Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 185 I would rather offend a villain than a woman.

Chapter 185 I would rather offend a villain than a woman.

Although we need to build a small boat to practice first, these [-] boatmen are enough for the time being.As for the huge logs and coolies used for shipbuilding, there are not many other things in Xuzhou, but these two things are the most.

However, in addition to this, there is another problem that needs to be solved in order to build a ship. If this problem cannot be solved, then the shipbuilding industry cannot be started.

What is the problem, that is the location.

That's right, the location of the shipyard.

Where this location is chosen is very particular.Since it is a ship, after the ship is built, the ship has to be launched.So this shipyard has to be close to the water, if it is far away from the water, it will not work.If it is far away from the water, the boat cannot be launched, but it will become a waste.

After all, even the smallest net shuttle boat can't move casually, but fortunately, Xuzhou belongs to the Yellow River Basin, where the north and the south meet.Although the nearby rivers and lakes are not as developed as in the south, they are not difficult to find.

There are not many tributaries of the Yellow River and the Huaihe River in Xuzhou, so it is not difficult to find such a suitable place.

"Miss Yueying, in your opinion, where should the site of this shipyard be located?" Li Chen looked at Huang Yueying and asked.

In this short time, Li Chen's name has changed from Miss Huang to Miss Yueying. Judging from this title, the distance between the two seems to have narrowed a lot.

Of course, this is Li Chen's own opinion. For Huang Yueying, it doesn't make any difference whether Li Chen calls him Miss Huang or Miss Yueying.

Although Huang Yueying did not personally participate in the construction of the shipyard, as the saying goes, there is a golden house in the book, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book.Moreover, Jingzhou also relies on water. Regarding the knowledge of this shipyard, Huang Yueying has read about it in her own books, and she has also seen this small private shipyard.

The shipyard is a big project, which involves water projects and underwater projects.Although this shipbuilding can be built from a small boat first, this shipyard can't be particular about it.

Huang Yueying thought about it, since she was going to choose a site to build a shipyard, she had to do it in one step, and build a large shipyard.If you build a small shipyard first, when you start building large ships, the small shipyard will be useless and you have to choose a site to build it, which is not worth the candle.

"His Royal Highness, since we have chosen a site to build a shipyard, we have to build a large shipyard in one step, which can satisfy the construction of our eight types of ships at the same time. We can build net shuttle boats and fire dragon boats on the bottom. A three-rail gunboat, and a rushing boat." Huang Yueying suggested after thinking about it.

Huang Yueying just arrived here, so she doesn't know much about the situation in Xuzhou.For example, is Xuzhou rich or poor.She doesn't know whether the government's money and food are sufficient or whether it can support the construction of such a large shipyard.

So, in fact, Huang Yueying was just suggesting, and Li Chen had the final say on the details.

As for shipbuilding, Li Chen knows nine out of ten, but he doesn't know anything about it.Although the matter of shipbuilding is not moving, Li Chen understands what Huang Yueying said. The central idea of ​​this passage is only four words, which is to be able to be big or small.

Li Chen is too familiar with the matter of being able to be big or small, not only can he be big or small, he can also be thick or thin, soft or hard.

"I think Yueying has already made up her mind about the shipbuilding. In this case, I will give Yueying full responsibility for this matter."

"I ordered the treasury to fully cooperate with all the material transfers and personnel transfers." Li Chen said to Huang Yueying.

It's a bit too fart, Li Chen's name has changed again, and at this moment, the word "girl" in the four words "Miss Yueying" has been omitted, and she is directly called Shang Yueying.

When Li Chen called her like that, Huang Yueying was so ashamed, there is no one who calls someone by her boudoir name shortly after meeting.

Although Huang Yueying would be a little shy, but for some reason, she still had a little joy in her heart.

Li Chenxin said, what's wrong with being called Yueying? If it were the 21st century, all the girls I like would be called Baby directly.Of course, because of this incident, he was beaten a lot.

Huang Yueying was stunned for a while, and after she calmed down a bit, she said to Li Chen calmly: "His Royal Highness, since I'm in charge of this matter, I'm going to make a request."

"Yueying, feel free to mention it." Li Chen responded straightforwardly.

At this time, everything must serve the shipbuilding. Once the big ship is built, it will have the strength to attack Soochow.At that time, I can capture the big and small Qiao, Sun Shangxiang.

Bah, no, the purpose of my own shipbuilding is obviously to save the people of Soochow, so that the people of Soochow can live a good life with me.

Now that Xiao Qiao has married into a woman, if he goes to attack Soochow for Xiao Qiao, then how is he different from that Cao thief?

Now Li Chen gets excited when he mentions Big and Big Joe, why, because these two are twin sisters.If this was on the second floor of the bathing center in the previous life, it would have to be at least one thousand and five packages.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang, I need a few experienced boatmen to choose a site for shipbuilding with me first. As the saying goes, what is done on paper is always shallow. After all, Yueying still lacks experience." Huang Yueying said.

Li Chen nodded and said: "Well, yes, you can choose the manpower yourself."

"Yueying, you should pay attention to safety when choosing a site. The world is not peaceful now. Although there are no large groups of bandits in Xuzhou, there are still small thieves."

"In this way, I will send a general to listen to your command, and bring more than a thousand elite soldiers to be your guards." Li Chen said after pondering for a moment.

Upon hearing this, Huang Yueying was about to decline, but then her eyes rolled, as if she had thought of something.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang, do you really want to send a general to obey my orders?" Huang Yueying asked.

"Naturally, this king is very concerned about Yueying's safety." Li Chen nodded and said.

At this time, a little fox-like smile appeared on Huang Yueying's face, and she said mischievously to Li Chen: "In that case, thank you little girl."

"By the way, His Royal Highness King Qin, let's send that Cheng Yaojin."

Why did Huang Yueying call Cheng Yaojin by name? It was because she still remembered what Cheng Yaojin said about her being ugly.Huang Yueying was worrying about how to wear small shoes for Cheng Yaojin?No, here comes the opportunity.Huang Yueying wants to let Cheng Yaojin know what it means to offend villains rather than women.

Li Chen originally wanted to assign Pei Yuanqing to go, after all, when it comes to martial arts, Cheng Yaojin is far behind Pei Yuanqing.However, Huang Yueying named Cheng Yaojin.Li Chen thought, this kid Cheng Yaojin is a lucky general, with him following Huang Yueying, maybe there will be some lucky bonus.

Anyway, this Xuzhou is his own territory, there should be no danger, and Cheng Yaojin's guards are enough.

(End of this chapter)

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