Chapter 164 Li Ru Said Xu Rong

Cao Cao sent people to Hulaoguan to persuade him to surrender all day long, and it can be said that he understood it with reason and emotion.And the hearts of the soldiers in Hulao Pass were also fluctuating at this time.

Inside Hulao Pass, in the barracks.

Xu Rongzheng stood there with a gloomy face, surrounded by more than a dozen lieutenants, large and small, and side generals.

"General Xu, we can't continue to go the same way as Li Que. Li Que is seeking his own death. He is living a good life, but he has to engage in some kind of civil war. It's all right now, and he has beaten a lot of eggs."

"General Xu, you have to take advantage of the Hulao in your hand to plan a good one or two, and find a way out for yourself as soon as possible. Li Que wants to die, and we can't bury him with him."

"General Xu, Duke Cao has been in the city for a few days. In my opinion, it is better to surrender Duke Cao."

Xu Rong's more than ten lieutenants, it's you who say something to each other. In a word, the meaning inside and outside the words is to persuade Xu Rong to take refuge in Cao Cao early.

Xu Rong felt somewhat embarrassed at this time, Li Que, Guo Si, the two largest remaining forces of the Xiliang Army were engaged in a civil war.This means that the Xiliang Army has completely withdrawn from the main stage of the troubled times of the Dahan. From today onwards, the Xiliang Army will no longer be the protagonist of the troubled times of the Dahan.

If he hangs around with Li Que, he will inevitably end up in a dead end without a place to bury him.It is indeed a wise choice for Xu Rong to find a next home early.Now that Xu Rong has a tiger prison in his hands, it is indeed capital that is up for grabs.

These days, Cao Cao spent all day at Hulao Pass to persuade him to surrender, and the price was already quite high.If it is in a stalemate, it is not raising the price, but ignorance of flattery.

Thinking of this, Xu Rong couldn't help being a little shaken.The relationship between him and Li Que is good, but it is not good enough to die with Li Que.


At this time, only a long whistle sounded from outside, and an orderly came running in a hurry.

"Report to the general, there is a visit from an old man outside the camp." The messenger knelt on one knee and cupped his hands to report.

"Where did you come from?" Xu Rong asked.

At this time, Hulao Pass was tightly closed, so it is impossible for this old man to come from outside Hulao Pass, so this old man must have come from the direction inside Hulao Pass.

"Report to the general, it is the direction of Luoyang." The messenger hurriedly reported back.

"Could it be that the old man from Luoyang is from Li Que?" Xu Rong seemed to be talking to himself.

"Li Que's man came just in time. General, let's capture this man and dedicate it to Cao Gong. Isn't it a ready-made certificate of honor." At this time, a partial general said.

"Fart, why don't the two armies fight each other?"

"Even if I, Xu Rong, take refuge in Cao Cao, I can't do such a shameless thing." Xu Rong scolded loudly.

Xu Rong is one of the few famous generals in the Xiliang Army.This person is not just a simple brave general, but also very strategic, which is why he is the one guarding Hulao Pass in the Xiliang Army.

How can Xu Rong, a general who thinks so highly of himself, do the dirty work of tying up an envoy and dedicating it to Cao Cao.

Seeing the lieutenant generals around, the partial general still wanted to speak, Xu Rong interrupted everyone and said, "Let's not talk about whether Cao Cao will surrender or not, let's see who is here and why he is here."

"Even if you want to surrender, you have to look at the situation and make a decision."

After Xu Rong finished speaking, he said to the orderly who was waiting at the side: "Go, bring in the people from outside the camp."

This is Xu Rong's camp, and outside Hulao Pass is Cao Cao's army.Therefore, without Xu Rong's order, no matter where the envoy came from, he could only wait outside the gate.

The messenger took Xu Rong's order and left the tent of the Chinese army.Not long after, I heard footsteps of "da, da, da". I think it was the messenger leading the messenger.

The curtain of the large tent of the Chinese army was pulled open, and the people had not yet arrived, only the sound of arriving first.

"Well, Xu Rong, you are so arrogant, you actually made me wait outside your camp for a long time."

The visitor scolded Xu Rong while walking into the large tent of the Chinese army.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, these deputy generals of Xu Rong took a closer look. The man in front of him was about 50 to [-] years old. Although he was tall and straight, he already had white hair all over his head. He looked older than his real age. many.

All the generals and deputy generals looked at the person and felt that this person looked familiar, but they couldn't remember who it was.I thought, could it be that this is General Xu's friend.

Xu Rong was stunned at this moment, he opened his mouth wide, looking surprised.

After a long time, Xu Rong tentatively asked, "A military adviser? Are you a military adviser?"

Xu Rong is a member of Dong Zhuo's command, and only Li Ru can be called a military advisor by Xu Rong.Even Jia Xu, Xu Rong would not call him a military adviser.Jia Xu was Niu Fu's military adviser before, and then Li Que's military adviser.Even when he saw Jia Xu, Xu Rong just called Mr. Jia.

In the eyes of Dong Zhuo's old troops like Xuzhou, there is only one military adviser, and that is Li Ru.

Li Ru smiled, and then said, "That's right, it's me."

"Military division, you... aren't you dead?" Xu Rong asked curiously.

The news of Li Ru's death spread throughout the Xiliang army, and it was precisely because of this that Li Que and Guo Si provoked the Xiliang army's leaders.

Li Ru smiled and said, "Fake death, just get away."

All the deputy generals around listened to the conversation between the two, and only then did they realize that the one in front of them was the famous military advisor Li Ru in the Xiliang Army who was faked dead.It was also sad that they saw that Li Ru's face was familiar, but they didn't dare to recognize him.

After all, they are only Xu Rong's subordinates, and their identities differ greatly from Li Ru's.Even if I have seen Li Ru, I have only seen it from a distance in the army.Moreover, due to the experiences of these years, Li Ru looked extraordinarily old.If it is not a very familiar person, even if you see him, you will not dare to recognize him.

"Military Master, since you're here, don't leave. With you here, I, Old Xu, have the backbone." Xu Rong said sincerely, with the intention of giving priority to Li Ru in his words.

Although Dong Zhuo was brutal, in the eyes of these old troops of the Xiliang Army, Dong Zhuo was the sun in the sky, representing the most glorious moment of the Xiliang Army.Moreover, Dong Zhuo is generous, and the Xiliang Army under his opponent is very good.

Because of this, Xu Rong always thought of Dong Zhuo in his heart.Li Ru is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, in Xu Rong's view, it's okay for him to listen to Li Ru.

Xu Rong, Duan Yan and other old Xiliang tribes belong to people with no ambitions, even after Li Que and Guo Si occupy Luoyang.They did not go to Luoyang to participate in the struggle for power, but quietly guarded one side.

Li Ru didn't come here to seize Xu Rong's military power, even if Xu Rong gave it to him, Li Ru would not take it.Li Ru came here to serve as a lobbyist for Li Chen and persuade Xu Rong to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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