Chapter 170

When Cao Cao's proclamation spread to Nanyang, it made Yuan Shu very angry. Yuan Shu overturned the table and smashed the vase.As for those priceless vases, he smashed a dozen or so before he calmed down.

Yuan Shu's lungs were about to explode from Cao Cao's anger. Just after the pain in his lungs, his heart also hurt.This anger is not enough to feel distressed, why does Yuan Shu feel distressed, those he smashed just now are rare things.Now seeing these treasures are all broken into pieces, wouldn't my heart ache?

Yuan Shu hated Cao Cao in his heart. It can be said that he scolded all eighteen generations of Cao Cao's ancestors, and especially took care of Cao Cao's female friends.

Yuan Shuxin said, "Although I am the first to become the king, how can you, Cao, have the face to scold me?"How did this imperial decree come from, you Cao ah, you don’t know. Didn’t you, Cao ah, forced the emperor to write it?The emperor is in your Cao Cao's hands, you don't let him write it, can I get this imperial decree?
The imperial decree for conferring the king has been obtained, but none of you dare to show it.All of them want to be bitches and set up memorial archways.All of you want to be called lonely and widowed, and you are afraid of being reprimanded. Now I, Yuan Shu, show you a sample. I haven't said anything yet, and you, Cao, actually jumped out and scolded me?
This Cao ah concealment, really interpreted this to the extreme.Yuan Shu was not convinced, he thought to himself, what else hasn't been said yet?You, Cao, jumped out without telling the instigator, you are so fucking shameless.

Here, Yuan Shu calmed down a bit, and then began to respond to Cao Cao's appeal, as Yuan Shu said in his response.

I, Yuan Shu, claim the title of king. That’s not just arbitrariness. I have the imperial decree of being a king. If any of you don’t believe it, you can send someone to Nanyang, and I will show you the imperial decree.The writing in black and white is true, this king of Qi was appointed by the emperor to me.

After Yuan Shu said something serious in the first half of this response, he scolded Cao Cao in the second half.He said, Cao Cao, don't be a whore and set up a memorial arch, the imperial decree is the one you sent to me.Why are you pretending to be a pure little white rabbit now? I'll fuck your grandma, don't call yourself king if you have the ability.

Sending out articles in this era is like sending out Moments on WeChat.That's for others to see. If the two of them really want to argue, then they can chat directly in private.

Yuan Shu's response to this call spread to the big Han within a few days, Li Chen, Yuan Shao, Sun Jian and other big warlords still pretended to be dumb and did not speak.It was as if their mobile phone had run out of battery and they hadn't seen the circle of friends posted by Yuan Shu.

However, after seeing Yuan Shu's response, some small warlords thought to themselves, oh, so he has an imperial edict to be crowned king.No, according to the rules of the big man, no one can be crowned king unless he has the surname Liu.Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xie, should not be able to do such stupid things. Those who exist have said that even if Liu Xie wanted to do such stupid things, it stands to reason that Cao Cao would not let him do it.

Could it be that Cao Cao has a tendency to be abused, so he deliberately made everyone else a king, and then made himself a prime minister, let others ride on Cao Cao's head to shit, and then he had to ask Cao Cao for paper after the shit.

As soon as Yuan Shu's response came out, some small warlords were really curious, and sent people to look at Yuan Shu's place.It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, after a look, you realize that Yuan Shu is really not lying.There is really an imperial decree, black and white and big seal, it is written for real.It was indeed Han Xiandi Liu Xie who made him the king of Qi.

Xu Du, the Prime Minister's Mansion.

As soon as Yuan Shu's response got out, it reached Cao Cao within a few days.After Cao Cao got the news, he immediately summoned his civil and military officials to discuss the matter.

The matter was urgent, and Cao Cao's civil servants and generals gathered one by one in a short time.

Seeing that all the ministers under his command had come, Cao Cao said, "Have you all heard the news from Nanyang?"

When Cao Cao asked this question, everyone nodded in unison.Everyone said, now not only we know, but the whole world knows that you are a bitch and set up an archway again.

"My lord, did you invite Yuan Shu for the royal decree?"

"When did you ask for the order for him? Why don't I know?" Xu Chuweng asked in a low voice.

Smart people can see that this imperial decree for the king must not have been requested by Cao Cao.Cao Cao himself became a prime minister and made Yuan Shu king.How big a hole must be in his mind and how much water must be poured in to do this kind of thing.

Others could see it, but Xu Chu couldn't.Xu Chu is a brainless reckless man, he didn't think so much.He said in his heart that Liu Xie, Emperor Xiandi of the Han Dynasty, is in Xudu, and he is separated from them.Yuan Shu said that the edict was requested by Cao Cao for him, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

When Xu Chu asked, Cao Cao thought, yes, not only do you not know when I asked for Yuan Shu's request, but I also don't know when I will do his request.

"When did I ask Yuan Shu for an order? How could he, Yuan Shu He De, be called a widow?" Cao Cao said with a wry smile.

Although Xu Chu has no brains, he is not stupid.Hearing what Cao Cao said, he also understood that the imperial decree in Yuan Shu's hand was not requested by Cao Cao.

"My lord, many people have seen the imperial decree in Yuan Shu's hands. It is worth investigating where this imperial decree came from." Xun Yu said softly.

"Han Xiandi Liu Xie has always been in our hands. If you ask me, the imperial decree in Yuan Shu's hands is false and forged." Xu Chuweng said in a low voice.

Just after Xu Chu finished speaking, Guo Jia, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"No, the imperial decree in Yuan Shu's hand is true, it must be true."

"I've been thinking about why Yuan Shu called the king all the great warlords in the world who are silent. Now I understand that Yuan Shu should be far more than the only one who has the imperial decree in his hand."

"My lord, I'm afraid we may have fallen into a trap." Guo Jia said with a solemn expression.

"Feng Xiao, you mean Yuan Shao, Sun Jian, and Li Chen all have imperial decrees in their hands, so they are silent."

"They are waiting and watching, watching the reaction of the world after Yuan Shu became king, and then waiting for the opportunity to become king?" Cao Cao was shocked when he understood Guo Jia's meaning.


At this time, only a long sound came from outside the door.

"Da da da."

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and a scout hurried in.

"Report to the prime minister, there is urgent information from Xiliang." The scout, with a dusty look, knelt on one knee and handed over the information.

Cheng Yu, who was at the bottom, took the information and handed it to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao opened the envelope under the watchful eyes of everyone. The more Cao Cao looked at it, the more frightened he became, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Guo Jia asked tentatively.

Cao Cao looked at the crowd, gritted his molars and said, "Ma Teng of Xiliang has become the king of Xiliang. He named himself the king of Liang and set his capital at Jincheng. He named Han Sui the general and Beigong Boyu the prime minister."

(End of this chapter)

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