Chapter 178

At this time, Li Chen had already made up his mind, I have dug Zhuge Liang's corner, and no one can stop him.

Although mentioning that the Three Kingdoms can be called a master craftsman, Li Chen immediately thought of Huang Yueying.But after all, Huang Yueying did not show her face many times in the Three Kingdoms, and there are not many records about her.Where is Huang Yueying now, Li Chen has to recall carefully.

In a short while, Li Chen's thoughts fell into memories.

The pictures of the four famous novels I read in my previous life are shown one by one in my mind like a movie.

"Da Lang drinks the medicine."

"If you do this, my brother will come back and will not let you go."

"Uncle, how about we have a cup of wine."

Thinking about it, Li Chen felt that it was a bit of a crossover, no, why did it go from Romance of the Three Kingdoms to Outlaws of the Marsh.Where does Huang Yueying live, she can't live in Jingyanggang.If Huang Yueying lived in Jingyanggang, then after Wu Song finished drinking, he still went to fight some tigers.

Pulling his unstoppable thoughts back on track, Li Chen continued to recall where Huang Yueying lived.

Li Chen thought for a long time, but he really couldn't think of where Huang Yueying lived was recorded in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.The main reason is Luo Guanzhong, the old boy who wrote the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He favors boys over girls. Huang Yueying is mentioned the most in the book, that is, he is Zhuge Liang's daughter-in-law.

It's also thanks to Li Chen's cleverness, since there is no place where Huang Yueying's address is recorded in the book, then change the direction.Looking for Huang Yueying's father, this big girl who has not left the court, she has appointed her parents to live with her.

In this era, it is not popular to go out to work, so Huang Yueying designated her as a boudoir.As long as Huang Yueying's father can be found, then Huang Yueying can be found.

It would be much easier to find Huang Chengyan, why?Because Huang Chengyan is a celebrity, he is called a famous scholar in Mianyang, and he has a very close relationship with such celebrities as the great Confucianism Pang Degong and Sima Wei.

Mianyang, which is now Xiangyang, belongs to Jingzhou.Huang Chengyan is from Mianyang, Baishui County.With a specific location, it will be much easier to find.This Huang Chengyan is not an unknown person, he is a great Confucianist and a celebrity in the world.Such a person, when he arrived in Baishui County, Mianyang, he would be able to find out about it as soon as he appointed others.

Li Chen recalled this, after pondering for a while, and after confirming that the plan of intercepting Hu Huang Yueying was feasible, he said to the crowd of civil and military personnel.

"I know a craftsman who can be called a master in this world."

"There is a strange woman named Huang Yueying in Baishui County, Mianyang, Jingzhou. If she can be invited, the shipbuilding is nothing more than a trivial matter." Li Chen looked at everyone and said confidently.

"His Royal Highness, you're just a girl. I'll go, and I'll definitely invite you. Even if I can't invite you, I'll definitely tie you up." At this time, Cheng Yaojin said in a low voice.

"Bite gold, don't be reckless. This man's father is a famous Confucian in the world, Huang Chengyan, a famous scholar in Mianyang, so don't be reckless." Li Chen said.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang, let me go. My Chen family still has a certain reputation among the clan. I will go here with reason and emotion, and I will definitely be able to invite people back." At this time, Chen Deng stood up Said.

Li Chen thought about it, Chen Deng could go too.The Chen family is also a clan, and Chen Deng is also well-known in Xuzhou. Maybe Huang Chengyan has heard of his name.It is indeed much better to let Chen Deng go than to let Cheng Yaojin, an inconspicuous person, go.

Li Chen nodded, and said: "Yuanlong is safe to do things, so let Yuanlong go, but I don't know how long it will take Yuanlong for you to come and go."

When Li Chen asked this question, Chen Deng calculated that it would take a while to go back and forth from here to Jingzhou.Moreover, Huang Chengyan is a celebrity, so he can't visit him rashly. It's best to get someone to recommend him, and there will be a delay of several days in between.

Chen Deng thought for a while, and then said to Li Chen: "His Royal Highness, one month, you give me one month, and I will definitely bring Huang Yueying to you."

One month is not too long, anyway, the preliminary shipbuilding work still needs some preparations, so Li Chen agreed after thinking about it.

Cheng Yaojin originally planned to take over this task, and then took the opportunity to go for a stroll in Jingzhou, but Chen Deng jumped out halfway and snatched the task.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang, I will go too. The second army division is as thin as a chicken. If there are some robbers and bandits on the way. If there is an accident, then none of us will pick it up, and we will lose a military division."

"I think it's better for me to go with the Second Army Division, so that I can escort him." Cheng Yaojin yelled anxiously, and even came up with the idiom of escorting him.

As soon as Cheng Yaojin said this, Chen Deng gave him a hard look.This bastard didn't have a good word out of his mouth, and it seemed that he was hoping for an accident.

Cheng Yaojin is a jerk. He calls Liu Bowen the Great Army Division and Chen Deng the Second Army Division.In Cheng Yaojin's words, this is what I arrange.My old Cheng has a steelyard in his heart. Whoever has a big skill will know if he has a small scale.

Cheng Yaojin's stupidity and Chen Deng also knew that if he didn't let this kid go, he didn't know what he could do.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang, you can let Yaojin go with me. Although Yaojin is usually a little messy, but at this critical time, he can really be useful." Chen Deng also stood up to speak for Cheng Yaojin at this time.


"Second Army Division is right. My old Cheng Ding is very useful, and one can stand up to three." Cheng Yaojin said cheerfully. When he heard that Chen Deng was willing to take him there, he didn't care about Chen Deng saying that he was a fool.

Li Chen thinks about it too, Cheng Yaojin is a lucky general, if things cannot be done originally, maybe they can be done with him.Moreover, from Xuzhou to Jingzhou, the sky is high and the road is far away. Cheng Yaojin is there to take care of whatever happens along the way.

Moreover, Cheng Yaojin is a mascot, even in danger, he can turn danger into good luck.

"That's fine. If that's the case, then Yaojin will go with Yuanlong. However, I have to tell you the ugly words about Yaojin first. You have to listen to Yuanlong along the way, and you must not act foolishly." Li Chen exhorted.

If he doesn't say the ugly things first, once he leaves his side, Cheng Yaojin is going to have fun, and if the big event is delayed, it will be bad.

When Cheng Yaojin heard that Li Chen asked him to go, it didn't mean he promised something.He hastened to swear: "His Royal Highness, don't worry, I will definitely listen to the second army division along the way. If the second army division tells me to go east, I will never go west. If the second army division tells me to beat a dog, I will never chase a chicken."

"Okay, this is what you said, if you are disobedient, I will punish you when you come back." Li Chen said solemnly.

After arranging to find Huang Yueying, Li Chen said to Luo Yangxing: "Luo Yangxing, you Jinyiwei people will start collecting information on famous boatmen in Soochow from tomorrow. Those who can spend money to buy them will spend money." Buying, if you can’t buy it with money, you can tie it up or catch it. I don’t care what method you use, you have to bring it to Xuzhou.”

"No." Luo Yangxing stepped forward and responded.

(End of this chapter)

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