Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 183 Yueying Goes to Xuzhou

Chapter 183 Yueying Goes to Xuzhou
In the carriage, Huang Yueying originally had no plan to sue Cheng Yaojin.However, when Cheng Yaojin said that she was ugly, it was different.Saying a woman is ugly to her face is more unforgivable than saying she is old.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know what His Royal Highness is looking for the little girl?" Huang Yueying's voice came from the carriage, and the voice was unusually colder than before.

Chen Deng is a fine man, how smart he is.He felt the change of Huang Yueying's mood in an instant, and naturally understood why Huang Yueying's mood had such a change.

Chen Deng gave Cheng Yaojin a hard look with his eyes, which meant that you can't fucking talk, so just shut up.

Chen Deng finally calmed down the atmosphere, and this person was offended by Cheng Yaojin to death.

"Miss Huang, my King Qin heard that you are proficient in this kind of knowledge, and he specially wants to invite you to our Xuzhou as an official to supervise the building of warships for His Highness King Qin." After being disturbed by Cheng Yaojin, the atmosphere destroyer, Chen Deng simply didn't go around the bush, and said straight to the point.

Upon hearing this, Huang Yueying in the carriage couldn't help being stunned.The famous King Qin wants to invite her to be an official in Xuzhou, and she will be in charge of supervising the building of warships. This official will be a big deal when she hears it.

Huang Yueying is obviously more attractive to Huang Yueying when she becomes an official in Xuzhou than when she is married as a woman.Huang Yueying is actually a very competitive woman, she thinks that even a rare man in the world may not be as smart as herself.

But she happened to give birth to a daughter, and she also gave birth to a different appearance from ordinary people.Huang Yueying thought countless times in her heart that it would be fine if she was a man.

Now, when he heard that King Qin wanted her to be an official in Xuzhou, Huang Yueying was shocked.

However, after this surprise, Huang Yueying became a little worried about gains and losses.She is a daughter, how can this daughter become an official?
"Mr. Chen, could it be that you are making fun of the little girl?"

"How can I be an official as a daughter? If the King of Qin appoints me an official, wouldn't he be risking the world?" Huang Yueying's voice in the carriage contained a little expectation.

When Huang Yueying said this, Chen Deng already understood in his heart that today's matter is done, and Huang Yueying must be able to follow them to Xuzhou willingly.

"Hahaha!" Chen Deng laughed loudly, and then said proudly: "In Xuzhou, His Royal Highness King Qin is the sky."

There is a folk proverb that goes, if a woman is in charge of the house, the house will collapse.In this era, the status of women is very low.Not to mention being an official, you can't even be a family.

It was also because of this that Huang Yueying said that if Li Chen made her an official, he would be risking the world.

But Chen Deng told her that in Xuzhou, Li Chen was the sky, and what Li Chen said was the words of the sky.Not to mention that Li Chen is appointing a woman as an official, even if it is a pig or a dog, no one dares to say anything.

"Why did His Highness King Qin choose me?" Huang Yueying asked a little puzzled.

Huang Yueying is very confident in her own ability, among other things, in this skill of things, Huang Yueying has the pride of being the best in the world in her heart.

But only he knows her ability, even his father Huang Chengyan only knows a little bit.However, how did Li Chen know that he is proficient in the study of Gewu.

"I don't know how His Highness King Qin knew about Ms. Huang, but His Highness King Qin has several shipbuilding plans in his hand. His Highness King Qin said that only Miss Huang can build the ships on this map." Chen Deng explained.

"When I came, His Royal Highness King Qin asked me to bring a ship map, and asked Ms. Huang to look at it." Chen Deng said, took out the ship map from his arms, and handed it into the carriage.

The ship map that Chen Deng took out is the most precious ship map in Li Chen's hands.This is a giant battleship, a battleship that can carry thousands of people, and it is at the level of a giant in this era.

When Huang Yueying saw the blueprint for driving a boat, she was instantly stunned. Her mouth opened wide, as if she could stuff a carrot into it.

Huang Yueying finally came to her senses after observing the incense for a long time. She asked, "May I ask Mr. Chen, where did this drawing come from?"

Huang Yueying was shocked in her heart, the person who could design such a ship was far better than her by ten or a hundred times in the skill of investigating things.If she could meet the person who designed this ship, Huang Yueying would definitely worship her as her teacher.

"The person who designed this blueprint is a friend of His Highness King Qin." Chen Deng told Huang Yueying exactly what Li Chen had said.

Huang Yueying was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Could it be that Mr. Chen is playing tricks on the little girl again? Since His Royal Highness King Qin has such a great talent, why would he say that this boat can't be built by a little girl."

When Chen Deng heard it, he quickly explained: "I didn't make it clear. It's true that this picture was made by a friend of His Highness King Qin. But this friend of His Highness King Qin has already passed away. This drawing was left by this friend of His Highness King Qin. A relic for the King of Qin. His Highness King Qin has eight copies of such blueprints."

"Eight copies?" Huang Yueying was shocked when she heard this.

In Huang Yueying's opinion, the person who can design such a ship is already a unique talent in the world.But I never thought that someone could design as many as eight types of such ships.

Huang Yueying loves the study of Gewu, and it can even be said that she is paranoid about the study of Gewu.Now, in addition to his official position, the other seven shipbuilding plans in Li Chen's hands are even more attractive to him.

"Mr. Chen, I am willing to go to Xuzhou with you."

"Well, I'll go with you. Let me write a letter to my father, and Mr. Chen will send his subordinates to send it to me, so that my father won't worry." Huang Yueying said.

"It should, it should." Chen Deng replied.

After the two reached an agreement, Chen Deng quickly found a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and asked Huang Yueying to write a letter to Huang Chengyan.The contents of the letter were also truthful, saying that Qin Wang Li Chen invited Huang Yueying to Xuzhou to be an official, so that Huang Chengyan didn't need to worry, if he was worried, he could go to Xuzhou to see Huang Yueying.

Finally, in order to convince Huang Chengyan, Chen Deng also left his own seal on the letter.

After Huang Yueying finished writing the letter, Chen Deng ordered one of his men to take the letter and send it to Huang Chengyan's mansion in Baishui County.

After his subordinates took the letter and rushed to Baishui County, Chen Deng said to Huang Yueying, "Miss Huang, let's go."

"En." Huang Yueying replied softly, and then said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Chen, can I observe this ship chart on the road? Only then can we understand the usefulness of it.”

Chen Deng naturally agreed to Huang Yueying's request.After all, Huang Yueying was the one who built the ship, and sooner or later the drawings would be handed over to Huang Yueying.

(ps: Because the new book "Sui and Tang Dynasties: Killing Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty and Sacrifice to Heaven" is being recommended, so this book is currently being updated twice. The new book will be recommended next Tuesday, and this book will resume three or four updates from Tuesday. In addition, you can go to Take a look at the new book, the same taste, the same excitement)

(End of this chapter)

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