Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 173 Confronting Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 173 Confronting Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty
As the old saying goes, if you don't argue, you don't understand. In order to find out the cause and effect of the matter, Cao Cao deliberately brought the four parties, Cao Pi, Cao Ren, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei, into Liu Xie's mansion again, intending to confront Liu Xie.

"The prime minister is here."

Liu Xie has just called up the dancer who has quit, the song and dance has just begun, and Liu Xie has just regained his senses, and it's time to get excited.

Outside the door, there was another loud shout from the little eunuch.

As soon as Liu Xie heard that Cao Cao was coming again, his face darkened instantly, and he thought to himself, you Cao Cao, why is it not over yet?
Of course, although there is a little dissatisfaction in my heart, I have to bow my head under the eaves.After all, I am now in Xudu, which is Cao Cao's territory.No matter how dissatisfied Liu Xie was in his heart, he didn't dare to show it.

Liu Xie hurriedly waved his hand to signal the dancer to go down, straightened himself up, and sat on the main seat solemnly.

"Da da da."

There was a sound of footsteps outside the hall, and after a while Cao Cao led someone in again.

Liu Xie looked at the main hall and thought, what's the matter, why did Cao Ahman bring a few more people in?

"Prime Minister, why did you go and come back again?" Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao and asked.

Cao Cao signaled Cao Pi, Cao Ren, Dian Wei, and Xu Chu to stand up, then pointed to the four and asked Liu Xie, "Your Majesty, do you recognize these four?"

Cao Cao asked, Liu Xie looked at the four of them, he looked at Cao Pi first, and nodded secretly: "Well, this kid is not bad."

Then he looked at Cao Ren again and thought, "This one is okay."

Turning his head to look at Xu Chu, he was startled: "Good guy, this guy looks really ugly."

Finally, when I saw Dian Wei, I was even more surprised: "My mother, what is this?"

Dian Wei was called by Cao Cao, my evil came.Elai is a minister under King Zhou of Shang Dynasty. He looks very ugly, but he is strong and strong.Dian Wei was able to obtain such a title, which shows how ugly this kid is.

Liu Xie saw that if Xu Chu was ugly, then Dian Wei was very ugly, which was quite ugly.

Liu Xie thought that these four people had never met before.Not to mention the first two, just the latter two, if you look at them more, you will not be able to sleep all night, and you will have nightmares all night.If you have seen these two people, then you have a deep impression on yourself.

Liu Xie thought that he was not like Cao Cao and had amnesia, and he specified that he had never met these four people.At this time, Liu Xie still felt that there was something wrong with Cao Cao's appointment.

"I don't recognize these four people." Liu Xie looked at Cao Cao and said frankly.

"Oh, Your Majesty really doesn't know him?" Cao Cao confirmed again.

Liu Xie thought, you are sick, and you said you didn't know each other, why do you still ask?If you are sick, hurry up, you should take medicine, take medicine, and see a doctor.You are tossing me, it's endless, isn't it?

"I really don't know you." Liu Xie replied again, with a little impatience already in his tone. "Your Majesty, these four are my second son, Cao Pi, and three generals, Cao Ren, Xu Chu and Dian Wei." Cao Cao looked at Liu Xie and said solemnly.

"What?" When Cao Cao said this, it was Liu Xie's turn to be shocked.Isn't that right, Cao Pi, Cao Ren, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei are different from the people he met that day?

At this time, Liu Xie also understood that the imperial edicts that day were probably written by someone pretending to be Cao Pi.

Cao Cao asked again what happened that day, and Liu Xie told the whole process of that day in detail.Of course, the content of Liu Xie has also been changed.For example, he was actually scared to death that day, but he changed it to being fearless in the face of danger. In the end, he was forced by the group of people to threaten him with the queen, so he wrote these imperial edicts.

After Cao Cao asked what had happened, he left Liu Xie's mansion with his civil servants and generals, ready to go back and sort out the whole thing carefully.

After Cao Cao left, Liu Xie was not in the mood to watch the song and dance performance.He always thought that Cao Pi forced him to write the imperial decree, but now it seems that someone made Cao Cao take the blame.He was also curious about who coerced the imperial edicts written by him that day.

Xu Du, the Prime Minister's Mansion.

At this time, a group of civil servants and generals under Cao Cao's command gathered in the prime minister's mansion.There was a burst of indignation on Xu Chu's face. He took the blame for no reason, and was beaten severely by Cao Cao. He would be sulking.

"Damn it, if I find out who pretended to be my name, I'll have to screw his head off." Xu Chuweng said angrily.

"Father, in my opinion, what this person should do is to become a king. Therefore, the person who acts in my name must be one of these people who are called kings."

"We just have to wait and see, whoever wants to be king next will find the person who framed us among these people." Cao Pi cupped his hands at his father Cao Cao.

Everyone felt that what Cao Pi said was somewhat reasonable, and they all began to guess who would be king next.

"Everyone, there is no need to guess."

"The one who acted in the name of Second Young Master that day was probably Xuzhou Mu Li Chen." Guo Jia said.

Xuzhou Shepherd Li Chen.

Mentioning these five words, the civil and military under Cao Cao hated it so much.In these years, Cao Jun's soldiers and horses can be said to be invincible all over the world, and they have never been defeated.But only on Li Chen, the loser was a disastrous one.

When Li Chen was mentioned, Cao Pi also hated him.My daughter-in-law, I'm afraid she and Li Chen's children will be soy sauce.

"Military Master, how can you be sure that Li Chen's actions are the ones?" Cao Pi gritted his molars and said viciously.

When Cao Pi asked this question, Cao Ren, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei, the three culprits, also looked at Guo Jia with piercing eyes, wanting to understand.

Guo Jia looked at the four people and explained: "According to what your majesty said, the imperial decree was written before meeting Zhang Yang, that is, before your majesty came to the Shangdang. It should be after your majesty wrote these imperial decrees that Li Chen just signaled Xu Rong let us pass through the Hulao Pass."

"Now Luoyang and Hulaoguan have all fallen into Li Chen's hands, and Xu Rong and Duan Yan have also taken refuge in Li Chen. From this, it can be seen that Li Chen deliberately wanted the emperor to fall into our hands, and let us recite this black pot."

"According to what Your Majesty said, it should be Li Chen who came out with Mr. Cao Pi, and the man who pretended to be General Xu Chu and wielded the double axes should be Cheng Yaojin under Li Chen's command. The young general Pei Yuanqing who wounded General Xiahou. As for General Cao Ren who came out and used the strange long weapon, it should be the Tianbao General Yuwen Chengdu who is now famous all over the world."

As soon as Guo Jia finished speaking, everyone looked at Xiahoudun again. He was the one who took Pei Yuanqing's hammer that day and was smashed to death.

Xiahoudun suddenly felt as if he had died socially, and said to himself, if you talk about things, talk about things, why mention me?
(End of this chapter)

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