Chapter 16 Hail Weather
Cao Ren rode his horse back to the front of the formation, and angrily said to Cao Pi: "Second Young Master, Li Chen is really rude, let's attack."

Naturally, Cao Ren didn't dare to be humiliated. At this time, he just wanted to attack Xuzhou by force and capture Li Chen alive to avenge his shame.

Seeing this, Cao Pi hurriedly persuaded him: "General Cao Ren, don't be angry, and you must not spoil the scheme of the eldest brother."

At this time, Cao Ren's mentality had already collapsed, so naturally he couldn't let him go to the city to play tricks.So Cao Pi went out of the shed, got up and mounted his horse.

In the torrential rain, Li Chen stood on the city wall Shi Ang, looked at Cao Pi at the bottom of the city with a smile on his face, and said, "The Second Young Master is here again, and we are far away to welcome you."

Li Chen used this word cleverly, it was insinuating that Cao Pi was defeated last time, and he will come again this time.

Under the city of Xuzhou, Cao Pi rode his horse and stood up: "Li Chen, I won't talk to you quickly. How can you be called the commander in chief in Xuzhou? This Xuzhou city is the place that my Cao family must take. Cao's 30 Wan Dajun will arrive in less than a month. If you are sensible, you should hand over the murderer who killed my grandfather and let Xuzhou go. My father has always cherished talents, and he will definitely give you a lot of executives."

Since the Spring and Autumn Period, the marshal has always been the highest position in the army.After Liu Bang in the Han Dynasty, there was no longer a marshal.The highest military position in the court has also changed from marshal to general. Just like Wei Qing, Huo Guang is just a general.

And the last general of this great man was He Jin, after He Jin Dong Zhuo came to power and called him Xiangguo.Whether it is the Xiangguo called by Dong Zhuo, or the prime minister called by Cao Cao who will hold the emperor to make the princes in the future, they are all more titles that are more inclined to civil officials.

Li Chen considered himself not a civil servant, but he didn't want to call himself a general.How should I put it, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, including the subsequent Three Kingdoms period, it can be said that the generals went everywhere, and the school lieutenant was not as good as a dog.In this era, miscellaneous generals can be said to be everywhere.It was also because of this that Li Chen called himself the Commander-in-Chief.

"Our army is so powerful, why can't my lord be called the commander of the palace?" Li Siye said a little unconvinced.

"Huh, looking at Xuzhou's soldiers, there are only [-] troops, and there are only [-] generals. How can we talk about the victory of the soldiers?" Cao Pi said bluntly.

Li Siye was not good at words, so it was inevitable that he would be a little speechless after being attacked by Cao Pi.

"Haha, Second Young Master Cao is right. My little Xuzhou talks about how powerful the soldiers are, and eight hundred swordsmen only defeated three thousand tiger and leopard cavalry."

"Siye, your Mo Dao soldiers are too weak. Tomorrow, I will practice with [-] pigs. Just look at these [-] pigs and [-] tigers and leopards. Those are easy to kill." Li Chen reprimanded Li Siye.

"No, my lord, I will definitely deal with those [-] pigs the same way I dealt with tiger and leopard riders." Li Siye said solemnly.

"Hmph, let me talk to you, and I will let you know what five sprays in one second are." Li Chen thought in his heart.

Cao Pi's face was ashen, trembling with anger, he pointed at Li Chen on the city wall and said, "Li Chen, you dare to come out and fight."

"Go out, why should I go out?"

"However, if Young Master Cao wants to come in, it's not impossible. When Zhen Mi and I get married, I will definitely send a wedding invitation to Second Young Master." Li Chen teased.

"Shameless person, shameless person." At this moment, Cao Pi only felt so angry that his seven orifices were almost filled with smoke.

At the beginning when the Zhen family betrothed Zhen Mi to Yuan Tan, Cao Pi robbed Zhen Mi, which was tantamount to slapping Yuan Shao in the face, allowing the Cao family to overwhelm the Yuan family in terms of momentum, and also made Yuan Tan, the eldest son of the Yuan family, fall into poverty. as a laughing stock.

However, now that Li Chen has cut off his Cao family's beard, now he, Cao Pi, will also become the talk of the world after dinner.

And it is conceivable that he, Cao Pi, will inevitably become a bigger joke than Yuan Tan.Because the Cao family took Zhen Mi from the Yuan family, the two of them are powerful forces with comparable strength.But it's different now, Li Chen, a small bandit, snatched Zhen Mi from his Cao family.This is a great shame and humiliation for the Cao family.

"Cowardly boy, if you dare not go out of the city to fight, you will only use your tongue."

Seeing that he was scolding and fighting in the city, he wanted to provoke Li Chen to let him go out of the city, but he never scolded others. First, Cao Ren was so angry that he vomited blood, and now he was so angry that he was so angry.Under the city, Cao Pi had no choice but to refute.

Li Chen smiled calmly: "Cao Pi, it's not that I dare not go out of the city, but that it's unnecessary."

"What do you mean?" Cao Pi asked puzzled.

Standing on the city wall, Li Chen said to Cao Pi at the bottom of the city: "Cao Pi, how about a bet between you and me. If I can defeat your Cao army without sending a single soldier, how about you, Cao Pi, retreat when we meet in the future?"

"Ha ha!"

When Li Chen said this, Cao Pi couldn't help but sneer.If you don't send a single soldier to defeat Cao's army, what kind of nonsense is this?There are only a few strategies such as water attack and fire attack that can break the army without manpower.

Water attack is impossible, because there is no sign of water storage near Xuzhou City.

As for the fire attack, that is even more impossible, and it is now a majestic and heavy rain.

"In today's weather, water and fire are useless. Li Chen, if you don't need a single soldier, you can defeat my Cao army. Don't talk about retreating when we meet in the future, I will call you grandpa when we meet." Cao Pi said coldly, he thought, Such a method to scare me away, Cao Pi, is nothing but a dream.

"Cao Pi, do you know how Liu Xiu, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, defeated Wang Mang's million-strong army with three thousand cavalry in the Battle of Kunyang?" Li Chen asked.

"Hahaha!" Cao Pi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "Could it be that you want to say that meteorites can fall from the sky now."

"Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty is the destiny. Such a miracle has never happened even in thousands of years. Li Chen, don't you really think you are the man of destiny?"

"I'm talking about Cao Pi here. If meteorites can fall from the sky now, as many as they fall, I will swallow them alive."

"Hey." Li Chen sighed softly, and used the hail technique that was opened in the blind box.

This hailstone technique is a consumable item and can only be used once.However, seeing that Cao Pi was young and came out to cheat for food and drink, Li Chen couldn't let him down.

Suddenly, the majestic heavy rain in the sky seemed to have stopped for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom" sounded.Countless huge hailstones "swish" down in the sky.

The rain that fell from the sky turned into hail almost instantly.Each of these hailstones was a full [-] centimeters in size, and hit Cao Jun with a "crackling".

Hailstones with a diameter of thirty centimeters are the size of the fists of two or three adults.Dense hail fell violently in Cao Jun's camp, and even Cao Jun in armor couldn't defend against this thing hitting him.

"Raise the shield, raise the shield quickly."

Cao Ren yelled, and asked the sword and shield soldiers in the front row to raise their large shields to cover their heads.

However, these soldiers with shields are only a minority.Many of those soldiers without shields were knocked unconscious.


Suddenly, Cao Pi let out a shrill cry.

(End of this chapter)

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