Chapter 166
More than a month later, the battle of Luoyang has come to a conclusion.

Cao Jun went straight to Shangdang County by way of Hulaoguan, but Shangdang only had a group of small warlords headed by Zhang Yang, and the total number of soldiers and horses was only [-] to [-]. How could they be the opponent of Cao Cao, who is strong and strong.Therefore, Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, naturally fell into Cao Cao's hands again.

Cao Cao coerced the emperor to achieve the goal of the princes, so he coerced Han Xiandi Liu Xie and went to Xudu, his headquarters, together.

Cao Cao didn't know about the things Li Chen did pretending to be Cao Pi, and Han Xiandi Liu Xie was also afraid of Cao Cao at this time, and he usually avoided Cao Cao.So Cao Cao didn't know about these things, but Han Xiandi dared not say them.Ever since, Cao Cao was kept in the dark and brought Han Xiandi Liu Xie back to Xudu.

If two flowers bloom, each expresses a branch.Cao Cao achieved his goal here, so naturally Li Chen also achieved his goal.

Huayin Duan Yan took refuge in Li Chen, and led his army into Luoyang by supporting Li Que.After the two joined together, they quickly defeated Guo Si and Zhang Ji.Guo Si and Zhang Ji died in the chaos of war, after solving Zhang Ji and Guo Si.Duan Yan took the opportunity to attack Li Que and cut off Li Que's head with his own hands.

In this way, Luoyang has completely fallen into Li Chen's hands.Luoyang City is an enclave. Although it is not far from Xuzhou, it is not close either.

Li Chen fought against Xuzhou and transferred Yu Qian who was good at defending. Since Qian was in charge of Luoyang's military and political affairs, and at the same time in order to balance the surrendered Xiliang army, Li Chen also specially appointed Li Ru as Yu Qian's deputy.

As for Hulao Pass, Li Chen still entrusted Xu Rong to guard it based on the principle of using people without suspicion and suspecting people without using them.

In this battle in Luoyang, Li Chen can be said to have made a lot of money.First, he successfully took the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and then used the strategy of sealing the king to break Cao Cao's strategy of coercing the emperor to order the princes, and finally got Luoyang and Hulao Pass.

Hulaoguan Xu Rong's 20 troops, Huayin Duan Yao's [-] troops, Li Le's [-] troops, and Li Que and Guo Si's soldiers who had already gathered.In this battle, Li Chen recruited a total of [-] to [-] troops, and now the strength in his hands has broken through the [-] mark.

Yanzhou, Xudu.

The bright moonlight sprinkled the ground like hoarfrost. Cao Cao and Guo Jia were walking in the garden. Cao Cao's shadow looked extraordinarily tall under the moonlight.

The emperor's plan to make the princes was a plan made by Cao Cao's advisers. Whether this matter can be successful will determine the development of the Cao family in the next ten years, or even decades.

But now Cao Cao has controlled Han Xiandi Liu Xie in his own hands as he wished. Although Cao Cao didn't say anything at this time, he is still more or less proud in his heart.

The bright moonlight shone on Guo Jia's face, making Guo Jia's already pale face look even paler.

Although Guo Jia is young, his health is extremely poor due to years of drinking and sex.Let's put it this way, Guo Jia's problem is that he has alcohol addiction and B addiction at the same time.

Guo Jia had a slightly sad expression on his pale face, as if he really couldn't figure out some things.

Cao Cao seemed to see that Guo Jia was worried, he squinted at Guo Jia for a long time, but Guo Jia didn't realize that Cao Cao was looking at him at this time.

After a long time, Cao Cao asked, "Feng Xiao, do you have something on your mind?"

Guo Jia has always been exhaustive. Cao Cao rarely sees Guo Jia like this. From Cao Cao's point of view, there should be nothing in this world that can trouble Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

When Cao Cao spoke, Guo Jia came back to his senses.He breathed a sigh of relief first, and then said to Cao Cao: "My lord, I just think this trip has taken you very smoothly."

Cao Cao stared at a pair of Kazilan's big eyes, with a slightly inconceivable expression on his face: "Feng Xiao, isn't this going well?"

Cao Cao said in his heart, wouldn't it be good if things go smoothly?Is it possible that you have to go through all kinds of nine-nine-eight-one difficulties and exhaustion to achieve your goal.Why, you come here to experience life?
Guo Jia looked up at Cao Cao for the first time, and found that Cao Cao didn't seem to understand what he meant, so he explained: "My lord, it stands to reason that we were held in the tiger prison by Xu Rong for such a long time. However, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was still Only people like Zhang Yang. Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Sun Jian, Gongsun Zan, Ma Teng and others did not send troops."

"My lord, Liu Bei didn't even send troops. This is really a bit abnormal." Guo Jia said with a puzzled look on his face.

It can be said that Guo Jia is justifiable for others not to send troops, but Liu Bei's failure to send troops really makes Guo Jia puzzled.You know, Liu Bei is a self-proclaimed emperor's uncle, and his nephew is in trouble, and he, an uncle, can't help him.

Of course, if it is true that various forces are competing for Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, the current Liu Bei is not qualified to enter the finals.However, whenever troops are sent out, it is an opportunity to gain fame.Liu Bei, who has always paid attention to his reputation, said that it is impossible not to send troops.

However, in fact, when Cao Jun rushed to Shangdang, Han Xiandi Liu Xie was indeed surrounded by only two or three big fish and small fish headed by Zhang Yang.

After Guo Jia's analysis, Cao Cao also felt that there was indeed a problem.Even if Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others did not have such a powerful think tank as him, they could not think of a strategy to coerce the emperor to make the princes.However, the emperor ordered troops to serve the king, which was a great opportunity to gain fame.

Even if you don't want to send troops, you should send out a partial division of several thousand people to show your face in front of the emperor.Not to mention anything else, but whenever troops are sent out, the emperor will reward them more or less in the end.

When Guo Jia said this, Cao Cao also felt a little puzzled, but Cao Cao couldn't figure out things that even Guo Jia couldn't understand.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Cao Cao simply didn't want to.Instead of guessing and adding troubles, it is better for soldiers to cover the water and soil.

Cao Cao took a deep breath and asked Guo Jia, "Feng Xiao, it is reasonable to say that Xu Du has been turned back for more than a month, and His Majesty's reward should have arrived."

Since Cao Cao welcomed Han Xiandi Liu Xie back to Xudu, he treated Han Xiandi Liu Xie better than his own son.Among the Xudu, the best house in Xudu was given to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty as a residence.Not only that, but Xun Yu was also specially ordered to be responsible for building a new palace for Liu Xie.

In Cao Cao's view, I have done my utmost to treat you like this.It stands to reason that you should reciprocate and seal the reward you deserve.

In the position of Cao Cao, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, with plenty of money and food.What Cao Cao wanted was not money, but fame and official position.Emperor Han Xian, a little man like Zhang Yang, even appointed a great Sima, but he never mentioned Cao Cao's award to Emperor Han Xian.

(End of this chapter)

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