Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 171 Liu Xie: The imperial decree was written by the prime minister.

Chapter 171 Liu Xie: The imperial decree was written by the prime minister.

Guo Jia's words are admonitions. I am afraid that it is not only Nanyang Yuan Shu who has just finished speaking, but Ma Teng of Xia Liang will be crowned king.You know, these two people are completely separated by a thousand miles, and they are completely indifferent.

Cao Cao said in his heart, good guys, you are crowned king one after another, and this is the feeling that you are forming a group to become king.

"Feng Xiao, what should I do?" Cao Cao's face was solemn, and there was unspeakable sadness in his words.

After pondering for a moment, Guo Jia said slowly, "My lord, for the present plan, we still need to figure it out first. How many copies of this royal decree are there, and who still has the royal decree now?"

When Cao Cao heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Feng Xiao, how can you understand these things?"

"My lord, to untie the bell, you have to tie it. If these edicts are true, they must have been made by someone. Let's go to the palace to find out the cause and effect of this matter." Guo Jia looked at Cao Cao, slowly Said.

Guo Jia said who to ask, of course he asked Han Xiandi Liu Xie.Since Yuan Shu's imperial decree is true, it must have come from Han Xiandi Liu Xie.Then how many imperial decrees Liu Xie issued to become kings, he naturally knows best.

Cao Cao also panicked just now, and didn't react for a while.When Guo Jia said this, Cao Cao immediately reacted.

"Come on, let's go into the palace and ask His Majesty." Cao Cao ordered to the left and right.

Cao Cao has never been a procrastination person, and his style of acting is to act vigorously and resolutely.Here, Cao Cao gave an order, and immediately took a group of ministers to the residence of Han Xiandi Liu Xie.

Since Liu Xie, Emperor Xiandi of the Han Dynasty, called Xudu, he was full of delicacies from mountains and seas all day long, and the beautiful singer had a very happy life, and his weight had increased by more than ten catties.

Cao Cao ordered some soldiers and horses, and rushed to Liu Xie's temporary residence with a group of civil servants and generals. He said that the residence was actually a slightly larger residence that Cao Cao had found for him in Xudu.

Cao Cao brought a group of soldiers and horses to Liu Xiexing Palace, looked at the group of ferocious soldiers behind him, and then at a group of civil servants and generals.This posture, at first glance, looks like a gang fight.

Cao Cao felt that he brought so many people to meet Han Xiandi Liu Xie, which was more or less threatening.Cao Cao thought about it for a second, it seemed inappropriate to bring so many people here, so he said to the general civil and military behind him: "Feng Xiao, Xun Yu and Xiahou brothers and I will go in, and the rest will wait outside the palace."

When Cao Cao said this, everyone thought the same.Dozens of hundreds of people came in, even though the house was several times larger, it would not be too crowded.But going to so many people, it's like a big group fight, if it scares Liu Xie, it's really not good.

To say that Cao Cao is really interested in Liu Xie, the house he gave is really big, there are seven or eight doors from the outside to the inner courtyard.

"The prime minister is here."

"The prime minister is here."

"The prime minister is here."

Cao Cao passed through a door, and heard the little eunuch shouting in a long, shrill voice.The voice seemed to be an announcement, but it was actually a letter to Han Xiandi Liu Xie, telling him that Cao Cao was coming and asking him to prepare.

In the hall, Han Xiandi Liu Xie was listening to the song and dance.Hearing the little eunuch's singing and shouting from outside, he hurriedly dismissed the singer and sat on the high platform solemnly.

In fact, these days Liu Xie and Cao Cao get along fairly well, and there is no conflict between the two, so Liu Xie's vigilance towards Cao Cao has also dropped a lot.

"Da da da."

There was a sound of hurried footsteps, Cao Cao led Guo Jia, and Cheng Yu walked in. Brother Xiahou didn't come in, but stood guard on both sides of the hall like two door gods.The two held the handle of the knife in their hands, with an expression of keeping strangers away.

In the middle of the hall, Liu Xie is sitting here.

Seeing Cao Cao walking in, Liu Xie hurriedly said, "Today, it was the southeast and northwest wind that brought the prime minister here."

Hearing this, Cao Cao's face darkened, and he thought, "The wind from southeast to northwest is blowing to me. Do you mean that I am a spinning top?"Feelings, are you turning a corner and scolding me for not smoking?
If Cao Cao thought a lot, Liu Xie just said that casually, and he thought that Liu Xie was scolding him.

Hey, what bad thoughts could this little emperor have?

"Your Majesty, I have something I would like to ask Your Majesty to answer your questions." Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie and asked, clasping his hands.

"Prime Minister, if you have anything to ask, just ask, and I will definitely answer you, and I will never stop talking." Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao and said seriously.

Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie and felt that this kid didn't seem to want to have any problems. How did these edicts spread out?Cao Cao thought to himself that he had already come, so he knew it when he asked.

"Your Majesty, do you know that Yuan Shu of Nanyang and Ma Teng of Xiliang are both kings?" Cao Cao asked.

Cao Cao was asking while staring at Liu Xie closely, trying to see something from his expression.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing the news, Liu Xie did not show the slightest shock, but said very flatly: "Well, I know the news."

Liu Xie's performance was so plain, which made Cao Cao's heart startled again. He thought to himself: "Could it be that this kid is really cheating himself?"

"Your Majesty, Yuan Shu of Nanyang and Ma Teng of Xiliang both have imperial decrees to become kings. I don't know if this decree came from His Majesty?" Cao Cao continued to ask.

When Cao Cao asked such a question, Liu Xie thought, don't you ask knowingly?Didn't you ask me to write this decree?Could it be that you, a nobleman, forget things too much?

Liu Xie thought, maybe this Cao Cao has amnesia.

"That's right, I wrote this edict?" Liu Xie said lightly.

When Liu Xie said this, Cao Cao instantly understood.No wonder this kid Yuan Shu is so righteous?Feeling that the imperial decree in his hand was actually true.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's little black face instantly turned pale.He said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the king should not be sealed lightly, how can you be so confused."

When Cao Cao said this, Liu Xie became a little angry.This clay figurine is still angry, not to mention Liu Xie, a living man.Liu Xie thought, didn't you force me to seal this tm?Now you still come to Xingshi to inquire about my crimes.

"Prime Minister, you asked me to write this royal decree?" Liu Xie flicked his sleeves with a displeased expression on his face.


"I asked you to write it?" Cao Cao was shocked, he wanted to kill Cao Cao in his dream, but when did he get this nocturnal wanderlust?

Cao Cao didn't want to bear the blame, so he hurriedly asked in a serious tone: "Why did I ask His Majesty to write the imperial decree for the king, why didn't I know?"

Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie with an innocent and confused look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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