Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 156 Cao Cao: Thank you for the black pot from the old iron

Chapter 156 Cao Cao: Thank you for the black pot from the old iron
Li Le clenched his fists tightly and looked at the domineering Hu Feng in front of him.It stands to reason that he is Li Que's cousin, and Hu Feng is Li Que's nephew. In this way, after rounding up, Hu Feng should call him Dad.

But now, Hu Feng not only did not respect his father, but also dared to let him get off his horse and be bound.This made Li Le very angry, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could be said to be flustered right now.

At this moment, there was another rush of horseshoes, and another cavalry was killed from the flank.Under the torches, the cavalry looked extraordinarily heroic. They were all wearing bright armor, and under the light of the fire, they looked like gods descending from the earth.

This large army hung a banner with the word Cao, and was headed by three mighty and extraordinary generals, one holding a gold-plated phoenix wing, one holding a double axe, and the other holding a pair of big silver hammers.

Who is this cavalry, of course it is the Xuanjia cavalry under Li Chen's command.The reason why they hang the military flag with Cao characters is naturally to pour dirty water on Cao Cao's head.

Now it seems that Li Chen pretended to be Cao Cao and saved Han Xiandi Liu Xie. Isn't this giving Cao Cao the credit for nothing?Later Cao Cao will know what it means to sit at home and the pot comes from the sky.Moreover, it was a large black pot that was burning in one mouthful.

Cheng Yaojin, Pei Yuanqing, and Yuwen Chengdu all came to kill Hu Feng. It would be night, and Hu Feng couldn't see what the general Cao who killed him looked like, nor could he tell who it was. He could only vaguely see three The swarthy shadow rushed towards him.

"Who is the name of General Cao in front?" Hu Feng shouted at the shadow.

When Li Chen led people to help, he specially ordered everyone not to reveal their identities.You have to do a full set of acting, and you can't let your identity be exposed.

Don't look at Cheng Yaojin, who is tall and thick, and looks like a rough guy, but this guy is very clever.

Hu Feng asked questions, and at this time you have to come to the general by name, and if you don't know the name, it will be easy to be suspected.You know, those ministers behind Li Le are all good people.

Cheng Yaojin rolled his eyeballs and shouted: "Your grandfather Xu Chu is also."

After Cheng Yaojin answered, Pei Yuanqing also spoke up: "I am General Dian Wei."

After thinking about it for a moment, Yu Wencheng replied: "If you don't want to change your name, you won't change your surname, that's the case with General Cao Ren."

"Xu Chu, Dian Wei, Cao Ren?" Hearing the three names, Hu Feng couldn't help but panic.As the saying goes, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, these three are all well-known generals in Cao Jun.Although Hu Feng did not fight against them, but under his fame, there are no worthless soldiers, how can they win with one enemy and three.

Cheng Yaojin, Yuwen Chengdu, and Pei Yuanqing charged forward, but they seemed a little awkward.The reason is that when they went to battle, Li Chen gave the order that they must be defeated but not victorious. They were not allowed to kill Hu Feng, and they were only allowed to defeat the Xiliang army and save the emperor.

"Brother Cheng, the three of us will fight one, and we may lose but not win. If it gets out, how embarrassing would it be?" The young general Pei Yuanqing rode his horse towards Hu Feng while talking to Cheng Yaojin in a low voice.

"Shame? Who are you to lose?"

"The embarrassing thing is Xu Chu, what do I care about Cheng Yaojin?" Cheng Yaojin took it for granted.

Pei Yuanqing thought about it again, he was right, I am impersonating Dian Wei now.Even if word of the First World War spreads today, there will be rumors all over the world that the three generals of the Cao family, Xu Chu, Dian Wei, and Cao Ren are no match for Hu Feng.The embarrassment is Dian Wei, what does it have to do with Pei Yuanqing.

While speaking, the three of them had already surrounded Hu Feng with their horses. The three of them had double axes, sledgehammers, and strangely shaped weapons, which really bluffed Hu Feng.

Hu Feng wanted to run, but his horsepower was far inferior to the horses of Yuwen and Chengdu.Not to mention Yuwen Chengdu's five-spotted Sailong horse, Pei Yuanqing's horse is called Catch the Land Tiger, and Cheng Yaojin's horse is named Grasshopper Red with a big belly.These three horses are all BMWs that can travel thousands of miles a day and [-] miles at night. No matter where Hu Feng wants to run, he can run.

"Three of you hit me one, what kind of heroes are you?" Hu Feng said bravely.

"Ha ha!"

"From what you mean, you want to single out?" Cheng Yaojin laughed loudly.

Hu Feng looked at the possibility of a one-on-one fight, although he might not be able to fight a one-on-one fight, but a one-on-one fight is better than a group fight.

"Yes, let's single out those who have the guts." Hu Feng shouted loudly, taking it all to embolden himself.

A gleam flashed in Cheng Yaojin's small eyes, and then he laughed and said, "Okay, I, Xu Chu, will come to fight you today. There are only two results today, one is that I, Xu Chu, beat you to death, and the second is that you beat me to death, Xu Chu." .”

After Cheng Yaojin finished speaking, he brandished a pair of big axes and came towards Hu Feng to kill him.Cheng Yaojin's pair of axes are huge. If these two axes were paired together, they would be as big as a door panel.This looks like a heavy weapon, and Hu Feng's heart trembles when he looks at it.

"Yah! Ya! Ya!"

Cheng Yaojin screamed and screamed and came towards Hu Feng to kill him, Cheng Yaojin's movement made him look like a toad lying on his feet.Don't care if he bites or not, he's just trying to scare people.

Hu Feng was really taken aback, at first Hu Feng didn't dare to accept Cheng Yaojin's moves.Cheng Yaojin slashed down with one ax after another, but Hu Feng just deflected it skillfully.

However, after hitting Hu Feng, Xu Chu didn't seem to be as powerful as he had imagined, and the ax didn't seem to be particularly powerful.Thinking of this, Hu Feng tried to catch it hard, and found that the strength of the ax was indeed not strong.

The strength Cheng Yaojin used was really not that great, only [-]-[-]% of his strength, and he didn't even use his own three-axes to guard the door, all he used were the street fighting moves.To put it bluntly, it was like holding two big axes and swinging around blindly.

After three or five rounds, Hu Feng found that Xu Chu seemed to have a false name.Ever since, Hu Feng was no longer defending, but launched a counterattack with wide opening and closing.

Cheng Yaojin was also very hurt, he shouted: "Good boy, powerful, powerful. If I, Xu Chu, hadn't favored a few old women in their 50s and [-]s these days, how could I not be able to beat you. This woman is thirty Like a wolf, forty like a tiger, fifty for sitting on the ground and sucking up dirt, it really deserves its reputation, its reputation is well-deserved."

"Well, Xu Chu, you have a stronger taste than your master Cao thief." Hu Feng cursed.

Cheng Yaojin pretended to be defeated by Hu Feng, and while parrying, he shouted: "Brother Dianwei, Brother Cao Ren, this kid said our lord is a good wife, come and beat him up."

"Brother Dianwei, brother Cao Ren, come quickly, this kid said Cao Cao is a good wife, he said Cao Cao is a good wife."

"Hu Feng said, Cao Cao is a good wife, Cao Cao is a good wife."

Cheng Yaojin yelled at the top of his voice.

Hu Feng's face turned dark now, he thought I said it once, and only the two of us heard it.You have yelled so many times at the top of your voice, and everyone in the world will know about it later.

(End of this chapter)

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