Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 172 Cao Cao Beats Xu Chu

Chapter 172 Cao Cao Beats Xu Chu

At this moment, Liu Xie and Cao Cao are staring at each other, you look at me, I look at you, both feel that there is something wrong with each other.

Liu Xie thought to himself, you asked me to write this decree, even if you forgot it before, once I remind you, you will have to remember it anyway.

Cao Cao also thought at this time, what kind of dirty water was poured on me, when did I ask you to write this royal decree, I don't know why.

As soon as Liu Xie said this, Cao Cao had to discuss it with Liu Xie.He said to himself, since you Liu Xie said that I asked you to write this edict, that's fine, when did I ask you to write it, let's talk about it now.

Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao's little black face with confusion, and then Liu Xie said, "Prime Minister, although you didn't ask me to write this decree, it was indeed the decree of your second son Cao Pi. At that time Along with them, there are three generals, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Cao Ren."

"Cao Pi, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Cao Ren? Your Majesty is not joking?" Cao Cao asked, with a slight chill in his tone.

These people are all Cao Cao's confidantes, if they did this kind of thing without telling Cao Cao, it would be really scary to think carefully.

"Prime Minister, how can this kind of thing be joked about? Empress Fu can also testify about this matter." Liu Xie said convincingly.

Cao Cao would be completely confused. It stands to reason that Xu Chu, Dian Wei and others would not be able to do such a thing.However, with the serious look of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty now, it seems that he is not talking nonsense.

"Could it be that the prime minister doesn't know about this?" Liu Xie asked tentatively.

Cao Cao replied with a dark face, "I don't know."

"Your Majesty, do you still remember how many imperial edicts were issued that day?" At this time, Guo Jia asked.

"Yuan Shao is the King of Jin."

"Yuan Shu is the king of Qi."

"Sun Jian is the king of Wu."

"Liu Bei is the king of Shu."

"Gongsun Zan is the King of Yan."

"Ma Teng is the King of Liang."

"Li Chen is the King of Qin."

"By the way, there is also the Prime Minister's King Wei." Liu Xie counted with his fingers.

"Eight?" Cao Cao almost spat out a mouthful of old blood after Liu Xie finished counting.Every time Liu Xie counted one, it was like hitting his chest with a sledgehammer.

Ever since Liu Xie told Cao Cao that including him, he had made a total of eight kings, Cao Cao's head was buzzing.Liu Xie's words were like thunder, hitting Cao Cao's heart.In the end, Cao Cao didn't even remember how he got out of the yard.

"My lord, what's going on?" As soon as Cao Cao came out of the gate, the group of people waiting at the gate immediately surrounded him.

When Cao Cao was questioned by everyone, he came back to his senses.Seeing Xu Chu, Dian Wei, and Cao Ren in the crowd, Cao Cao was immediately furious.

Cao Cao glanced left and right, as if before a fight, he looked around to see if there was anything handy.After looking around, Cao Cao saw the whip hanging on the horse.

In other words, Cao Cao took off the whip from his BMW in the time it took to speak.

"Crack, snap, snap."

"What's going on, you still have the face to ask me what's going on?"

"Crack, snap, snap."

Cao Cao hit Xu Chu with the left whip, and Dian Wei with the right whip.The two brothers are both big and stand right next to each other.In this way, it is also convenient for Cao Cao to draw.

Cao Cao's whips directly stunned Xu Chu and Dian Wei. They thought that they had done nothing wrong, and why they were beaten for no reason.

"My lord, don't fight."

"My lord, don't fight."

Seeing that Cao Cao was angry, Wen Wu on the side hurriedly persuaded him.Now Cao Cao has made it clear that he is serious. Although Xu Chu and Dian Wei are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, they can't stand such a beating.

After whipping Xu Chu Dianwei a few times, Cao Cao's heart became much smoother.Cao Cao stared fiercely at the two idiots in front of him, and said angrily, "Will you be convinced to beat you two?"

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Xu Chu shook his head and said in a low voice, "You are the lord. If you hit me, you will hit me. But I am not convinced. I don't know why you hit me."

Cao Cao raised his hand, just about to whip his whip, but was stopped by Brother Xiahou.

"You really don't know why I beat you?" Cao Cao said angrily.

"I don't know, even if you beat me to death, I don't know." Xu Chu said unconvinced.

Cao Cao glared at Xu Chu, and said, "Okay, I will help you remember. Let me ask you, is it you, Dian Wei, Cao Ren, and Cao Pi, the rebellious son, who forced Your Majesty to write this imperial edict. "


"My lord, who said that. It's just fucking shit. I, Xu Chu, didn't do such a thing." As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Xu Chu yelled loudly.

Xu Chu was an honest person, he said what he had to say, and said what he had to say.If he really did it, then Cao Cao would definitely admit it when asked.Looking at Xu Chu's appearance now, it should obviously have nothing to do with him.

Cao Cao looked at Dian Wei, who was being beaten, Dian Wei noticed that Cao Cao was looking at him, and quickly explained: "My lord, I didn't do it, and this matter has nothing to do with me."

"You two really didn't do anything, could it be that Liu Xie is lying to us?" Cao Cao asked Guo Jia in confusion.

Upon hearing Cao Cao's words, Xu Chu became furious.Feeling that he was beaten for no reason, it was Liu Xie who was chewing his tongue behind his back.

"This is what Liu Xie's son said, I'm going to find him." After Xu Chu finished speaking, he turned his head and rushed to Liu Xie's mansion.

Xu Chu is nicknamed a tiger idiot, but his temper is just like a tiger.At this moment, Xu Chu was like a raging tiger.With Xu Chu's current state, he reckoned that if he was really allowed to go, he would have to wrench Liu Xie's head off.The generals quickly grabbed Xu Chu and calmed him down temporarily.

"My lord, let's call the Second Young Master and General Cao Ren for a question." Guo Jia said at this time.

At this time, Guo Jia already understood in his heart that they must have been caught in some trick.It should be that someone pretended to be Cao Pi's name and forced Han Xiandi to write down the imperial decree for the king.

Guo Jia can be said to be Cao Cao's reassurance. As soon as Guo Jia spoke, Cao Cao immediately ordered his men to call Cao Pi and Cao Ren.One of these two is Cao Cao's son and the other is Cao Cao's brother. Naturally, they dare not lie to Cao Cao.

Before long, Cao Pi and Cao Ren arrived first.Cao Cao was almost out of anger at this time, so when he saw these two people, he didn't hit them as soon as they met.

Cao Cao told the two of Han Xiandi Liu Xie's words, and then Cao and the two asked: "You two did this imperial decree."

"Father, it has absolutely nothing to do with me at this time." Cao Pi swore.

Cao Ren also denied this matter, and now the four parties mentioned by Emperor Xiandi Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty are completely ignorant of this matter.

Cao Cao thought to himself: "It seems that if Liu Xie didn't intend to provoke, or if there's something else that hasn't been figured out."

(End of this chapter)

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