Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 163 Zhang Yang: My family's ancestral grave has been found!

Chapter 163 Zhang Yang: My family's ancestral grave has been found!
When Yang Biao asked, Liu Xie began to recount what happened last night.On Liu Xie's side, it was as if he had opened up a chatterbox, and he explained what happened last night like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

When Cao Pi took out the imperial decree to make Liu Xie king, Yang Biao and Fu Wan stared angrily.

"Nie Chen, this Cao Pi must be an ambitious wolf." Fu Wan shouted and cursed loudly.

At this time, Yang Biao also spoke, and he said, "I'm afraid Cao Pi is not the only one who is ambitious. If Cao Pi didn't instruct him, how could a little Cao Pi dare to deal with His Majesty like this."

"Wei Wang, this Cao has a big appetite."

Yang Biao was also resentful at this time. He had a pretty good relationship with Cao Cao, and he always thought that Cao Cao was a loyal minister.However, Wanwan never thought that this Cao Man would have such wolfish ambitions.

"Brother Yang, the imperial decree has been sent out, so we should think about what to do next." Fu Wan looked at Yang Biao and asked.

Things have come to this point, and the form of the big man in the future is basically predictable.The future big man must be the kind of era where the land is full of kings and wars are everywhere.

Yang Biao didn't answer for a while, he was thinking seriously.The imperial decree has been issued, and Liu Xie's jade seal is printed on it.As the so-called black and white, the seal has been sealed, so it is useless to say anything.

Yang Biao thought for a while, and then said: "Since the imperial edict has been sent out, if someone accepts the imperial edict and becomes king, your Majesty will not admit or deny it for the time being. If they want to fight, let them fight."

"The biggest problem for us now is that we have no soldiers or generals. Now that we gather here, we have brought so many belongings and family members. Let alone a chaotic army, we just encountered a small group of people. Thief, I'm afraid His Majesty's safety cannot be guaranteed."

"We still need to find a place to stay first, and then gather loyal ministers who are loyal to the big man. As long as His Majesty can control the military power, then we will have the initiative."

Once the two soldiers of Li Chen and Li Le left, Liu Xie would have no soldiers or generals around him.The most important thing is that if their team is given to some horse thief, the bandit will see it.This is a real fat sheep. Not to mention a large number of female relatives, they also have the wealth of these ministers.

At this time, there was another sound of horseshoes outside, as if another army had arrived.

Who is coming, this is not someone else, but Shangdang prefect Zhang Yang.Zhang Yang only has one county in Shangdang, and he doesn't have many soldiers in his hands.No, as soon as he heard that Liu Xie had escaped from Luoyang, he hurriedly led all his troops to King Qin.

Liu Xie trembled when he heard the sound of soldiers and horses rushing again.As the saying goes, one learns one's wisdom, Liu Xie can't decide whether Zhang Yang, the prefect of Shangdang, is loyal or traitor, so how can he not be afraid in his heart.

This time, Liu Xie didn't even dare to come out of the tent, so Yang Biao and Fu Wan met Shangdang prefect Zhang Yang instead of Liu Xie.

"Taiwei, Uncle Guo, I don't know if His Majesty is safe now." Zhang Yang said as if to express his loyalty when he saw Yang Biao and Fu Wan.

Fu Wanchong nodded to Zhang Yang and said: "I just encountered some accidents, Your Majesty was frightened, and now I am resting in the camp, there is nothing serious."

Fu Wan and Yang Biao looked at each other and decided to hide what happened last night.The matter of conferring the king can't be revealed, the temptation to be the king is so great, if this Shangdang Zhang Yang also follows the example, who the hell can bear it.

However, after chatting for a while.Yang Biao and Fu Wan discovered that Zhang Yang didn't seem to have such big ambitions.After all, a small prefect only has one county.Among the people, he has no reputation.At this time, Zhang Yang, the reason why he came to King Qin was just to show his face in front of Liu Xie.

Zhang Yang welcomed the emperor here and escorted Liu Xie all the way to Shangdang County.Although this Shangdang County is not a rich place, Liu Xie can be regarded as enjoying quite a courtesy.

Whatever Liu Xie wants here, Zhang Yang will give it.It can be said that Zhang Yang obeyed Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty at this time.

At this moment, Liu Xie felt that Zhang Yang was the best person in the world.As the saying goes, reciprocate, publicize and respect Liu Xie.Naturally, Liu Xie couldn't treat Zhang Yang badly, no, when he first arrived in Shangdang, he swiped a pen and made Zhang Yang a big Sima.

Da Sima is a great official. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the largest military officer was the Great General.The army to which the general belongs is divided into five armies, front, rear, left, middle, and five armies, and each of the five armies has a Sima, and this Sima is called the Great Sima.

The Great Sima appointed by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to Zhang Yang can be said to be among the military officers, almost under the Great General.Zhang Yang was overjoyed to get the canonization of the Great Sima.He used to be the prefect, but now he is the official system of a mayor.This big Sima is equivalent to the commander of one of the five major military regions in the country.

From the mayor to the commander of the military region, with such a promotion speed, even if he collapsed with two kicks, he would not be able to collapse so high.It's like being angry, and with a snort, Zhang Yang's official position has just been promoted.

Being named the Great Sima, the beauty in Zhang Yang's heart.At this moment, he felt that there must be smoke rising from the ancestral grave of his old Zhang family.No, it should be said that it is the ancestral grave of their old Zhang family.The fire on the ancestral grave was burning like a wolf's smoke.

For Liu Xie, let alone the great Sima, even the great general dares to seal him now.Damn it, seven or eight kings of the opposite sex have been sealed out, so there is no need for a general, a great Sima.

Liu Xie will be broken and broken, and a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

At the same time, Hulao was closed.

Cao Cao is leading an army to confront Xu Rong. Of course, Cao Cao did not attack Hulao Pass by force. Instead, he and Xu Rong made a strong acquaintance, and wanted to persuade Xu Rong to surrender.

Cao Cao was not interested in the enclave of Luoyang, what he wanted was Han Xiandi Liu Xie.The Emperor Xie wanted to order the princes. This was a strategy carefully planned by his military division for him, and it was related to his Cao family's development plan for the next few decades.

In Hulao Pass, Xu Rong's life is not easy.

At this time, Li Que and Guo Si were fighting fiercely in Luoyang City, and it could be said that their brains were about to be beaten out.Xu Rong and Li Que have a good relationship, and he also agreed to help Li Que block Guo Si's reinforcements.However, it seems that even if he blocks the Hulao Pass and prevents the Cao family from supporting Guo Si, it seems that you, Li Que, are no match.

The battle in Luoyang was still going on, and the Xiliang army left by Dong Zhuo was completely destroyed.And now, Xu Rong is also under tremendous pressure.Many people are persuading him to find another way out for his deputy general.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Que is a grasshopper after autumn and can't grow up. If he is messing with Li Que, one of them will inevitably die.Cao Cao's lobbyists are not idle these days, and many people in Hulao Pass have been moved.

(End of this chapter)

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