Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 168 Yuan Shu Becomes King

Chapter 168 Yuan Shu Becomes King
As soon as the voice fell here, Liu Xie began to write the imperial edict.In just a moment, the imperial decree was written, and Liu Xie ordered the little eunuch beside him to hand over the imperial decree to Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun brothers.

"You two lovers, is there anything else?" Liu Xie continued to ask.

"No more, no more." Brothers Xia Houyuan and Xiahou Dun said in unison.

At this time, the two of them were still a little confused.Why do they feel that Liu Xie is more anxious than them, as if they are afraid that they will go back on their word.

"Could it be that the official position is getting smaller?" Brother Xiahou thought so.

But, then again, the prime minister seems to be the biggest official position of a big man, so how big can it be in the big man.

Although the two brothers were a little puzzled, all in all, the task Guo Jia entrusted to the two brothers was successfully completed.Finally, they lived up to the great trust of the military division, and the two of them did not have any conflicts with Liu Xie.

Yanzhou, Xudu, Cao Cao's mansion.

"My lord, my lord, it's done, the imperial decree is here." With a shout full of joy, Brother Xiahou strode into the hall holding the imperial decree.

In the hall, Cao Cao was discussing something with his confidants, officials and military generals. Now that Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty is in his hands, they can be regarded as taking the initiative.

Hearing Xia Houyuan's voice, Cao Cao couldn't help but tremble, and his heart was also happy.

Prime Minister, from today onwards, Cao Cao is the prime minister of this big man.That is, a truly extremely human minister.

In the time it takes to speak, Brother Xiahou has already walked in front of Cao Cao holding the imperial decree.Cao Cao rubbed his hands, and grabbed the imperial decree with excitement.

Now, Xiahou Dun is holding the imperial decree.Seeing Cao Cao coming to get the imperial decree, he also handed over the imperial decree thoughtfully.Why did Xiahoudun hand it down? He is tall and Cao Cao is short. If he doesn't hand it down, then Cao Cao can't take it on his toes.

Cao Cao took the imperial decree, and he read the imperial decree over and over again, over and over again.He, Cao Cao, finally became the prime minister, and this was the first time for the Cao family.

"Go, tell the world about this." After a long time, Cao Cao said to the left and right.

In about a dozen days, the document that Cao Cao was named prime minister by Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty spread throughout the big and small counties of the Han Dynasty. Now the people of the whole Han Dynasty have to call Cao Cao when they mention the word Cao Cao.

Cao Cao has been named prime minister. This news is nothing to some small forces.After all, Han Xiandi Liu Xie is in the hands of others now. Isn't it a daily operation to seal a prime minister?

However, there are a few people who are at a loss at this time.These people were none other than Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Sun Jian and others who were crowned kings.

Now Hanxian Emperor Liu Xie fell into the hands of Cao Cao, and the person who sent them the imperial edict also told them that it was Wei Wang Cao Cao who asked His Majesty to make them kings.But now, it is obvious that he has been crowned king, so why did Cao Cao seal himself as prime minister again.

This operation really made Yuan Shao, Sun Jian and others a little confused.However, these people are not restless people.Before they figured out what was going on, they were all clutching the royal decree in their hands, keeping it secret.

But, some people can hold their breath, and some people can't hold it.Who is the person who can't hold his breath? It is Yuan Shu from Nanyang.

Nanyang, Yuan Shu's mansion.

"Well, he's a fool. He's going to join us in the army. He deliberately issued this imperial decree to become a king, and then bet that we will keep it secret. In the end, he came up with this move and made himself a prime minister. In order to suppress us He is really deliberate to hide from Cao Cao." After Yuan Shu heard the news that Cao Cao was made prime minister, he was furious.

At this time, in Yuan Shu's heart, Cao Cao deliberately used the holy decree to confer kings on their kings.You know, since the great Han emperor Liu Bang, there has been an ancestral precept that no one with the surname Liu can not be crowned king. Cao Cao is blocking their mouths with the title of king.Anyway, the seal is sealed, whether you dare to admit it is up to you.Since you don't dare to admit it, then he, Cao, is making himself a prime minister without hiding it.

From Yuan Shu's point of view, even though Cao is not tall, this method is really high.No wonder you, Cao, can't hide it from you, your feelings are all under your control.

Yuan Shu has always looked down on Cao Cao. He Yuan Shu is the fourth generation and third prince, and he is a direct descendant.Although Cao Cao's father also served as a Taiwei, he bought it, and Cao Cao was an eunuch.Yuan Shu believes that Cao Cao's identity is far from being equal to him.

Yuan Shu thinks very highly of himself, not to mention Cao Cao, even his elder brother Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu is not too angry.From Yuan Shu's point of view, although they are all four generations and three princes, he is a descendant and Yuan Shao is a concubine.How can this concubine be compared with the one who was born.

It was also because of this that when Yuan Shu heard that Cao Cao had been made prime minister, seven of them were dissatisfied and eight were unhappy.Jealousy can make people lose their minds, and Yuan Shu has lost his mind at this moment.

Yuan Shu was unwilling to let Cao Cao dominate, but the prime minister was already considered the highest official, and he wanted to suppress Cao Cao in turn.Then you can only become king according to the imperial decree.

Let's put it this way, jealousy has already made Yuan Shu lose his mind.Although his counselors, Yan Xiang and Yang Hong, repeatedly persuaded him, Yuan Shu still insisted on becoming king.

In Yuan Shu's hands, there were two or three big cats and kittens, and there were no capable people. Now Yuan Shu insisted on going his own way to become king.Everyone saw that after a few times of persuasion, there was no effect, so no one was persuading.

Being king is not a trivial matter, you have to choose a good day and auspicious day for the ceremony of becoming king, and you have to reform the prince and so on.More than a month has passed for Yuan Shu's preparation.

195 AD, March 6.

Today is an extremely important day for the big man. Yuan Shu of Nanyang became the king, known as the king of Qi.After Yuan Shu became king, he rewarded officials a lot.What kind of general, left and right prime ministers, Taiwei, Taifu, etc. There are countless rewards.

Yuan Shu became the king. It can be said that this was the last straw that overwhelmed the camel of the big man. The Han Dynasty was really in danger.

The fact that Yuan Shu became king naturally made it known to the world, and the news spread to Xudu not long after.

Xu Du, the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Since Cao Cao became the prime minister, the original Cao mansion has become the prime minister's mansion.

"My lord, my lord, something is wrong, something is wrong." Guo Jia trotted in from outside in a panic.

Guo Jia has worked under Cao Cao for many years, but Cao Cao has never seen Guo Jia like this, what is it that can make Guo Jia panic like this.

"Fengxiao, what's the matter?" Cao Cao asked puzzled.

At this time, Guo Jia's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. He looked at Cao Cao and said with a serious face: "Yuan Shu has become king, named King Qi, and has the right to establish a government and establish teeth."

"What?" Cao Cao was shocked when he heard this.

Being king is no small matter.Once the king is conferred, he has the right to open the government and establish the teeth. To put it bluntly, the right to open the government and establish the teeth is to be able to freely confer officials.You know, even if Cao Cao wants to canonize an official now, he has to ask Liu Xie, a tool person, for an order.

Cao Cao's heart was a little stuffy at this time, and he felt like he was carrying something behind him, which made him a little out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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