Chapter 165

Li Ru looked at Xu Rong, and asked slowly: "Now our Xiliang army has already set in the west, I don't know Xu Rong, what are your plans?"

Hulao Pass is the most powerful pass in the world, and Hulao Pass and Luoyang Guard Horns complement each other, if you want to break through Luoyang, you must first break Hulao Pass.But how could the Hulao Pass be broken so easily? Back then, the eighteen princes were unable to break through the Hulao Pass even though they were begging for Dong.If Dong Zhuo didn't panic in the end, he gave up Luoyang and fled to Chang'an.I am afraid that the princes of the Eighteenth Route can only look at Guan and sigh.

However, it is different now.Hulaoguan is fine now, but Li Que and Guo Si in Luoyang are fighting.Once Luoyang is lost, Hulaoguan will be faced with the enemy's end.

For Li Ru, Xu Rong didn't hide anything, he frankly explained the current situation.From Xu Rong's words, Li Ru heard it.Although Xu Rong wanted to find a way out for himself, he didn't seem to have made up his mind about who to turn to.

"As for the way to go, I have a way to go. I wonder if General Xu is willing to listen to it?" Li Ru looked at Xu Rong with piercing eyes, and asked softly.

"Oh." Xu Rong was a little surprised, and then asked: "Could it be that the military division has found a new owner."

Li Ru nodded and said, "That's right, it's not just me, Jia Xu and Duan Yan all joined me in taking refuge in the new master."

Hearing this, Xu Rong couldn't help being shocked.Both Li Ru and Jia Xu are intelligent beings close to monsters, and they were able to take refuge in one person at the same time. It seems that this matter is very reliable.

"Military division has something to say, just say it." Xu Rong nodded and hurriedly asked.

"Jia Xu, Duan Yan and I have found a new owner, who is Li Chen, Xuzhou Mu."

"At this time, if there is no accident, Duan Yan has already led the army into Luoyang City in the name of helping Li Que, and this Luoyang has become my lord's pocket."

"After taking Luoyang, the Hulao Pass is naturally a must, so I volunteered to be a qualified lobbyist." Li Ru said slowly.

After Xu Rong pondered for a while, he immediately made a decision: "Since the military advisor has spoken, I, Xu Rong, have nothing to say. It's better to surrender Li Chen with the military advisor and Mr. Jia than to be alone under Cao Ah's command."

Xu Rong had long thought of finding a way out for himself, but he just didn't know who to turn to.Now, it is heard that both Jia Xu and Li Ru have defected to Li Chen.Xu Rong thought, Jia Xu and Li Ru are much smarter and far-sighted than Xu Rong.Since both Jia Xu and Li Ru have taken refuge in Li Chen, he naturally has nothing to say.

Outside Hulao Pass, Cao Cao was still thinking about how to persuade Xu Rong to surrender. Could it be that Xu Rong had changed his family at this time.

Early the next morning, Xu Rong brought his generals to Hulao Pass.

"Mr. Cao, please come forward and talk to me." Xu Rong stood at the gate of the Hulao, his breath sinking in his dantian, and his voice was like thunder.

When Cao Jun who was in the Hulao Pass heard this, he hurried back to the camp and reported to Cao Cao.

Not long after, I saw Cao Cao coming to Hulao Pass under the protection of a group of generals.

Before Cao Cao could speak first, Xu Rong spoke first: "Mr. Cao, I know the purpose of your coming here. My military adviser asked me to tell you that Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, has fled to Shangdang now. Zhang Yang, the prefect of Shangdang, has now been named Da Sima, if you can't pass the Hulao pass, I'm afraid you'll have to get up early and catch the evening market."

"Isn't your military advisor Mr. Jia Xu?" Cao Cao asked.

At this time, Xu Rong panicked and replied, "That's right, it's Mr. Jia Xu."

When Cao Cao heard that Xu Rong had Jia Xu behind him, he thought to himself, no wonder this kid is unwilling to surrender, Jia Xu is behind his feelings to make suggestions.Cao Cao knew that Jia Xu was also a pedantic celestial being, and his horror was not much worse than his own filial piety.

At this time, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao, the military adviser beside Cao Cao, asked: "General Xu, did you invite my lord to come here today, did you mean to make excuses?"

Needless to say Guo Jia's talent, at this moment, he has already guessed what Xu Rong meant.

Xu Rong knew that ten opponents were not Guo Jia's, so he said directly: "That's right, my military adviser said that I can lend the way to Cao Gong, but Cao Gong's army is passing through, and I feel a little worried. Please also ask Duke Cao to send a worthy proton. After Duke Cao's army has passed Hulao Pass, I will send this person out of the pass."

Hearing that Xu Rong agreed to borrow, Cao Cao couldn't help but feel happy.Although Xu Rong was not subdued, it was already a great thing to be able to agree to let him pass.Cao Cao's purpose was to bring Han Xiandi Liu Xie back to Xudu. Now Han Xiandi has fled to Shangdang. If he is letting Han Xiandi play some soldiers and horses, his purpose of coercing the emperor to command the princes will be ruined.

It is also because of this that Cao Cao can now pass Hulao Pass quickly, which is a top priority for Cao Cao.

It's just that Xu Rong now wants a hostage to ensure that when Cao Jun makes excuses, he won't make a fake show and take the opportunity to seize Hulao Pass.

Just when Cao Cao was thinking about who to be the hostage, Guo Jia said, "General Xu, I don't know if Guo Fengxiao is enough."

Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao, if this person is the second in Cao Cao's heart, no one dares to be the first.As far as Cao Cao is concerned, even if he dies with eight sons, he cannot die with one Guo Fengxiao.

"Feng Xiao, how can I let you go, if not, I will go in person." Cao Cao said hastily.

"My lord, it's okay, this Xu Rong doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions." Guo Jia said with a smile.

If Xu Rong wanted to deal with them, he could get stuck here and prevent them from passing through the Hulao Pass.Since he promised to let them pass the Hulao, there is really no need to play tricks.

"Okay, Mr. Feng Xiao's weight is naturally needless to say."

"Mr. Feng Xiao, please enter the customs. I will open the gates of Hulao, and I will ask Cao Gong to lead the army to pass through quickly." Xu Ronglang said.

Li Chen had to ensure that Han Xiandi Liu Xie could fall into Cao Cao's hands, and because of this, he ordered Xu Rong to borrow Cao Cao.Now the Shangdang gathered small warlords, once Cao Cao arrived, the emperor would definitely fall into his hands.

At this moment, Li Chen's false imperial decree has been sent to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Sun Jian, Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei and others.As expected by Li Chen, these people all accepted the imperial decree, and then kept it secret.It seemed that everyone was waiting for the first bird to appear.

It is precisely because of this that Cao Cao is the only major force going to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty to be King Qin at this moment.The rest of the people have the imperial decree to be king, so how can they participate in the competition for Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty?

Not long after, Cao Cao's soldiers and horses passed Hulao Pass, and Xu Rong also sent Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao out of Hulao Pass according to the agreement.

After passing the Hulao Pass, Cao Cao led his army straight to Shangdang, with the goal of Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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