Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 169 Cao Cao is a bit confused

Chapter 169 Cao Cao is a bit confused

Nanyang Yuan Shu has become king, this is like a muffled thunder on the flat ground to the warlords of the Han Dynasty.He resounded throughout the world, startling all the warlords in the world.

You must know that among the warlords of the Han Dynasty, it is not only Yuan Shu who has the imperial decree in their hands, but seven or eight people have the imperial decree in their hands.

If there is the first one who stands up uncontrollably, there will be a second one, and a third one. After all, no one wants to be short of others for no reason.

The reason why no one stands up now is nothing more than waiting and watching.As the saying goes, shoot the first bird, they want to see what will happen to Yuan Shu, the first person to stand up and become king.

Who wouldn't want to be called lonely, I am afraid that there is no man in this world who can resist the charm of being king.

Xuzhou, Yunlong Hall.

Li Chen looked at Wu Wenwu with a smile and said: "How about it, you lost, I said that this Yuan Shu must be the first one who can't hold his breath."

"That's right, our commander-in-chief really has no plans. There is a saying, in the midst of strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away, and that is our commander-in-chief." As soon as Li Chen finished speaking, Cheng Yaojin, Whoever licked the word started his performance.

A few days ago, Li Chen made a bet with his subordinate civil servants, betting on who would be the first to stand up among these people who received the imperial decree.Everyone is saying that everyone has it, but most people still think that Ma Teng or Gongsun Zan will be the first to stand up and become king.

Why does everyone guess Ma Teng or Gongsun Zan?Because the first to become king will inevitably become the target of public criticism.Ma Teng and Gongsun Zan are located in Youzhou and Bingzhou, both Youzhou and Bingzhou are remote areas.Even if they become kings, they will not be caught in a tight siege for a while.

Almost everyone thought that Ma Teng or Gongsun Zan would stand up first, but only Li Chen said it was Yuan Shu.In the previous life, the first person to proclaim himself emperor was Yuan Shu.This kid dared to do such a thing as the emperor, let alone become the king.

This is like a test paper made by a group of people. When everyone was writing the answers according to their abilities, Li Chen took out the standard answers from his pocket and started copying the answers. How could he not be able to guess correctly.

It has been a few days since Yuan Shu became king, and Cao Cao has been waiting for the statement of the warlords in the world.However, to Cao Cao's surprise, Yuan Shao, Li Chen, Sun Jian, and even Liu Bei, who has always been under the banner of protecting the Han Dynasty, did not express their views.

It was as if none of them had heard the news that Yuan Shu became king. This kind of signal made Cao Cao a little confused, and even made Cao Cao feel that there seemed to be something, as if everyone knew about it. While maintaining a certain tacit understanding, only Cao Cao alone was kept in the dark.

Xu Du, the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Cao Cao summoned the civil servants and generals under his command to start a discussion. The events of these days really made Cao Cao a bit like a monk of Zhang Er, confused.

There are countless warlords in the world, and they maintain a kind of tacit understanding about Yuan Shu becoming king, which makes Cao Cao feel a little weird.This silence made Cao Cao a little restless.

Before discussing the matter, Cao Cao first expressed his doubts.As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days, using them for a while, it was his turn to think tanks to solve his worries and doubts.

Guo Jia frowned tightly, and her already pale face became even paler. After thinking for a long time, Guo Jia said: "My lord, I also feel that something is wrong. Ever since we welcomed Han Xiandi back to Xudu, I have I thought it went too smoothly, but now it seems that there is really something wrong."

Guo Jia sensed something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong.You know, the few families that have received the imperial decree of the king now, except Yuan Shu who has already become the king.The rest of the people are still secretive, and it can be said that they are more tightly covered than the little girl's crotch.How could Guo Jia guess without the slightest bit of news leaking out.

After Guo Jia finished speaking, Cheng Yu, Xun Yu and others under Cao Cao also began to express their opinions.But after all the talk, no one got to the point.In fact, it's not that Cao Cao's think tank can't do it.Ultimately, the problem is that they don't know what's going on.

They didn't even know that there was such a thing as conferring a king to disrupt the world, and they didn't know that Han Xiandi Liu Xie issued an imperial edict to confer a king.It is true that they are counselors, and it is true that their job is to advise the master.But before coming up with an idea, they always have to know what the problem is, so they can come up with an idea.

Everyone was talking in a mess, you say something, I say something.One sentence on the east side and one sentence on the west side, this means that the more you talk about Cao Cao, the more vague you are, and the more you talk about Cao Cao, the more irritable.

Cao Cao was a little anxious, he looked at the crowd, and then at Guo Jia, and felt that his mastermind had to make up his mind on this matter.

"Feng Xiao, tell me." Cao Cao glared at everyone, signaling them to shut up and listen to what Guo Jia had to say.

Guo Jia was taken aback by Cao Cao's name. He thought, what am I talking about?You are asking me to solve the problem, you have to write the problem for me.

Guo Jia also noticed that Cao Cao had lost his attention at this moment.At this time, if he can't come up with a plan, I'm afraid the morale of the army will really be messed up.

Guo Jia thought for a long time before slowly saying: "My lord, if we want to break the situation, we must first figure out what the situation is."

"Since the matter started because of Yuan Shu, we have to find a solution from Yuan Shu. In this way, since no one has made a statement, then let's make a statement first."

"The military division means that we send troops to attack Yuan Shu?" Cao Cao hesitated.

"No, we will not send troops."

"My lord issued a letter in the name of the prime minister, in which he denounced Yuan Shu. We did not use weapons, but also expressed our attitude. When the letter spreads all over the world, and after seeing Yuan Shu's attitude, we are making plans. "Guo Jia explained.

Guo Jia is trying to test Yuan Shu, and wants to find out the whole story of some things from the process of testing Yuan Shu.

What happened recently is like a mess. If you want to figure out what happened, you have to find the thread of this mess first.But now, Yuan Shu has become a leaked thread.

Cao Cao has always been obedient to Guo Jia's strategy, and now it seems that there is no better way except Guo Jia's method.At this time, Cao Cao ordered his subordinates to write an eloquent essay with thousands of words.

Among the content of this call-to-action, there are all words of denouncing Yuan Shu.It can be said that these thousands of words have brought the level of swearing without dirty words to the limit.In the proclamation, it can be said that Yuan Shu's ancestors have been scolded for generations, but you still can't find a single dirty word.

As soon as the proclamation came out, it spread all over the world within a few days.After all, it's not a big deal to watch the excitement, and there are many people who see that the funeral is not too dead.Although there were very few ways to transmit news in ancient times, you can't hold back people who want to spread it.

When Cao Cao's proclamation was passed to Yuan Shu's hands, Yuan Shu was very angry. It is said that Yuan Shu dropped more than a dozen vases, and this was considered to be temporarily relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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