Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 161 Whether the big man is chaotic or not, Li Chen has the final say.

Chapter 161 Whether the big man is chaotic or not, Li Chen has the final say. (seeking subscription)
The effect of sealing a king is different from sealing a group of kings. If Cao Cao is only sealed as a Wei king, then it is not impossible.Because Cao Cao was only named as the king of Wei, then Cao Cao became the target of public criticism.The rest of the princes will think, you Cao Cao is the king, so what should we do.

At that time, the situation will inevitably be that the other princes in the world will join forces and fight against one family, and together they will first solve Cao Cao, the king of Wei.

However, if all the great princes in the world are named kings, then this will be different.This is to make the big Han kings everywhere, not to mention too many, after two generations, then the people in the world will only know that the king of Wei, the king of Wu, the king of Qin, and the king of Shu will no one remember the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, once the imperial decree of the king is issued, they can't help but refuse to accept it.As soon as the imperial decree arrived, it was a difficult problem for these princes to accept it or not.If he picked it up, then if the others didn't pick it up, wouldn't it be the target of public criticism.But if everyone else picked it up and I didn't pick it up, then wouldn't it be a head short of others for no reason.

So, Jia Xu's plan is really a poisonous plan unparalleled in the world. This plan is [-]%, which can be said to be the last straw that overwhelms the camel of the Han Dynasty.

Liu Xie really didn't want to seal this king from the bottom of his heart, but Li Chen had already explained his words at this time, if he seals this king, he is still the emperor, but if he doesn't seal it, he will go to the underworld tonight.

"Your Majesty, this king cannot be crowned, and my concubines are not afraid of death." Fu Shou looked at Liu Xie, bit his lip, and shook his head.

Liu Xiexin said, you are not afraid of death, but I am.

This is why people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Although Liu Xie is the emperor, if he wants soldiers or generals, he can only be threatened by Li Chen.This time, Liu Xie has already regretted a little, hey, what kind of Luoyang did he plan so well.

Seeing where Liu Xie was still hesitating, Li Chen winked at Cheng Yaojin.Cheng Yaojin noticed Li Chen's expression, and immediately nodded knowingly.

Afterwards, Cheng Yaojin held two big axes and strode forward.Cheng Yaojin had just hacked and killed many people outside, and the pair of big axes were still stained with blood.

Cheng Yaojin is very brave, he doesn't care if Fushou is a queen, in the eyes of Cheng Yaojin, a lawless big devil, the status of queen is nothing like a fart.

"Let me tell you, when men talk, you women have no place to speak. If you are talking nonsense, I will chop your upper body into a meat paste."

"If you ask me why I only cut off the upper body and not the lower body, then I will tell you. I have no use for the upper body, so I only chop the upper body. I keep the lower body, maybe I can do it again while it is hot. "Cheng Yaojin slapped Fushou's white and tender face with the blood-stained axe, and said fiercely.

"Xu Chu, you bastard, I am the queen, how can I allow you to be rude." Fu Shou shouted angrily.

"In the house, what in the house. I'm outside while it's hot, in front of the whole army." Cheng Yaojin said in a low voice.

"General Xu Chu, Mo Nu, Mo Nu."

"I accept this edict, I accept it." Liu Xie said hastily.

As soon as Liu Xie finished speaking, he stood up unsteadily, and took out a jade seal from the wooden box beside the bed.

Li Chen stared at Liu Xie's jade seal. Compared with his own, this jade seal was almost exactly the same.The only difference is that Liu Xie's jade seal is all made of jade, while his own seal has a missing corner filled with gold.

As we all know, when Wang Mang usurped the throne, the jade seal was broken by the queen mother at that time.Therefore, it can be seen that his own jade seal is the real one, and Liu Xie's jade seal is fake at first glance.But, although the jade seal is fake, the emperor is real.Although the real emperor used a fake jade seal, the imperial decree is recognized by the whole world.

Liu Xie took the jade seal and looked at the imperial decree that was swept to the ground by Fu Shou.He was stunned for a while, but found that no one helped him pick it up.In desperation, I had to bend down to pick it up myself.

Liu Xie pressed all the imperial decrees one by one on this jade seal with the eight characters "Ordered by heaven, long life and eternal prosperity".

Liu Xie felt bitter, but Liu Xie didn't say anything.Not long after, Liu Xie put all the imperial edicts on the table on the jade seal.

"Master Cao Pi, are you satisfied?" Liu Xie looked at Li Chen with a slight sense of powerlessness in his tone.

Li Chen nodded and signaled Pei Yuanqing to put away the imperial edict.Then he said to Liu Xie: "Thank you, Your Majesty, since this is the case, I will take my leave."

After all, Li Chen took everyone under his command and strode out of the tent.

As soon as the group walked out of the tent, they heard Fushou's cry and Liu Xie's roar from inside the tent.

"Cao Cao, rebel, Cao Pi, rebel, Cao family, a family of rebels."

At the same time, outside Hulao Pass, in Cao Jun's camp.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Cao Cao woke up from his dream in sweat, and sat on the bed with a dazed face.There is an indescribable feeling in my heart, it feels like there is something extra on my back.

After leaving Liu Xie's big tent, Li Chen returned to his military tent, found the imperial decree to make Cao Cao king of Wei from among a pile of imperial decrees, and then threw the imperial decree into the fire.

The decrees are all made of silk, with rosewood handles on both sides.Throwing it into the fire, the silk decree was instantly reduced to ashes.

Li Chen put Cao Cao as the king of Wei first, and the first one to let Liu Xie see, this purpose is to confirm his identity as Cao Pi.After all, as Cao Pi, it's okay for Liu Xie to be the first to seal his father.

But this imperial decree must not be given away. If this imperial decree was given to Cao Cao, wouldn't it be revealing.

The imperial edict to seal Cao Cao will not be sent, but the imperial edict to seal the rest will be sent.After that, Han Xiandi Liu Xiezai fell into the hands of Cao Cao, so even if there was no imperial decree for the king, Cao Cao could have Han Xiandi Liu Xiezai write one for him.

To Liu Xie, being crowned a king is like giving a little girl the chastity, the first time it's gone anyway, it doesn't matter how many times you come later.

"Send some soldiers to pretend to be His Majesty's bodyguards, and send out these edicts."

"Remember, it must be said that Cao Cao, the king of Wei, invited the titles for all the great kings." Li Chen told Cheng Yaojin.

"I understand, Your Highness King Qin." Cheng Yaojin agreed.

"Get lost, don't bother me here." Li Chen scolded with a smile.

Cheng Yaojin took the tray containing the imperial decree from Pei Yuanqing, stepped out of the tent, and began to order his Xuanjia guards to go to various places to announce the decree.These imperial decrees can be said to have torn the last fig leaf of the Han Dynasty.

From now on, whether the big man is in chaos or not, Li Chen has the final say.

(End of this chapter)

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