Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 13 The Three Cao Brothers

Chapter 13 The Three Cao Brothers

The first year of Xingping, 194 AD, at the end of April.

Li Chen took generals Li Siye and Guan Sheng to occupy Xuzhou, and Xuzhou officials Chen Deng, Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others took refuge.

At the end of April, Cao Pi led three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry to attack.Li Chen ordered general Li Siye to lead [-] Mo sword soldiers to defeat Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry and kill more than a thousand enemies.So far, the undefeated myth of Cao Jun's tiger and leopard cavalry has been completely shattered.

The old gods fell, and the new gods ascended the throne.

Mo Daobing has become the most beautiful boy in this era.

In general, although Li Chen has not occupied Xuzhou for a long time, he has also shown his fangs.

May, the beginning of the month.

Li Chen established the Yunlong Palace in Xuzhou and called himself the Commander of the Palace.He began to issue a recruitment list, and his military salary was [-]% higher than that of Cao Jun, and countless people responded immediately.

The recruitment sites in Xuzhou were crowded with young and strong men.

This is an era of separatist regimes and endless civil wars.There is no national righteousness in this era. Serving in the army is exchanging your life for money. As long as the money is paid in place, what kind of bullshit is Cao Jun Yuan Jun?

Seven days later, the recruiting sites everywhere became crowded with crowds, and became deserted.

Although Li Chen recruited soldiers with a high salary, but the same, high military salary is a high requirement.The Yunlong Army only recruits men who are in their prime of life, and Li Chen will not accept those who are old, weak or veterans.

"My lord, I'm afraid the recruiting matters are coming to an end these days." In the Yunlong Hall, Chen Deng stood respectfully beside Li Chen with a roster in his hand.

"Yuanlong, is the recruiting going well?" Li Chen looked at Chen Deng with his forehead and asked softly.

"Although there are quite a few people who have come to apply for the enlistment these days, there are not many who can meet our requirements. After seven days, a total of 1 soldiers have been recruited." Chen Deng kept all the enlistment conditions of the soldiers in mind , So speaking of it naturally means opening your mouth.

Adding these more than 1 new recruits, Li Chen has nearly 30 troops under his command.Although it was not worth mentioning compared to Cao Cao's [-] army, Li Chen also knew that he couldn't become a fat man with one bite.Recruiting troops and buying horses does not happen overnight.

"The soldiers are good but not many. Twelve thousand soldiers are enough. Let's suspend conscription tomorrow." Li Chen nodded in satisfaction and said to Chen Deng.

"No." Chen Deng responded, and then asked again: "My lord, how will the recruits be allocated this time?"

Li Chen paused for a moment, then said: "In this way, General Zang's headquarters will be replenished to 2 people first, and then the rest of the troops will be replenished to General Guan."

Now Guan Sheng is in charge of training the bandit army brought by Li Chen from Yunlong Mountain, while Zang Ba is still in charge of training the old troops of Xuzhou Battalion.Now Guan Sheng leads about 5000 people, while Zang Ba has more than 1 men.

There is a deep meaning in Li Chen's replenishment of troops. He allocated 8000 men to Zang Ba, and 4000 men to Guan Sheng.In this way, the ratio of veterans to recruits under the two of them is basically one to one, and the veterans have a slight surplus of recruits. In this way, the veterans lead the recruits, so that they can display their combat effectiveness as quickly as possible.

Li Chen thought so as the lord, but Chen Deng didn't think so as the counselor.

From Chen Deng's point of view, Guan Sheng is a veteran general under Li Chen's command, while Zang Ba is a surrendered general.And now Guan Sheng has fewer soldiers and Zang Ba has more soldiers.Therefore, Guan Sheng should be supplemented first, and then Zang Ba should be supplemented.Only in this way can the old and new forces in Xuzhou City be balanced.

"My lord, if you don't add [-] to General Guan and [-] to General Zang. In this way, the soldiers under the two generals will be equal." Chen Deng pondered.

Li Chen naturally understood what Chen Deng meant. Chen Deng was a counselor, and he paid attention to the way of balance, balancing the original Yunlong Mountain forces and Xuzhou forces.

However, Li Chen used the way of Wangba, whether it was Guan Sheng or Zang Ba.It's all his deployment. What Li Chen has to do now is to let these soldiers play the greatest role. As for who has more soldiers and who has fewer soldiers, this is not important to Li Chen.

"Don't be suspicious of employing people, don't be suspicious of people. Yuanlong, do as I say." Li Chen nodded to Chen Deng.

Hearing Li Chen's words, Chen Deng couldn't help being taken aback, after all, he was narrow-minded.The lord is indeed a man with great ambitions.

"No." Chen Deng regained his composure, saluted respectfully, and then exited the Yunlong Hall.

At this time, in a valley hundreds of miles away from Xuzhou City, Cao Pi's [-] troops were stationed here.

Ever since Li Siye defeated the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Cao Pi hated and feared Xuzhou City.He knew that it might not be so easy to break through Xuzhou with his [-] troops.

At this time, on the mountain road less than ten miles away from Cao Jun's camp, the dusty sky was covered with black flags, and about [-] black-armored heavy cavalry exuded a chilling chill all over their bodies, like demon gods who came out of hell.

In the middle of the cavalry, a flag with the word Cao character was waving in the wind. Under the banner with the word Cao word flying like a dragon and a phoenix, two young generals in black armor walked side by side.One of them was tall and burly, with a stern face.The other person is handsome and slightly thin.

These people are all Cao Cao's backs. The handsome man is Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Ang, and the burly man is Cao Cao's nephew Cao Anmin.

Cao Cao launched an army of 30 to attack Xuzhou this time, but the mobilization of the 30 army could not be completed overnight.

So he raised an army of [-] troops first, and ordered his eldest son Cao Ang to lead the whole army, his second son Cao Pi as the vanguard, and his third son Cao Zhi as the grain transport officer.

No, Cao Ang heard that his younger brother Cao Pi was defeated in Xuzhou City.He quickly handed over the infantry to Commander Cao Zhi, and led five thousand tiger and leopard cavalry to support him first.


"Second son, General Cao, the eldest son led [-] tiger and leopard riders to support, and the army is less than ten miles away from the camp."

At this time, a scout rushed to report.

Cao Ang's arrival, for Cao Pi, was almost dozing off and someone gave him a pillow.Cao Pi suffered a defeat and was thinking about how to get back the losses he suffered, but worried about his lack of strength.Cao Ang came and brought five thousand tiger and leopard riders.

After a while, Cao Ang led his troops to arrive, and Cao Pi and Cao Ang brothers joined forces.

"Brother, you are here." Seeing Cao Ang, Cao Pi immediately went up to meet him.

Although Cao Cao was very powerful at this time, he was still in a stage of struggle after all.Therefore, there is no such kind of brothers fighting against the wall for power among the Cao brothers.

Not long after, Cao Ang, Cao Pi, Cao Ren, and Cao Anmin gathered in the big tent, and Cao Ren told Cao Ang and Cao Anmin how Li Chen defeated Cao Jun that day.

In the big tent, four people sat around.Cao Ren narrated the situation that day, while Cao Ang and Cao Anmin listened carefully to Cao Ren's narration.

Cao Ang frowned when he heard that Li Siye had smashed three thousand tigers and leopards with the [-] Mo knife, as if he was lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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