Chapter 187 Montenegro Army

Taihang Mountains, Montenegro.

Montenegro is a big mountain at the southernmost tip of the Taihang Mountains. This big mountain is steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack.

On the top of the mountain, where the reeds are flat, there is a cottage built here. This cottage is called Heishanzhai, and it is the meeting place and residence of Zhang Niujiao, Zhang Yan, and Yu Du, the bandit leaders of the Black Mountain Army.

The leader of the Black Mountain Army, Zhang Niujiao, was the youngest disciple of Zhang Jiao, a great virtuous teacher. After Zhang Jiao died, some remaining Yellow Turban Army forces fled into the Taihang Mountains one after another, and gathered in this Black Mountain.Since Zhang Niujiao was Zhang Jiao's apprentice, he was naturally elected as the leader.

The second leader, Zhang Yan, is also Zhang Jiao's apprentice.However, compared to Zhang Niujiao's direct disciple, Zhang Yan can only be regarded as half of Zhang Jiao's apprentice.

Zhang Niujiao is a direct disciple, Zhang Jiao's ability is not shy away from him, and Zhang Jiao will teach him everything he can.Of course, how much he has learned depends on Zhang Niujiao himself.

Zhang Yan is Zhang Jiao's registered disciple, and the skills Zhang Jiao entrusted to him are just superficial techniques that he never cared about.

Zhang Yan was given the nickname, Montenegro Flying Swallow.Where did he learn the skill from playing Zhang Jiao called the Art of God's Walking? After learning this skill, he can walk as light as a swallow, walk like flying, and can walk three hundred miles a day and two hundred miles a night.

The 30 people in Montenegro are all believers taught by the great virtuous teacher, and they all believe in the Taiping Sect founded by the virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao.Therefore, it is only normal that Zhang Niujiao and Zhang Yan can be elected as leaders.

As for the three leaders, Yu Du, he was selected as the leader because he brought the most people.Among the 30 people in Montenegro, more than [-] were brought by Yu Poison.Therefore, after Zhang Niujiao and Zhang Yan were elected as the leaders, Yu Dubian was also selected as the three leaders.

Today, the three leaders of the Black Mountain Army are discussing the fate of 30 people in the Juyi Hall.

In the Juyi Hall, Zhang Niujiao sat at the top, and Zhang Yan and Yu Du sat at the sides of the bottom.Down below are Pei Yuanqing, Zhou Cang, Bai Bo and other small leaders of the Black Mountain Army.

"Senior Brother, Bandit Cao has mobilized 30 troops, stationed in Changshan, Zhongshan, Zhao County and other places. This time, it seems that Bandit Cao is fighting with us." Zhang Yan said looking at Zhang Niujiao who was at the top.

Although the name Zhang Niujiao sounds like a bull devil, he is actually very handsome. He is about a few years older than Li Chen, and he looks like he is in his 20s.

Zhang Yan is a middle-aged man in his 30s, not tall, and looks very thin.As for Yu Du, he was a tall, strong, fat man.

When Zhang Jiao died, Zhang Niujiao was actually only in his teens. Looking at it this way, it also explains why Zhang Niujiao was the only one left behind after all the people under Zhang Jiao died.It was precisely because Zhang Niujiao was still a child at that time.

"If we stick to Montenegro, how long can our food and grass last?" Zhang Niujiao asked.

Although the Black Mountain Army is known as the Black Mountain Army, it is impossible for a full 30 people to live in Montenegro. In fact, they live in the Taihang Mountains centered on Montenegro.As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water.The Taihang Mountains in this era are definitely rich in natural resources.

These 30 people have been growing food by themselves, plus hunting, and have lived in the Taihang Mountains for many years.

Unless there is not enough food in the mountains in a disaster year, the Black Mountain Army will never go out to the Taihang Mountains to harass the people.

Now that Cao Cao is coming to attack the Black Mountain Army, he has no choice but to let everyone gather in Montenegro.Montenegro is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and if one man is in charge, ten thousand cannot open it. If Cao Jun wants to attack it, it will definitely not be so easy.

"Brother, if we retreat to Montenegro, all the residences we have managed over the years will be lost."

"To lose these gathering places is to lose the fields we have reclaimed. Without those fields, we would have to feed 30 people with the food in our hands, and we wouldn't even be able to last a year."

"Brother, the most important problem is that there is no water in the mountains. The water must be taken from the small mountains. If the springs in the mountains are used by 30 people, they will have to be drunk in a few days." Zhang Yan said.

Montenegro, known as Montenegro, is precisely because it is a dark stone mountain.Although it is steep, the natural resources are not rich. It is just a dream to feed 30 people with a Montenegro.

If 30 people gathered in Montenegro, it would be a massive number.It can be said that the retreat of 30 people to Montenegro is almost inevitable.

Although Zhang Yan told the pros and cons of this, it was Zhang Niujiao who made the decision.Although Zhang Niujiao is Zhang Jiao's young disciple, but a named disciple like Zhang Yan still has to call Zhang Niujiao senior brother.

Retreating to Montenegro will be defeated, but if you don't retreat to Montenegro, relying on the strength of Zhang Niujiao's troops, you can't protect everyone at all.For a while, Zhang Niujiao was caught in a dilemma.

"Brother, if you don't, go ask your sister." Zhang Yan looked at Zhang Niujiao who was in deep thought, and said softly.

"Fart, no."

"No matter what, you can't ask the senior sister about this matter, and you must never let the senior sister know."

"Zhang Yan, if it really comes to the day when Cao's army breaks through Black Mountain, you will leave here with your senior sister on your back. You are moving so fast that Cao's army will definitely not be able to catch up with you." Before Zhang Yan could finish speaking, Zhang Niujiao solemnly said Said.

Who is the senior sister that Zhang Yan and Zhang Niujiao are talking about? It is Zhang Ning, the only daughter of Zhang Jiao, the great virtuous teacher, and the only seedling of the great virtuous teacher.

The Yellow Turban Army was defeated, Zhang Jiao, the great virtuous teacher, died, and Zhang Niujiao was the only one left among Zhang Jiao's disciples.At the same time, Zhang Jiao's two younger brothers, Zhang Bao, the general of the land, and Zhang Liang, the general of the people, also died.Now, Zhang Ning is the last blood of the old Zhang family.

"Yes, we can't let Miss use that kind of technique anymore. If we can't even keep the last blood of the great virtuous teacher, how can we people have the face to meet the great virtuous teacher after death." Yu Du also nodded in agreement.

While these people were talking, they saw outside the Juyi hall, a woman walked in with the help of a maid.

With her eyes closed, she walked carefully step by step with the help of the maid.

"Niujiao, I know everything. Since these 30 people regard you as the leader, no matter what, you have to find a way for these 30 people." The woman said softly, her voice was very nice.

"Senior sister, don't worry, Niu Jiao will not disappoint Master." Zhang Niu Jiao said solemnly.

"Zhang Yan, come here."

"This is my father's important method of peace. Take it and go to Xuzhou. You have to wait at the north gate of Xuzhou every evening, and then you will meet someone who can save us."

"Remember these four words, stay on the tree and wait for the rabbit." After the woman finished speaking, she handed the important techniques of peace to Zhang Yan, and motioned for the servant girl to help her to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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