Chapter 179
Chen Deng issued a military order in front of Li Chen, and Huang Yueying must be brought from Jingzhou to Xuzhou within a month.The situation in Jingzhou is unknown, so Chen Deng didn't dare to delay in Xuzhou, for fear that if he was delayed in Jingzhou for a long time, he would be delayed for a month.

Early the next morning, Chen Deng and Cheng Yaojin went out of Xuzhou city together. Apart from Cheng Yaojin's accompanying escort, there were more than ten elite soldiers following them.

A group of people rushed all the way towards Baishui County, Mianyang, Jingzhou, and they rushed all the way without any delay.

Baishui County, Changle Restaurant.

Jingzhou can be regarded as a wealthy Zhou County for a big man. Don't look at the small Baishui County, but this restaurant looks very grand.

Chen Deng and Cheng Yaojin entered the city with more than a dozen guards, all of them were tall and powerful.There is a weapon hanging on the saddle, which is not easy to mess with.

A group of people stopped in front of Changle Restaurant, and immediately a guy stepped forward to lead their horses to the stable.

"Damn it, I've eaten dry food for several days. But I've been tossing my old Cheng to death. Today, my old Cheng will have a good meal." Cheng Yaojin held two big axes , said mutteringly.

Chen Deng looked at the sun, the sun was hanging high at this time, and said to Cheng Yaojin: "Yaojin, take your brothers here to eat some wine and food. I won't go, I see the time is still looking, just go Visiting a friend of my father's in Baishui. Tomorrow, when we visit Huang Chengyan, we might as well ask him to introduce us."

"Second Army Division, if you don't want to eat, just go, why do you care about this moment?" Cheng Yaojin said.

"No, no. This friend of my father's is a scholar, and he always pays attention to the rules. Naturally, the meeting is in the morning, so there is no reason to meet in the afternoon." Chen Deng shook his head and said.

"OK then."

"Second Army Commander, you go, let's try the restaurant in Jingzhou. Is the restaurant in Xuzhou as delicious as our restaurant in Xuzhou. It's also because you don't have good food, so we won't go with you." Cheng Yaojin buzzed Said.

Cheng Yaojin was greedy for words and didn't want to follow Chen Deng, but Chen Deng didn't want to take Cheng Yaojin either.This friend of Chen Deng's father is a Confucian scholar who always pays attention to rules.Cheng Yaojin is careless, if he follows him, if he offends others, it will be unattractive.

And now that they entered Baishui County, the law and order in the city was pretty good, so there was no need to follow so many guards.

"Bite Jin, after I leave, don't you want to cause trouble?" Before leaving, Chen Deng did not forget to remind him.

Cheng Yaojin is a gangster, and Chen Dengsheng is afraid that he will cause trouble after drinking some cat urine.

"I understand, I understand."

"Go quickly, what are you talking about." Cheng Yaojin waved to Chen Deng, and then led a group of guards into the hotel.

A group of people went up to the second floor and sat on two tables near the window. The environment of this restaurant is good, judging from the food on the objective table next to it.This dish is also very appetizing.


"Xiao Er, serve us all the best food and drinks in your store." Cheng Yaojin was rich and powerful, and he threw a horseshoe on the table as soon as he sat down.

These years are full of chaos, and even the landlord's family has no surplus food. It is rare to see a landlord who throws a gold horseshoe when he eats.

Now, in Xiaoer's opinion, although Cheng Yaojin is ugly and looks like a Rakshasa, but at this moment, Cheng Yaojin is the God of Wealth.

"Okay, Grandpa."

"Wait a moment, wait a moment." Xiaoer picked up the horseshoe gold from the table, and walked downstairs in a hurry.

"Brother Cheng, we have important things to do, so it's not good to drink." A guard said.

On weekdays in the army, Cheng Yaojin didn't drink a drop of alcohol. Of course, he didn't drink a drop of alcohol, but he dared not drink a drop of alcohol.Even the lightest drinkers in the military have to be beaten, and they might lose their heads.

Normally, in the army, you can't drink alcohol, but now Cheng Yaojin is having fun.

"Hey, nothing."

"Second Army Division went to visit some acquaintances, why do we have a task tomorrow. What's the matter, even if we drink a lot, can we still wake up tomorrow?"

"Let's drink less, and then stay here to wait for the military adviser, so as not to delay tomorrow's business." Cheng Yaojin said seriously.

When Cheng Yaojin said this, everyone thought, when Chen Deng just left, he asked them to rest here first, and then get down to business tomorrow.

Since they are doing business tomorrow, it shouldn't hurt if they want to drink some wine today.

Before everyone could hesitate for a while, they saw Xiao Er coming up with wine and food.

In the eyes of Xiao Er, Cheng Yaojin and the others, this is a group of Gods of Wealth.Serving them well is much better than receiving ten or eight tables of guests.

The dishes are served one after another, and the wine is naturally moved up one jar after another.But fortunately, Cheng Yaojin and the others can drink quite well, even if they drank a lot of wine, they are only a little drunk.

Just when Cheng Yaojin and others were drinking to their heart's content, they only heard a crackling sound coming from a distance.

This sound is the sound of the suona. As the saying goes, among all kinds of musical instruments, the suona is the king. When the suona sounds, it is either ascending to heaven or worshiping the hall.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to see a team of horses in red walking downstairs.This cavalry team is very grand, it looks like a girl from a rich family is getting married.

Cheng Yaojin was very curious and saw the red-clad cavalry going downstairs.Cheng Yaojin asked a lot: "Xiaoer, whose girl is getting married?"

As soon as the second child heard the question from the God of Wealth, he quickly put down what he was doing and ran over.He looked downstairs, and then explained to Cheng Yaojin: "Master, this is the marriage of the daughter of the Yellow Mansion in the city."

This Xiaoer is obviously also a gossip person, and he leaned into Cheng Yaojin's ear and said, "Master, you don't know. The daughter of the Huang Mansion, is she a Rakshasa?"

Cheng Yaojin became interested when he heard this, why?Because Cheng Yaojin's appearance is not very good-looking, and he also has a long beard.What is a beard? It's a red beard, and it's curly.Others said that Cheng Yaojin wanted to be a Rakshasa, but Cheng Yaojin said in his heart, this woman could be as ugly as a Rakshasa.

"Luo Sha, what does this girl look like?" Cheng Yaojin asked curiously.

"Master, you don't know. The daughter of the Huang Mansion has yellow hair, blue eyes, and her skin is whiter than ordinary people."

"If it weren't for his father Huang Chengyan's ability, how could anyone be willing to marry a Rakshasa girl?" Xiaoer said gossipingly.

After all, Xiao Er went to busy with his own affairs again.

After Xiaoer left, Cheng Yaojin shook his dizzy head, and asked a brother: "What did he say about the father of this Rakshasa girl?"

"It seems to be called Huang Chengyan." Someone next to him replied.

"The person His Royal Highness is looking for, what is her father's name?" Cheng Yaojin asked again.

"It seems to be called Huang Chengyan too." Someone beside him replied.

"Damn it, there are still a few Huang Chengyans in Baishui County, they must be the same person. If we let this girl get married, we are thinking of bringing her back to Xuzhou, but it will not be easy." Cheng Yaojin slapped his thigh Said.

(End of this chapter)

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