Chapter 159

A group of ministers headed by Taiwei Yang Biao and Uncle Guo Fuwan, although they don't know Cao Pi, but they are old acquaintances with Cao Cao.You know, the current Cao Cao is a loyal minister in the eyes of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and in the eyes of these ministers.

It was Cao Cao who assassinated Dong Zhuo at the beginning, and Cao Cao was the first to issue a call to action against Dong when the eighteen princes challenged Dong.Now that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was killed, it was Cao Cao who sent someone to drive away Li Que's pursuers.It is also because of this that in the eyes of everyone, Cao Cao is a loyal minister, a great loyal minister.

All these ministers chattered around Li Chen and asked questions, and the parents asked about everything short.This made Li Chen's question a bit fuzzy, he is not really Cao Cao's son, how could he know so many things.

Li Chen felt that if he was questioned by this group of people, he might be exposed.

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin came over with a pair of big axes in his arms, and said to Li Chen: "My lord, let's hurry up. We all walk slowly in carriages. If Li Quezeng sends troops to chase us, we are afraid It can't be killed."

Although Cheng Yaojin is tall and thick, he looks very simple and honest.But this kid is so ghostly, it can be said that even his eyelashes are empty.He saw that Li Chen was entangled by the ministers at this time, so he ran over to rescue Li Chen.

Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, Li Chen couldn't help giving him a thumbs up in his heart.

"Your Majesty, my lords, let's hurry up. It's only a few tens of miles away from Luoyang, so it's still too dangerous." Li Chen looked at Liu Xie, then at the ministers, and said seriously.

All of you here are civil servants, who don't know anything about military affairs.Hearing what Li Chen said, they also felt that this place was still too close to Luoyang. If Li Que's pursuers chased them out, it would be extremely disadvantageous to them.

"Yes, yes, now is not the time to reminisce about the past, let's hurry up." Liu Xie said hurriedly when he heard that Li Que might be catching up.

After Li Chen's intimidation, the team finally set off again smoothly.Li Le's subordinates were still guarding the carriage, while Li Chen's One Thousand Profound Armor Guards were circling around the convoy.

"Marshal Dian, why are you here in person?" Li Le rode up to Li Chen and asked in a low voice.

Li Chen nodded, and said to Li Le: "The next thing is very important, I don't worry if I don't come in person."

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief. I, Li Le, follow the command of Commander-in-Chief. I will never go west if Commander-in-Chief tells me to go east. Commander-in-Chief asks me to beat dogs, but I will never chase chickens." Li Le said firmly.

Now the Xiliang army is like the grasshopper after autumn, it can't grow anymore.Li Le is also grateful in his heart at this moment, thanks to his cleverness, he found his next home early.

Li Chen is leading the troops all the way forward, what is he waiting for, Li Chen is waiting for someone to take over Han Xiandi.Li Chen had a plan in mind at this time, but this plan can only be used at the right time.

Li Chen took Han Xiandi on his way unhurriedly, waiting for the princes who came to show their hospitality to get up, then Li Chen would be able to give alms to his plan.

On the second day after Li Chen escorted Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, around evening, the scouts released by Li Chen came back to report.

In the evening, the convoy had also stopped at this time, and the army was burying pots and cooking.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, Zhang Yang, the prefect of Shangdang, led five thousand soldiers, and they will be able to arrive here in the middle of the night." The scout reported.

"Then act tonight, Yaojin, you go to the kitchen and add some ingredients to the meals for those princes and ministers." Li Chen ordered Cheng Yaojin.

"Okay, Commander-in-Chief, don't worry, it's fine for me, Cheng, to handle this kind of thing." Cheng Yaojin said with a smile.

What is Cheng Yaojin's background? This guy is from a bandit.It's not easy to do such a charming act of drugging.

Not long after, the drugged food was delivered to those princes and ministers.Since the two sides got along very well in the past two days, the ministers did not have much doubt about the food.Therefore, there is no doubt that these people were all lost in the camp.

"Master Dian, it's all right, it's all down." Cheng Yaojin held a pair of big axes, opened the curtain of the tent, and smiled wickedly with his big head out.

"Let's go, let's meet the little emperor for a while." Li Chen said with a smile.

Li Chen took Yuwen Chengdu, Pei Yuanqing, Cheng Yaojin and others, as well as a group of soldiers and horses, towards Han Xiandi Liu Xie's tent.

No matter how downcast Liu Xie is, he is still the emperor after all.Therefore, he naturally has his own separate tent, and the surroundings of this tent are guarded by Fu Wan and Yang Biao's family generals.Although the combat effectiveness of these servants and generals is worrying, the victory lies in their absolute loyalty.

These dozens of Ding family generals were the opponents of Li Chen's elite soldiers, and they were subdued by Cheng Yaojin's men in just a moment.

At this moment, Liu Xie had already hugged his queen, and Fushou fell asleep.Hearing the sound of fighting outside really shocked Liu Xie.

Liu Xie thought, could it be that Li Que sent someone to call again.Quickly greeted Queen Fushou, the two put on their clothes, ready to escape at any time.

"Da da da."

Suddenly, the sound of fighting outside the tent stopped.Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of footsteps, which made Liu Xie's heart twitch.

The curtain of the tent was pulled open, and a group of people walked in, led by Li Chen, followed by generals and a group of elite soldiers.These soldiers were still stained with blood, obviously they had just experienced some fighting.

"Aiqing, could it be that the enemy army has been killed and retreated?" Liu Xie saw that the person who came in was Li Chen, and he couldn't help letting go of most of his gripping heart.A little hope leaked out of the frightened little face.


"Where is there any enemy army? The one who just died was the Ding family general who was guarding outside." Li Chen sneered.

Seeing Li Chen's malicious smile, Liu Xie instantly understood that this matter might not be so simple.

After this meeting, Liu Xie's heart was so cool.Why is it that a person who looks like a loyal minister during the day is just trying to see him with a dagger now?

"My love, what are you doing?"

"Father Cao Cao, you are a loyal minister of the great man. Don't tarnish your father's innocence." Liu Xie's small face was full of panic, and the whole person looked at Li Chen in panic.

"Hey, your father is Cao Cao."

"The father of your whole family is Cao Cao." Li Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

Although he scolded Liu Xie in his heart, Li Chen still had a lukewarm expression on his face, and then he said: "Your Majesty, I have a small request that is not too much, and I hope Your Majesty can agree."

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(End of this chapter)

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