Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 15 Rewarding You 2 Gold

Chapter 15 Rewarding You Two Golds
At this time, whether to fight or not to fight is a difficult problem.

If there is a battle, Cao Jun will fight in the rain, nine out of ten there is a conspiracy, and if one is not good, he will fall into the trap.

But if there is no war, the lord will be humiliated, and it will be an offense.

Standing on the wall, Li Chen was not annoyed at what Cao Ren said on the wall, and even wanted to laugh a bit.

Clumsy, Cao Ren's acting skills are simply too clumsy.With this acting skill, you can't get an S card anywhere except Mr. Guo.

Maybe it's because the people of this era are too upright. Generally, after a scolding battle in the city, the enemy troops will naturally come out of the city to fight.But you must know that Li Chen is not a person of this era. Regarding Cao Ren's ability to tease, Li Chen only wants to say, that's all.

As far as Cao Ren's current teasing ability is concerned, it is inferior to Aunt Zhang downstairs in Li Chen's previous life.

"Go and bring it to the small table and make a pot of tea." Li Chen ordered to the soldiers behind him.

Not long after, the soldiers turned back.The small table was put away, the cushions were spread out for Li Chen, and the soldiers brought tea.

"Yuanlong, let's have a drink together." Li Chen sat down, pointed to the seat beside him and said to Chen Deng.

"Marshal Dian, what's the meaning of this?" Li Siye, who was hot-tempered, was a little puzzled.

Li Chen took a sip of his tea, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about succession, isn't watching the city faster than watching monkeys."

Hearing Li Chen's words, a gleam flashed in Chen Deng's eyes, and he thought in his heart: "Happiness and anger are invisible, and they will become a great cause. I, Chen Deng, have indeed found a master."

Not far from the city wall, Cao Anmin and Cao Pi stood side by side under the shed.

"Erlang, what does this Li Chen mean?" Cao Anmin asked Cao Pi who was a little puzzled.

At this time, Cao Pi also frowned.It never occurred to him that instead of being angry, Li Chen drank tea with Chen Deng on the city wall.

After drinking all the tea, Li Chen thought that the golden blind box rewarded last time when Mo Dao Bing broke the tiger and leopard rider hadn't been opened yet.Simply have nothing to do, why not open it and have a look.

[Open the golden blind box. 】

Li Chen said in his mind with consciousness.

[Weather: Hail. 】

[Hail: It can turn rainstorm weather into hail weather, and the diameter of hail is 30cm.The range of hail is 1000 meters, and the location of the hail can be selected. 】

"I'm stupid, I will give you a pillow as soon as I doze off." On the city wall, Li Chen's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, thinking so in his heart.

The hailstones with a diameter of thirty miles are not hailstones, they are simply meteorites.If the system is really sleepy, it will send a pillow, and now it can kill Cao Jun without leaving the city.

"Li Chen."

Under the city, Cao Ren was drenched like a drenched rat, but he was still yelling and cursing.

On the wall, Li Siye stared at Cao Ren below the wall, wishing to eat his flesh alive.

"Siye, are you angry?" Li Chen looked at Li Siye with a smile and asked.

"Marshal Dian, how can this guy not be angry if he is so presumptuous?" Li Siye pointed at Cao Ren under the city and said angrily.

"Haha, Siye, you have to know that as long as you are not angry, he will be the one who is angry."

"Siye, let me make him angry too." Li Chen laughed loudly.

"Master Dian, but you want me to play?" Li Siye said happily.

"Siye, you have to know that you don't have to rely on force to solve the problem."

"Today, I will show you how easy it is to defeat a person." Li Chen said, and said to Chen Deng beside him: "Yuanlong, you have money with you."

"?" Chen Deng was taken aback by Li Chen's imaginative words, and after a while, he nodded and said, "I have."

After finishing speaking, Chen Deng took out a few ingots of horseshoe gold from his pocket and put them on the table.

"Siye, come here." Li Chen called to Li Siye.

"In this way, you throw these two ingots of gold to General Cao under the city. Tell him, I only reward one gold for watching the dance in the brothel, but I will give him two today." Li Chen said, and put the two ingots in Li Siye's hands.

Li Siye: "???"

Guan Sheng: "???"

Zang Ba: "???"

In short, Li Siye and his friends were shocked.

At this time, Chen Deng also understood that Li Chen cared what he wanted gold for, and now he just wanted to shout, and there was such an operation.

This is comparing Cao Ren with the prostitutes in the brothels. You must know that people in this era are very concerned about face.

You must know that in the history of the previous life, Sima Yi was the only one who could make Wang Lang vomit blood with a few words from Zhuge Liang, and who could endure ridicule without getting angry.However, you must know that Sima Yi is the number one old silver coin in the Three Kingdoms.

Li Chen bet that Cao Ren would never have the demeanor of Sima Yi wearing women's clothes and walking around the city wall a few times.

Li Siye poked his head out from the battlements, and shouted to Cao Ren at the bottom of the wall: "Hey, General Cao, stop for a moment."

Hearing Li Siye's words, Cao Ren hurriedly stopped at the foot of the city.After shouting for half an hour in the torrential rain, Cao Ren looked a bit embarrassed at this moment.

"Hey, take this." Li Siye said, throwing the two gold horseshoes in his hand towards Cao Ren.

Looking at the gold horseshoe drawing an arc in the air, Cao Ren was a little puzzled, but subconsciously took it in his hand.

Holding the horseshoe gold in his hand, Cao Ren was confused, like a monk who was two feet long.

"What's the meaning of this?" Cao Ren shouted at Li Siye on the city wall.

On the city wall, Li Siye said to Cao Ren who was below: "This is the reward from my palace commander. My palace commander said that he only rewarded one gold for watching the dance with the brothel. Today, I will make an exception and reward you with two gold."

Li Chen is murdering someone, this is not only comparing Cao Ren with the dancing girls in the brothel, but also saying that you, Cao Ren, are worth more than the dancing girls.The dancer in the brothel is only worth one gold, and you, Cao Ren, are worth two.


Under the city, Cao Ren's body swayed suddenly on his horse, and he felt his head "buzzing".

What a shame, what a shame.

Cao Ren felt that his nine-year military career had been greatly humiliated.

One gold for a dancing girl, two golds for you
One gold for a dancing girl, two golds for you
One gold for a dancing girl, two golds for you
These words kept resounding in Cao Ren's mind like a curse.Cao Ren seemed to have figured it out, and from now on, this sentence would be like a brand and a shame for his life.


Immediately, Cao Ren's blood surged up, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.


"Happy, happy"

Seeing Cao Ren vomit blood, Li Siye on the city wall laughed loudly, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

Seeing Cao Ren like this, for Li Siye, was far more enjoyable than going down to fight him.

Sure enough, the happiness of people is not connected.

Cao Ren's complexion changed suddenly, from red to white, from white to green, from green to purple, and finally the purple was still black.

"Li Chen, little thief, An dare to insult me."

Annoyed, Cao Ren wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and shot at Li Siye who was following thousands of times with his bow and arrow.

This is really true, the Lord's actions will be paid by the Ministry.

However, Li Siye had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and with a wave of the Mo Dao in his hand, he split the arrow into two pieces.

"Fire arrows."

How could Li Siye be at a disadvantage? With a wave of his hand, arrows poured down on the city wall like heavy rain.

Seeing this, Cao Ren hurriedly rode his horse back.

(End of this chapter)

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