Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 160 Conferring the King's Plan, Disrupting the World

Chapter 160 Conferring the King's Plan, Disrupting the World

As soon as Li Chen said this, Liu Xie said thoughtfully, you led someone to force your way in in the middle of the night, and even killed dozens of Ding family generals outside the door.I'm afraid this small request of yours is a big deal.


"You bullies, Your Majesty the emperor, how can you allow you to be insulted." Seeing Liu Xie trembling with fear, Empress Fushou stood up and shouted at the crowd.

Fu Shou was a few years older than Liu Xie, and like her father Fu Wan, he was also a loyal person.At this time, a little girl actually stood in front of Liu Xie, blocking everyone for Liu Xie.

"Return to His Majesty the Emperor, look at his timidity. It's not even as good as a weak woman, just return to His Majesty the Emperor, the Han Dynasty deserves to decline." At this time, Cheng Yaojin's idiot broke his temper again, and replied unceremoniously Resentment Road.For this Han family, Cheng Yaojin has no loyalty at all.

Li Chen looked at Liu Xie, this kid was really bad, and Li Chen didn't bother to tangle with him, so he just said lightly: "Come here tonight, I just want to ask your majesty for a few imperial decrees, if your majesty can agree, I promise you No offense, just turn around and leave."

As soon as Li Chen said this, Liu Xie couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said to himself, if you ask for the imperial edict, just ask for the imperial edict, it's not that I won't give it to you.Li Que and Guo Si often asked for this thing before.How you want to write, I will write it for you, why bother to engage in such a big battle.

At this time, the Han Dynasty could be said to have lost all its authority, and there was only one name left.Liu Xie really doesn't care much about the imperial decree.Isn't it just asking for an imperial decree to appoint an official?Anyway, it's just a nominal thing.Could it be that Liu Xie ordered Yuan Shao to join Cao Cao, so Yuan Shao could really join Cao Cao?

After all, this decree is just a name.Liu Xie thought, anyway, I can't control this world, and no one listens to me.I can write whatever you want me to write. Anyway, you will still have to fight later.

Liu Xie forced a smile on his face and said: "It's easy to say, easy to say. Yesterday Aiqing saved him, let alone a few imperial decrees, even ten or eight letters are no problem."

Li Chen watched Liu Xie agree, then turned his head to look at Pei Yuanqing, who happened to be holding several imperial decrees in his hands, and these imperial decrees were drafted by Liu Bowen.

Pei Yuanqing placed these drafted edicts in front of Liu Xie, and Liu Xie thought in his heart that it was nothing more than a state shepherd, a general or something.While Liu Xie was thinking, he opened the imperial edict on the top.

"Feng, Cao Cao is the king of Wei. He has the right to establish a government and build teeth, and not to worship the king."

Looking at the imperial edict in front of him, Liu Xie couldn't help trembling his hands, and felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Liu Xie is not stupid, on the contrary, he can be said to be very smart to survive in the cracks for so many years.He was very clear about what being crowned king represented.

It doesn't matter to Liu Xie what kind of state shepherd, even a general, or a prime minister.Because in any case, these official positions are still Hanchen.Regardless of how powerful they are, this world is still dominated by the big men.

However, after becoming a king, this will be different.Once the king is crowned, it means that the world is completely in chaos.Now the Han Dynasty has no authority, if it is crowned king, it will not even have the last name.

Liu Xie's hands were trembling. He never expected that the "Cao Pi" in front of him would let him make his father Cao Cao the king of Wei.You know, this is simply risking the world.You Cao Cao became the king, so where are the other princes?

At that time, Cao Cao will become the target of public criticism. Back then, the eighteen princes were able to challenge Dong, so today the eighteen princes can also challenge Cao.

Liu Xie gritted his teeth, and he continued to look at the remaining imperial edicts. Liu Xie knew what the remaining imperial edicts were without reading them.Now that Cao Cao has been named the King of Wei, the officials under Cao Cao's command will naturally also reward him generously.

"Traitor and traitor!"

"A traitor and a traitor!" Liu Xie cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to say more in his mouth.

Liu Xie opened the second edict, but the content inside was beyond his expectation.

"Feng, Yuan Shao is the king of Jin. He has the right to establish a government and build teeth, and not to worship the king."

At this time, Liu Xie's hands were not only trembling, his forehead was covered with bean-sized drops of sweat.Cao Cao is crowned king, Yuan Shao is also crowned king, so the next one.
As Liu Xie thought about it, he quickly opened the next imperial edict.
"Feng, Yuan Shu is the king of Qi, he has the right to establish a government and build teeth, and not to worship the king."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xie continued to open the fourth imperial edict.

"Feng, Sun Jian is the king of Wu, he has the right to establish a government and build teeth, and not to worship the king."

Then the fifth letter, the sixth letter
"Feng, Liu Bei is the king of Shu, he has the right to open a government and build a tooth, and not to worship the king."

"Feng, Gongsun Zan is the king of Yan, and has the right to establish a government and build teeth, and not to worship the king."

"Feng, Ma Teng is the king of Liang, he has the right to open a mansion and build teeth, and not to worship the king."

"Feng, Li Chen is the king of Qin, he has the right to establish a government and build teeth, and not to worship the king."

"Pfft." Liu Xie looked at the letter in front of him, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and his whole body shook a few times.

Empress Fushou on the side, seeing Liu Xie vomiting blood, hurried forward to support Liu Xie.When she was supporting Liu Xie, she happened to see the imperial decree on the table.

"Conferring the king is actually an imperial decree to confer the king. What a Cao Cao, such a Cao family, you dare to force your majesty to become the king." Fu Shou was shocked when he saw such an imperial edict.

"Rebellious minister, rebellious minister."

"Cao Pi, let me ask you, is this what you mean, or what your father meant." Fu Shou pointed at Li Chen and shouted loudly.

What is Li Chen's purpose, is to pour dirty water on Cao Cao.Once the imperial decree is sealed today, then Cao Cao will fall into the crotch of the yellow mud, and it will be shit or shit.

He, Cao Ah, will have to bear the crime of intimidating the emperor, decreing the title of king, and cholera for the rest of his life.As long as the imperial decree goes out, Cao Cao will not be able to clean up even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

Li Chen looked at Fushou, and said with a serious face: "Of course this is my father's intention. Without my father's order, how could I bring Cao Ren, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei? Leopard ride."

It can be said that Li Chen is pouring all kinds of dirty water on Cao Cao, Cao Cao is the one who is blamed, it is really hard to say.

"What a Cao, hide it."

"Everyone in the world thinks that he is a loyal minister, but it turns out that he is the biggest traitor in the world, a traitor."

"Conferring the king, it's a beautiful idea. After he, Cao, deceived an eunuch, how could he be worthy of the title of the king of Wei." He swept the imperial decree on the table aside with his hands, and cursed loudly.

Fushou should also be a strong woman. At this time, her heart to defend the Han Dynasty far exceeds that of Han Emperor Liu Xie.Don't you see, Liu Xie is so stupid now, he seems to be out of his mind.

"Queen Fu, don't be confused."

"If you accept these edicts, you will still be emperors and empresses. If you don't accept them, you may not be emperors and empresses when you reach the underworld." Li Chen said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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