Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 158 Meeting Emperor Han for the First Time

Chapter 158 Meeting Emperor Han for the First Time

There was only a loud noise, and Pei Yuanqing's hammer hit Hu Feng's tiger-headed broadsword heavily. With a "click", the tiger-headed broadsword in Hu Feng's hand broke off.The upper half was knocked out directly, and Hu Feng held the lower half in his hands.

After a while, Hu Feng only felt a huge force coming from the half handle of the knife, and then even flew him away from the horse.

With a sound of "Plop", Hu Feng fell from his horse and fell to the ground with his buttocks on the ground. The tiger's mouth had already started to bleed, and he was in a daze.

Hu Feng thought to himself, what the hell is wrong.This kid wasn't that strong just now, why did the small universe explode all of a sudden.

It's also thanks to Pei Yuanqing's hammer that hit Hu Feng's knife. If this hammer hit him, I'm afraid he would have reached the gate of hell by now.

"General Hu, it's almost dawn, we have to go back." At this time, the cavalry behind Hu Feng surrounded him and protected him.

Someone brought a horse for Hu Feng and hurriedly said to him.

Hu Feng was terrified by Pei Yuanqing's hammer, and he didn't have the slightest thought of fighting the enemy at this moment.He saw that it was almost dawn, and when he came, Li Que ordered that no matter whether he could recover the emperor or not, he had to rush back to the city before dawn.

Thinking of this, Hu Feng felt that he had to go back.Although he didn't bring back the emperor, he was able to do business.After all, it wasn't his fault, Li Le got reinforcements from Cao Jun just at this time, if not, wouldn't he have brought the emperor back.

"These three Generals Cao are nothing more than chickens and dogs, not my opponents. But at this time, the sky is getting brighter, and I am afraid that the generals will be in danger if the battle continues."

"Forget it, withdraw the troops." If Hu Feng would put money on his face, he obviously lost his self-confidence after being beaten by Pei Yuanqing just now.At this moment, his arms are still numb, and the tiger's mouth is still bleeding.Obviously he didn't dare to fight anymore, but when it came to his mouth, he became concerned about Li Que's safety.

Hu Feng was also muttering in his heart at this moment, where did this kid jump out from? He was obviously only sixteen or seventeen, but his strength was terrifying.

No, just now he was clearly able to fight against the three of them alone, why did this kid become so powerful all of a sudden.He didn't even hold the hammer, could it be that they were playing tricks on him just now.

As soon as this idea came to Hu Feng's mind, he immediately denied it.Finally had a bright moment, fighting against Xu Chu, Dian Wei, and Cao Ren three Cao Jun generals alone, this is such an honorable thing, and he was short of writing the genealogy of this matter.

Hu Feng thought again, this kid is nothing more than strong, and his martial arts should not be very good.I was careless just now, and I was careless just now, and there was no flash.

This kid doesn't talk about martial arts, and suddenly attacked.A young man of seventeen or eighteen unexpectedly attacked me, a 30-year-old man.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw." Hu Feng found a perfect excuse for himself, then galloped his horse, turned his head and ran.

There was a loud sound of horseshoes, billowing smoke and dust, and these Xiliang cavalrymen could be vaguely seen turning back and running towards Luoyang City.At this time, the sky was gradually getting brighter, and they could vaguely watch the Xiliang cavalry disappear into the night.

Seeing that the Xiliang cavalry had run away, the emperor and a group of ministers got out of the carriage.

Li Chen looked in the direction of the carriage, and saw a boy who was about the same age as Pei Yuanqing, wearing a dragon robe and getting on and off the carriage.

Li Chen knew in his heart that this kid was the Han Emperor Xiandi Liu Xie.This Liu Xie's spirit is obviously not very good, and he looks flustered and overwhelmed.

Although the Han Dynasty has lost its power now, Liu Xie has neither soldiers nor food in his hands.However, Li Chen is pretending to be a member of the Cao family, so there is still a need for proper etiquette.

Seeing Han Xiandi Liu Xie get off the carriage, Li Chen immediately went up to meet him.Seeing the emperor, Li Chen immediately got off his horse.

"The last general, Cao Pi, has seen Your Majesty, long live your Majesty, long live your Majesty." Li Chen shouted, making gestures to kneel.

Li Chen was about to kneel, but he didn't intend to really kneel.His slow and leisurely appearance, as if a steel bar was bent when he bent his knees.

After so many years of hard life, Liu Xie understands very well that he is called Lixian Corporal, or Liu Xie has realized the truth that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

This kid Liu Xie is very sensible, Li Chen had just knelt down halfway, and Liu Xie helped Li Chen up.

"Why should Aiqing be so polite? If Aiqing hadn't rescued me today, I'm afraid I'd fall into the hands of those Xiliang barbarians again."

Liu Xie also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and now this cavalry escort came again, and the escorting team was considered strong.

Liu Xie looked at Li Chen's cavalry of more than a thousand men, and asked, "I think Aiqing's cavalry is very elite. Could this be the legendary tiger and leopard cavalry?"

Liu Xie was first held hostage by Dong Zhuo, and then by Li Que and Guo Si.Where has he seen a tiger or leopard ride, but as the saying goes, he has never eaten pork, has he not seen a pig run?Although Liu Xie had never seen Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, he had heard that Cao Cao had an elite cavalry called Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

These tiger and leopard cavalry are the world's first-class cavalry, and the Xiliang cavalry can be regarded as the elite cavalry.However, this person is more popular than others, and he has to throw away his goods.Compared with Hu Feng's Xiliang iron cavalry just now, compared with Li Chen's Xuanjia cavalry, it is simply a thousand miles away.

Now Li Chen's cavalry is wearing a banner with the word Cao, Cheng Yaojin, Pei Yuanqing, and Yuwen Chengdu also call themselves Xu Chu, Dian Wei, and Cao Ren. It is no wonder that Liu Xie imagined this cavalry as tiger and leopard cavalry.

After a while, the minister behind looked at Li Chen and wondered.They thought to themselves, how did Cao Ah hide from that kid, how could a short, dark guy give birth to such a handsome son, who was also tall.Could it be that the neighbor next door helped.

Cao Cao is not tall, according to historical records, he is only more than 1.5 meters, at most 1.6 meters.What is the concept of 1.6 meters for a man? Let's put it this way, Qin Shihuang's King Qin sword is about 1.6 meters.When Jing Ke stabbed King Qin, why King Qin couldn't pull out his sword was because the sword was too long.

Think about it, everyone, Qin Shihuang stood in front of an army of millions, holding the King Qin sword in his hand, just like holding Cao Cao in his hand, and Cao Cao was almost as small as the King Qin sword.

All the ministers thought to themselves at this moment, Cao Cao dared to hand over his elite tiger and leopard cavalry to him when his son looked like this.

This time, Liu Xie had chatted with Li Chen for a while.Seeing that the two of them were almost chatting, Taiwei Yang Biao and Uncle Guo also came up to say hello.

The two looked at Li Chen, and greeted: "Young Master Cao Pi, thank you for saving me, thank you for helping me, I wonder how your father is doing now."

"Father is in good health, in good health." Li Chen replied brazenly.

(End of this chapter)

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