Chapter 182
After Chen Deng asked the ins and outs in the restaurant, he heard that Cheng Yaojin was chasing Huang Yueying's wedding convoy, so he knew that this bastard Cheng Yaojin was planning to rob people.

On the way Chen Deng was chasing, he happened to see the convoy that had been robbed and turned back. He expected that Cheng Yaojin would have to rush back to Xuzhou after robbing someone, so he chased them all the way in the direction they came from.

As expected, Chen Deng did not go as Cheng Yaojin expected, he hurried all the way, and happened to catch up with Cheng Yaojin who was escorting the carriage.

Cheng Yaojin carelessly left Chen Deng behind, but now seeing Chen Deng chasing up, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Now it's all right, when I came here, I was riding twelve, and now when I go back, I'm riding thirteen.The mission was completed successfully, so naturally His Royal Highness King Qin would not punish him.

"Military Master, you are back, I was thinking about going back to find you." Cheng Yaojin looked at Chen Deng and said with a smile.

Chen Deng thought to himself, you fucking still have a smile on your face.His Royal Highness Qin Wang asked us to invite people, not to let you kidnap people.Those who are capable often have a strange temper. If you offend someone, if you tie him back, he may not be willing to contribute.

Chen Deng glared at Cheng Yaojin and said, "What's going on?"

"A person? The person His Royal Highness King Qin wants."

"It's thanks to my old Cheng's quick action. If my old Cheng is a step slower, this person will be married. Military commander, you have issued a military order, and my old Cheng has saved your head." Cheng Yaojin was triumphant. As he said, he put his hand on Chen Deng's shoulder.

"You mean, I have to thank you?" Chen Deng asked with a dark face.

Cheng Yaojin said solemnly: "We are all from our own family, so there is no need to thank me. I didn't enjoy my old Cheng's wine today. You have to treat my old Cheng to a good wine some other day."

Chen Deng's face turned dark now, and he said in his heart, I don't know if your old Cheng is really stupid, or if you don't understand good words.

Chen Deng was in trouble at this meeting, Cheng Yaojin robbed him for no reason and ruined Huang Yueying's marriage.Now, how can I persuade her to follow me to Xuzhou willingly?
"Old Cheng, are you really a fucking uncle?" Chen Deng looked at the complacent Cheng Yaojin and said helplessly.

"Master, you are being polite."

"Although I have helped you a lot, it is enough to call you big brother, but it is too much to call you uncle." Cheng Yaojin said seriously.

Chen Deng was too lazy to get acquainted with Cheng Yaojin, a bastard. He felt that if he continued to chat with Cheng Yaojin, he would probably not be mad at Cheng Yaojin to death, and he would lose ten or eight years of life if he was mad at Cheng Yaojin Year.

Chen Deng thought about it, if he wanted to build the ship on King Qin's blueprint, Huang Yueying would have to contribute.You can't tie him back to Xuzhou so vaguely, you have to explain it to him no matter what.

Thinking of this, Chen Deng pushed aside the crowd and came to the side of the carriage.

"Is the one in the carriage Miss Huang Yueying?" Standing in front of the carriage, Chen Deng said softly.

"That's right, it's the little girl. I don't know who Mister is?" Hearing Chen Deng's voice, Huang Yueying couldn't help but relax a little bit.Chen Deng's voice was polite, and he didn't look like a bandit.

"I'm in Xuzhou, Chen Deng, Chen Yuanlong." Chen Deng introduced himself.

"But who is Chen Deng and Chen Yuanlong who are called Xuzhou Qilinzi?" Huang Yueying asked.

Chen Deng's reputation is still very famous in Xuzhou. Among the people in Xuzhou who are the same age as Chen Deng, Chen Deng is the first in terms of knowledge, self-cultivation, and wisdom.It is precisely because of this that Chen Deng is called the Qilinzi of Xuzhou.

Since Chen Deng was very famous among scholars in Xuzhou, and Xuzhou was not too far away from Jingzhou, Huang Yueying also heard his father Huang Chengyan mention Chen Deng's name.

"It's right here, but I don't dare to be a unicorn. Chen's talent is really not enough in Xuzhou today." Chen Deng said modestly.

In fact, that's what Chen Deng thought in his heart. Li Chen's subordinates, such as Yuwen Chengdu, and Pei Yuanqing, who are outstanding in martial arts, will not be mentioned for the time being.In terms of wisdom and strategy, Chen Deng thought he was inferior to Liu Bowen, Yu Qian, Jia Xu, Li Ru, and Chen Qingzhi.

Now Li Chen's subordinates are absolutely worthy of the saying that capable ministers are like clouds and generals are like rain. Therefore, Chen Deng does not have the slightest arrogance of his talents.

"I heard that brother Chen should be under the command of King Qin, why did he appear in our Jingzhou territory now?" Huang Yueying asked.

What Huang Yueying said seems to be saying, don't you, Chen Yuanlong, work for King Qin?It stands to reason that you should be in Xuzhou now, why did you come to Jingzhou to play a guest role as a bandit and robber.

When Huang Yueying asked such a question, Chen Deng couldn't help but blush.Chen Deng has never done the business of robbery and kidnapping. How should this be explained now.

After thinking about it for three times, Chen Deng explained to Huang Yueying: "Forgive me, Miss Huang, they are not actually bandits. The one who kidnapped you was Cheng Yaojin, a general under the command of King Qin. We have ordered you to go to Xuzhou on the order of King Qin. The boy happened to see the motorcade where you were married, and he was in a hurry, so he did something bad with good intentions."

"Yes, yes."

"It's Cheng Yaojin who tied you up. When you meet His Highness the King of Qin later on, you can sue me, Old Cheng, alone. Don't implicate the other brothers." Cheng Yaojin grinned loudly beside him. .

Chen Deng wished to beat Cheng Yaojin to death for being so careless, what the hell are you talking about?
"Pfft." Cheng Yaojin shouted, and Huang Yueying in the carriage was also happy.

"Damn it, I heard that he is uglier than my old Cheng, but I didn't expect that he smiled nicely." Cheng Yaojin muttered in a low voice.

Of course, Cheng Yaojin's so-called soft voice was based on his loud voice, but in fact, everyone around him could hear it clearly.

Cheng Yaojin's voice was heard in the carriage, and the woman in the red wedding dress in the carriage thought, hum, I didn't want to sue you, but now I want you to know what it means to offend a villain rather than a woman .

The woman in the carriage is Huang Yueying, but this person is not ugly, with blue agate-like eyes, yellow curly hair, slightly whiter than normal Han people's skin.

This looks a bit like a female star in the previous life, that Di.
This Huang Yueying should be a mixed race of Han nationality and Raisin nationality.

The reason why it is rumored outside is that Huang Yueying looks ugly, like a Rakshasa.The main reason is that ordinary people in this era have never seen the world, and they have never seen someone who looks like Huang Yueying.Seeing this suddenly, he naturally felt that Huang Yueying was ugly.

In fact, this Huang Yueying is not only not ugly, but very beautiful.
The most important thing is that Huang Yueying has three factors that all men like, long hair, big waves, and waves.

(End of this chapter)

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