Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 157 S Card Acting Skills

Chapter 157 S Card Acting Skills
Cheng Yaojin pretended to be defeated by Hu Feng, and the one who yelled was running away in embarrassment while calling for help to Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing.

Li Chen looked at Cheng Yaojin's appearance, not to mention that this kid's acting skills are quite good, if Mr. Guo were to rate him, it would be an S card and he couldn't get away.

"Dian Wei, Cao Ren, if you two still don't come to help me, could it be that you have forgotten the master's order?" Cheng Yaojin called for help for a long time, and performed a half-day one-man show. Chen moved out.

The Dian Wei and Cao Ren that Cheng Yaojin called were naturally Pei Yuanqing and Yu Wencheng. It can be said that Cheng Yaojin spared no effort to ruin the reputation of Cao Jun. This kid is really hurting.

Compared with Pei Yuanqing, Yuwen Chengdu and Cheng Yaojin, they were much thinner. They never expected that Cheng Yaojin would invite them to fight together against a guy like Hu Feng.

When they came, Li Chen told them again and again that they must not expose their identities, and they had to tarnish Cao Jun's reputation.Although Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing were a little embarrassed to fight three to one, but at this time Cheng Yaojin yelled, they had to fight.

"Xiliang thief general, I, Cao Ren, are here to fight you." Yu Wencheng shouted loudly, and patted his horse to meet him.

Pei Yuanqing is young and has a thin skin, but he can't do it when he sees his two elder brothers getting fucked.Pei Yuanqing gritted his teeth and shouted, "My Dianwei is here too."

Ever since, on this battlefield, three generals Xu Chu, Dian Wei, and Cao Ren fought against Hu Feng.The fight between the four of them was one of you coming and going, it was so lively.

The three of them fought against Hu Feng, and no one dared to use this strength, for fear that they would be beaten to death by Hu Feng without paying attention.Cheng Yaojin used [-]% of his strength, not to mention Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing, the weapons in their hands were heavy guys weighing hundreds of catties.Not only did they dare not use their strength, but they had to hold back their strength, for fear that they would be accidentally crushed to death by Hu Feng.

Hu Feng became more and more confident as he fought, he thought to himself, why am I so powerful.These three are all generals of Cao Ying, why are they so unbearable.Could it be that this is the case with all the heroes in the world, and they are all people who have earned their names in vain.

Hu Feng thought to himself, no wonder Cao Cao and Yuan Shao had never beaten Li Chen, who was only in Xuzhou. It turned out that they were all gangsters.

Hu Feng is full of self-confidence now. He now feels that since Lu Bu's death, Hu Feng is the number one general in the world.

Hu Feng killed from the left and blocked from the right, and with a big knife with a tiger's head, it was a tiger's wind.Sometimes, this self-confidence is really a mystery.At this time, Hu Feng was playing with confidence, and he had played a full 120 points of his original combat effectiveness of [-] points.




Hu Feng's big knife, Cheng Yaojin's big axe, Pei Yuanqing's silver hammer, and Yuwen Chengdu's gold boring.These four weapons collided fiercely, and the four of them fought for dozens of rounds, but they were still evenly matched.

After another round of impact, the four horses staggered.Hu Feng squinted at the three of them with a look of disdain.He thought to himself, this is the general of Cao Ying, is this all?
Hu Feng pointed at Cheng Yaojin, and shouted, "You, Xu Chu, are capable of killing pigs and sheep."

When Hu Feng scolded him like this, Cheng Yaojin was delighted.The idiot laughed and echoed, "That's right, that's right, Xu Chu is good at killing pigs and sheep."

As soon as Cheng Yaojin agreed, Hu Feng was stunned, and thought, what's the matter, and he scolded himself.Hu Feng can also see it, this is shameless.Simply, he didn't bother Cheng Yaojin any more.

Urgently, Hu Feng pointed at Yuwen Chengdu and shouted: "Cao Ren, with your small body, you can carry water and move stones."

Yu Wencheng's hands holding the phoenix wings gilded with gold trembled, really wanting to stab this unknown guy to death.But thinking about Li Chen's order, he simply turned his head and ignored Hu Feng.

Hu Feng took a look, this is not good.That Xu Chu in front didn't care about his face, and this Cao Ren didn't pay attention to him.Come on, there is only one Dianwei left, try to scold him.

Hu Feng is from Xiliang. He herded horses, herded sheep and practiced martial arts since he was a child.He has never read a book, so he naturally has no words in his stomach.After cursing the so-called Xu Chu and Cao Ren one after another, he was out of words.

Hu Feng pointed at Pei Yuanqing, but he couldn't think of how to speak for a long time.No, he looked at Pei Yuanqing's handsome appearance with red lips and white teeth when he was young.

"Dianwei, you boy, I think you look good. There are many ministers in Luoyang City who are as good as Longyang."

"You three-legged cat's kung fu is not very good on the battlefield, but you should be able to use it on the bed." Hu Feng thought for a long time, and finally came up with a curse word.

Hu Feng's scolding sentence is much more poisonous than the previous two scolding sentences.As soon as Pei Yuanqing heard this, his small face immediately turned from white to red, from red to blue, from blue to purple, and from purple to black.

Although Hu Feng scolded Dian Wei, he was pointing at Pei Yuanqing.Pei Yuanqing's fiery temper was unbearable.

As far as Hu Feng's kung fu is concerned, Pei Yuanqing doesn't pay attention to it.If Pei Yuanqing hadn't kept his strength in check, Hu Feng would have given him this martial art.If Pei Yuanqing really fought him, Hu Feng would just yell.

At once.

Then, it's gone.

Pei Yuanqing was angry, and he urged him to sit down and grab the ground tiger.This ground tiger is a good BMW horse, and this good horse is all human.

How human a good horse is, let me describe it to you in this way.This is a real good horse, the moment you pat her ass, she knows to change positions.

When Pei Yuanqing sat down, the ground tiger was a human BMW, and Pei Yuanqing urged the ground tiger.The ground tiger neighed, and its four hooves blew wind. It seemed to sense the master's anger, and it rushed to Hu Feng in the blink of an eye.

Pei Yuanqing raised the big silver hammer in his hand, and smashed it towards Hu Feng with one blow.With the momentum of splitting Huashan, with a gust of "huhu", it smashed towards Hu Feng.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help feeling elated.

"Pei..." Cheng Yaojin panicked and almost called out Pei Yuanqing's real name.But Cheng Yaojin is such a clever person, he changed his words very quickly.

"Bah, Dianwei, what are you doing?" Cheng Yaojin shouted.

When Cheng Yaojin yelled, Pei Yuanqing also remembered.The lord said, this person cannot be killed, just force them back.Now Luoyang city is full of excitement. If Hu Feng is killed, the 3000 people will probably disperse.At that time, if these 3000 people can't go back to Luoyang, I'm afraid Li Que will be defeated.Now after they killed Hu Feng, they destroyed the balance in Luoyang City and let Guo Si take advantage of it.

When Pei Yuanqing heard Cheng Yaojin's yell, he changed his mind that he couldn't destroy the master's plan, so he hurriedly withdrew his strength.But the castration of the hammer was already unstoppable. Pei Yuanqing only recovered [-]% to [-]% of his strength.There were still [-] to [-]% of his strength, and he smashed heavily on Hu Feng's knife.

(End of this chapter)

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