Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 186 Cao Cao Encircled and Suppressed the Black Mountain Army

Chapter 186 Cao Cao Encircled and Suppressed the Black Mountain Army

Huang Yueying asked Cheng Yaojin to accompany her by name. Li Chen thought that Cheng Yaojin was a lucky general and might be of great use, so he naturally agreed.

Li Chen sent someone to call Cheng Yaojin to the Yunlong Palace, and asked, "Yaijin, I am going to send Yueying to choose for the shipyard. The world is not peaceful now, and Yueying is another generation of girls. Along the way I need a person with high martial arts skills to accompany me as a guard, and I intended to send Yuan Qing there. But Yueying ordered your general, you must protect Yueying well along the way, and don’t let her shed a single hair.” Li Chen urged .

Although Cheng Yaojin is a bit of a fool, he is not stupid. On the contrary, Cheng Yaojin is also very smart, and he has a witty vigor about some things.

Cheng Yaojin said, good fellow, the king of Qin asked that boy Pei Yuanqing to go, but this girl chose my old Cheng's general.This is designated as the weasel wishing the chicken a new year, and it has no good intentions.I reckon, this ugly bitch still remembers what my old Cheng said about her being ugly?
This bitch really holds a grudge, the person said it, but what I said was the truth, not even a little bit of falsehood.This girl is indeed not beautiful, and it can even be said to be a little weird.

Cheng Yaojin thought to himself, you said that you have blue eyes, yellow hair, and fair skin, these three strange looks can be taken up by you.Others say that my old Cheng is ugly, but my old Cheng has nothing more than a red beard.

Cheng Yaojin thought, if I go, then I have to obey her orders.This narrow-minded girl is appointed to be worn by my old Cheng Xiaoxie.Even if she doesn't give me Lao Cheng's shoes to wear, then I, Lao Cheng, can't go.As the old saying goes, this woman is in charge of the house, and the house is in ruins. I am a big man, with an imposing body of seven feet, how can I obey orders under a woman's tent.

"His Royal Highness Qin Wang, my old Cheng won't go, so you should let Yuan Qing go." Cheng Yaojin yelled.

"You don't go, no way. Cheng Yaojin, you are lawless, right? This is a military order, how dare you disobey it?" Li Chen said angrily.

Li Chen said in his heart, I really have to let you Cheng Yaojin go, why, firstly, because you are a lucky general, and secondly, because you Cheng Yaojin is ugly, I don't worry.

Pei Yuanqing was handsome, with a face like white jade and lips like rouge.It is not a matter of a day or two for him to choose the site for the shipyard. In case something happens, I, the king of Qin, can't fight it with my subordinates.

Well, this matter is still up to you, Lao Cheng. I don't worry about your appearance.

When Li Chen said this, Cheng Yaojin thought in his heart, if I don't go, I won't be successful, if I don't go, it will be disobedience.His old Cheng would not dare to resist His Highness King Qin's order.

Cheng Yaojin was also clever, he rolled his eyes and said, "His Royal Highness, it's not that my old Cheng won't go, the main reason is that it's too difficult not to shed even a single hair, and my old Cheng can't do it."

"Think about it, how troublesome this woman is. If she takes a bath, she will lose a few hairs or something. You said that this task, my old Cheng, has been completed or not."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Let Cheng Yaojin deal with this matter." Li Chen made a final decision.

Although Cheng Yaojin was unwilling, he had nothing to do. This was the order of His Royal Highness King Qin, if he didn't go, he would be disobedient.At that time, it's hard to say whether his old Cheng's head will be on his neck.

Li Chen was busy choosing a site for the shipyard, and on the other side, the troops on Wei Wang Cao Cao's territory were also mobilized.Of course, the goal of Cao Cao's mobilization of troops was not to attack other forces, but to eliminate the Black Mountain Army in his own territory.

The Black Mountain Army is the remnants of the Yellow Turban period. It is active in the Taihang Mountains on weekdays, and the Black Mountain is a large mountain at the southern end of the Taihang Mountains. Because these Yellow Turban remnants are mainly active in this area, they are called the Black Mountain Army. .

This group of Black Mountain troops roared through the mountains and forests on weekdays and never went down the mountain, so it was very difficult to encircle and suppress them, and it was precisely because of this that they were not wiped out just now and remained until now.

The Black Mountain Army has a lot of troops, and there are more than 30 people with their families.Although there must be many women, children, old and young among the population of [-] or so, there are still [-] to [-] troops capable of fighting.

These people have lived in the Taihang Mountains for many years and have adapted to the environment of the Taihang Mountains.If you want to conquer this group of Montenegrin troops, you can't do it without an army of hundreds of thousands.

The generals headed by the Black Mountain Army are not simple. The chief is Zhang Niujiao, and he is the apprentice of the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao.The second leader, Zhang Yan, and the third leader, Yu Du, are also famous figures.In addition, there are people with extraordinary force such as Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang.

Why did Cao Ah Man want to wipe out the Black Mountain Army? First, there is no war in other places, and Cao Ah Man recruited a large number of recruits.One of the purposes of encircling and suppressing the Black Mountain Army is to hone these recruits and let them see blood.

Moreover, Cao Cao is very greedy for the five to sixty thousand young men of the Black Mountain Army.Moreover, these people are elites who have experienced many battles. If they could capture the Black Mountain Army, they would have gained [-] to [-] elite soldiers for nothing.

Those who have said that there are a total of 30 people, [-] to [-] elite soldiers.It's not a good thing for Cao Cao to roar in the mountains and forests on Cao Cao's territory and refuse to accept his teachings.

As the so-called side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly.If you don't take advantage of the present opportunity to solve the hidden danger of the Black Mountain Army, accidents will inevitably happen in the future.

In order to encircle and suppress the Black Mountain Army, Cao Ah Man took great pains, mobilizing a full 30 troops.Of course, most of the 30 troops are recruits. After all, one aspect of this encirclement and suppression of the Montenegro Army is to train recruits.

Although both sides have an army of 30, their combat power is not the same.Cao Cao's 30 is a real army, while the Black Mountain Army's 30 are mostly women, children, old and young, old and young, and they can really fight only 6 to [-].

Cao Cao's wanton deployment of troops and generals could not hide from the eyes and ears of the Black Mountain Army. Hearing that Cao Cao was coming to attack him, Zhang Niujiao, Zhang Yan, and Yu Du, the three leaders of the Black Mountain Army, couldn't help but scratch their heads for a while.

Since the Yellow Turban Uprising, they have traveled across the Taihang Mountains for many years.I have fought many battles with the government, big and small, but I have never mobilized 30 people to encircle and suppress their bandits, which is really a bit of a fuss.

Ever since Cao Cao prepared to encircle and suppress the Black Mountain Army with 30 troops, the entire Black Mountain Army was panicked.In the past, the battles between the Black Mountain Army and the government were small fights. Even if they couldn't fight, they drilled into the Taihang Mountains. The Taihang Mountains are so big that the government with insufficient troops can't do anything about them.

But this time is different, the 30 army can completely block all their conceivable escape routes, making them completely vulnerable.

(ps: I drank with a few brothers last night, and I was thinking about going home after drinking and writing. I ended up drinking too much, and woke up at three o'clock this afternoon.)
(End of this chapter)

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