are [-]% higher than Cao Jun."

Li Chen first robbed Cao Song of his life savings, and yesterday he robbed the three thousand gold sent by Zhen Yao.In terms of money, it is enough to support an army of 5 people for three to five years.

There is no need to worry too much about money, it is enough for the time being.

At present, the troops under Li Chen's command mainly include Li Siye's [-] Mo sword soldiers, Guan Sheng's [-] infantrymen, [-] former bandits from Yunlong Mountain, and [-] soldiers from the Xuzhou Battalion.

Needless to say, Mo Dao Bing and Infantry Armor are elite soldiers among elite soldiers in this era.The bandits in Wuqian Yunlong Mountain were originally Qingzhou Army under Cao Cao's command, and they were not weak in terms of combat effectiveness.

As for Li Chen, a soldier of the Xuzhou Battalion, although he doesn't know the combat effectiveness, but with a general like Zang Ba who is good at training troops, his combat effectiveness should not be bad.

(End of this chapter)

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