Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 177 Huang Yueying Must be Used in Shipbuilding

Chapter 177 Huang Yueying Must be Used in Shipbuilding (Subscribe)
Although the Soochow Navy is powerful, it is relatively powerful in this era.You know, there was no such thing as going to sea during the Three Kingdoms period, and most of the ships were just flat land boats sailing in inland rivers.

Among the navy of Soochow, a ship that can carry two to 300 people is a big ship, and a ship that can carry more than 500 people is a flagship in Soochow.Adding up the flagships of the entire Soochow Navy, even the top leaders can count them.

Moreover, the combat methods of the navy in this era basically rely on long-distance archery, climbing to the opponent's ship to fight at close range, and the bloodiest point is to collide with each other.

On the drawings provided by Li Chen, the casting method of the artillery can be recorded, once these ships are built.These giants with long-range firepower can literally traverse the rivers, lakes and seas of this era.

After everyone watched the blueprint, they exchanged the blueprint to Li Mu.Liu Bowen is still slowly grieving this time.

"Military teacher, what worries do you have in your heart?" Li Chen asked Liu Bowen, who was slowly looking sad.

"King Qin, although these ships are good, I'm afraid our craftsmen can't make them?" Liu Bowen looked at Li Chen and said.

Although Li Chen has the blueprint of the entire construction in his hand, and there are very detailed instructions on the blueprint.But for shipbuilding, he doesn't mean that you can build it just by giving you a blueprint.You must know that these blueprints of Li Chen are all Ming's ships, which are many generations ahead of the current era.Not to mention ordinary craftsmen, even skilled craftsmen may not be able to build them.

Just after Liu Bowen finished speaking, Chen Deng on the side also said: "King Qin, what Bowen said is true, our craftsmen can do some rough work, but I'm afraid we can't really make the above things."

Not only Liu Bowen felt that his own craftsmen were not good enough, but Chen Deng also felt that his own craftsmen were not good enough.Shipbuilding is the same thing as mathematics, if he can't do it, he can't do it.

"What you scholars think is complicated. Didn't King Qin say that? The blueprint was given by his friend, so let's invite King Qin's friend to help us build the ship, wouldn't that be enough?" Cheng Yaojin twitched at himself The curly beard said in a low voice.

"Hey, that's right, Brother Chen, we're overthinking it."

"Since the blueprint was given by a friend of King Qin, let's invite him to be in charge of building the ship." Liu Bowen's brows also relaxed.

"That's right, don't look at Yao Jin who is usually confused, but he is very smart at this critical moment." Chen Deng also said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, what do you think of this matter?" Cheng Yaojin asked with his head stretched out.

Li Chen said in his heart, what the hell idea did you come up with.I also asked my friend to help us build a boat. I have a ghost friend who can build a boat.To be honest, the friend I am talking about is myself.

Although he thought so in his heart, Li Chen couldn't say that.Li Chen was thinking in his heart that his so-called friend did not exist at all, so he couldn't come to the appointment.But how should I say it?

Sure enough, if you tell a lie, you have to use countless lies to cover it up.

How could Li Chen be troubled by such a small matter, as soon as he rolled his eyes, that small idea came.

Li Chen pretended to be sad, and said with a heavy tone: "Hey, to tell you the truth, my friend, he died young, he is already dead. At this moment, I reckon the grass on the grave must be as high as gold." .”


"Dead?" Hearing Li Chen's words, everyone was shocked.

"Yes, it is indeed dead."

"Hey, he invented these ships with painstaking efforts. Before he died, he handed over these blueprints to me and entrusted me to build these ships, which is considered to have fulfilled his long-cherished wish." Li Chen said seriously.

"Hey, it's not easy to handle when people are dead. Most of our craftsmen have never built boats. It's like a mountain. It's okay to let them do some rough work, but if you want them to build boats, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. Difficult."

"If we really want to build a ship, in addition to recruiting some skilled boatmen, we also need to find a master who is proficient in shipbuilding." Liu Bowen pondered.

Although there are many craftsmen in this era, there are really not many people who can be called masters.The masters of this era are not the masters of the 21st century.The masters of this era have a high gold content.Of course, the masters of the 21st century also have a lot of gold, and they are all fucking titles bought with money. Can the gold content be insufficient?

Li Chen rubbed his chin and said to himself: "This boatman is easy to find. We can always recruit them by spending a lot of money. Even if we can't recruit them, let people from Jinyiwei go to Soochow to tie me up, and they can still be tied up. Quite a few. However, it is hard to find a craftsman who can be called a master."

"A famous craftsman in the Three Kingdoms?" Li Chen thought in his heart. Fortunately, he was familiar with the four great classics in his previous life. He kept in mind Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Water Margin and Jin Ping Mei.

Thanks to the fact that he had read these four classics several times in his previous life, it took Li Chen almost a moment to think of the famous inventor of the Three Kingdoms, namely Huang Yueying.

This little girl Huang Yueying is very powerful, she can be called a great inventor of the Three Kingdoms period.If you can get her in your hands, then building a ship will be a piece of cake.

It is said that Huang Yueying has yellow hair and blue eyes, and it is presumed that his father Huang Chengyan and a Xinjiang woman were born.In this era, in the eyes of Han people, this appearance is a foreign race.

Li Chen thought about it, if he has a foreign blood, then his relationship is good, and he likes this tune.

Think about Dili Coulee and Tong Li of later generations
This Xinjiang woman's growth can only be evaluated in two words, that is Dejin.

If he could get Huang Yueying into his hands, wouldn't it mean that he would let her do the shipbuilding and then do other things by himself.

Huang Yueying knows astronomy at the top, not to mention geography at the bottom, and this person is extremely good at the study of physics.It is said that Zhuge Liang invented the wooden cow and horse, and Zhuge Liannu, which were the skills taught by Huang Yueying.

If you say it this way, it actually makes sense.In ancient times, it was not easy for women to show their faces, Huang Yueying taught these things to Zhuge Liang, and let Zhuge Liang go to show their faces, so it is only natural.

Li Chen pondered in his heart, Zhuge Liang should not have married Huang Yueying at this time, and he should still have a chance to cut off his husband.Well, it doesn't matter if you're married.On this field, it is not the same as having a goalkeeper. Those who deserve to score have to score.As long as you wield your hoe well, you won't be able to knock down any walls.

While touching his chin, Li Chen had a weird smile on his face.

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(End of this chapter)

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