Chapter 181 The Strange Robber
Cheng Yaojin's chaotic energy comes up, he is an unstable devil king who can disturb the world.He is so preoccupied with robbing people away, how can he care about you.

Cheng Yaojin gave an order, and his brothers immediately clapped the knives in their hands, and drove all the servants and farmers who were in charge of the floats aside.

Where have these people seen such a battle, it is not easy to survive in this world.Where are there farmers and servants who are willing to give up their lives for the master's family?It is also because of this that once Cheng Yaojin and the others chased them away, these farm households and servants also wanted to slip away with the water.

Not to mention the servants, even the old housekeeper of Huang's mansion has already slipped away.

"and many more."

"Come back." At this moment, Cheng Yaojin immediately roared.

"It's over."

"It's all over." The old butler heard Cheng Yaojin's shout, and secretly cried out in his heart.

The old housekeeper thought to himself, this group of robbers probably regretted it, because they didn't want to let them go, and wanted to kill them to silence them.

At this time, the old butler really wanted to run away, but then he thought about how their two legs could outrun other people's four legs.If he turned around and ran now, not only would he not be able to run, but he might also anger the robbers.

"Master, if you want someone, I will give it to you."

"What else can I do for you?" The old butler said tremblingly.

At this moment Cheng Yaojin said: "Take back your dowry and whatnot, I said, as long as you want a bride, you only need a bride."

The old housekeeper: "What?"

When Cheng Yaojin said this, the old housekeeper was completely confused.It's really the first time I've seen a bandit with such a personality.

You said that if you rob the bride, you can just rob the bride, but this is the first time I have seen the thing I got, and it was returned.

"Master, are you kidding me?" The old butler asked hesitantly.

"I'm free, what's the fun for you, a bad old man? Hurry up, fuck, take your things and get out." Cheng Yaojin said cursingly.

"Yes, yes."

"Let's go now, then we'll go." The old housekeeper nodded quickly, and greeted the farmers to drive their carriages back to Baishui County.

The bride has been kidnapped, so the marriage will naturally fail.Therefore, this team naturally came from wherever it came from, so it had to go back there.

"Weird things happen every year, especially this year." Sitting on the shaft of the car, the old butler whispered in his heart.

The old butler led his people back to Baishui County, Cheng Yaojin immediately greeted his brothers and drove the carriage towards Xuzhou.

They are pretending to be bandits to rob people now, maybe after these people return to Baishui County, they will sue the officials to arrest Cheng Yaojin and others.Because of this, Cheng Yaojin ordered everyone to hurry.

To say that the bride in this carriage is really unusual, if the girl from an ordinary family is hijacked by bandits, she would have to cry non-stop.But now, the bride in the frame, she didn't say a word.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Cheng Yaojin was driving the carriage towards Xuzhou, and he was very proud of having hijacked the man into his hands.But he forgot that Chen Deng was still in Baishui County. Cheng Yaojin's complacency forgot Chen Deng.

After Chen Deng finished visiting his father's friends, he rushed towards the restaurant where Cheng Yaojin and others were resting.After arriving at the restaurant, Chen Deng searched around for quite a while but found no one. Looking at the stables in the backyard, their horses were also gone.

Chen Deng came to the front hall of the inn, bowed to Xiao Er, and called Xiao Er to him.

"Master, you're here." Xiaoer responded respectfully.

In this hotel, anyone who can be a sophomore is also a very clever person with sharp eyes and ears.

The little girl still had an impression of Chen Deng, and he came with those Gods of Wealth, but he seemed to have something to leave at that time.

"Xiao Er, let me ask you. Where did my group of friends go, the group led by an ugly man with a red beard?" Chen Deng asked in greeting.

"Master, those friends of yours are gone."

"I've been walking for more than an hour now, and I was very anxious when I left. I left before I had much food." The waiter replied.

When Chen Deng heard that Cheng Yaojin and the others had left, he couldn't help muttering in his heart.It stands to reason that although Lao Cheng is a jerk, but the business is generally reliable.He disappeared for no reason, wouldn't he want to delay tomorrow's affairs.

Chen Deng thought, there must be something hidden in it.

"Xiao Er, please tell me what happened before my friends left." Chen Deng said, stuffing a few copper coins into Xiao Er's hands.

Xiao Er thought, this one is not as grand as the previous God of Wealth.

Although he was thinking about Chen Deng's stinginess in his heart, it was just like the so-called short-handedness and soft-mouthedness.Xiao Er took advantage of Chen Deng, so naturally he narrated in detail what happened before Cheng Yaojin left.

As soon as Xiaoer told what happened, Chen Deng understood it instantly.With Cheng Yaojin's temperament, as soon as he pouted his butt, Chen Deng knew what shit he wanted to shit.There is no doubt that Cheng Yaojin now looks like he is going to rob people.

Chen Deng was afraid that Cheng Yaojin would hurt someone, so he hurried out of the restaurant and looked in the direction pointed by Xiao Er.

On the way Chen Deng was chasing, he happened to see the returning convoy, and he knew that Cheng Yaojin had appointed him, so he turned his horse's head and chased towards Xuzhou.

On the side of the two, a guard said to Cheng Yaojin: "Brother Cheng, there is a sentence that is not worth saying."

Cheng Yaojin was very happy at this meeting, so he said cheerfully: "They are all my brothers, if there is anything inappropriate to say, you can say it."

"Brother Cheng, we are missing one person." The guard said.

Cheng Yaojin drank a little too much at noon, and now the alcohol is getting stronger.He shook his head and counted seriously: "One ride, two rides, three rides."

When Cheng Yaojin counted to himself, it happened to be eleven riders, and then he pointed to the carriage, twelve riders.

"Twelve riders when we came, and twelve riders when we left, no more, no less, just right." Cheng Yaojin said in a low voice.

"Brother Cheng, that was robbed by us halfway, so it doesn't count." Someone pointed to the carriage and reminded.

"Those who are robbed halfway, don't count."

"That's eleven riders, one is missing." Cheng Yaojin panicked again, and said in a daze.


"Oh my goodness."

"The Second Army Division isn't here?" Cheng Yaojin slapped his thigh, and then he remembered that most of the alcohol on his body had woken up.

"Damn it, it's over."

"This time I robbed one and lost another one. When I go back, His Highness the King of Qin will scold me to death." Cheng Yaojin supported his forehead, looking ashamed to see others.

Right now, just listen
"Da da da."

"Bite gold, bite gold."

There was a sound of hoofbeats, and Chen Deng chased him up from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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