Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 188 Three roads go hand in hand to encircle and suppress Montenegro.

Chapter 188 Three roads go hand in hand to encircle and suppress Montenegro.

After Zhang Ning handed over the important techniques of Taiping to Zhang Yan, she asked her maid to help her out of the Juyi Hall. She walked easily and slowly.

"Hey, Senior Sister must have used the technique of divination again, and the retribution for leaking the heaven's secret will definitely be on her. If something happens to Senior Sister, how can I have the face to see Master after I die." Zhang Niujiao said with a sigh.

Zhang Niujiao remembered that there was a time when Zhang Ning could see with both eyes.And the reason why she was blind was precisely because too many secrets were leaked during the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

"Zhang Yan, hurry up to Xuzhou after listening to the order of the senior sister. Since the senior sister said that there is someone who can save us in Xuzhou, there must be no surprises." Zhang Niujiao said.

The technique of divination is a mysterious thing that cannot be explained by common sense, but for Zhang Ning's divination technique, all people of the Taiping Dao believe in it.

Just as Zhang Yan left the Taihang Mountains with the essential techniques of peace on his front foot, Cao Cao sent troops on his back foot. The 30 troops were divided into three groups, outflanking from Changshan, Zhongshan, and Zhaojun respectively.

Cao Ren led an army of [-] to Changshan and entered the Taihang Mountains, and began to clear up the scattered remnants of the Yellow Turban Army along the way.Xiahou Dun led an army of [-] from Zhongshan into the Taihang Mountains, and also cleared up the bandits and cottages along the way.On the other hand, Zhaojun was facing an army of [-] troops led by Cao Cao himself, rushing towards the hinterland of Montenegro.

When Cao Cao's army came, the cottage bandits along the way could be regarded as bad luck.Anyway, Cao Jun came all the way, as long as he saw the bandit cottages, he would wipe them out at will.

All of a sudden, Zhongshan, Changshan, and Zhaojun's generation of bandits all turned pale upon hearing Cao.To be honest, most of these bandits are locals, and they know everything about their surroundings.Usually when the local government is encircling and suppressing, they will drill into the Taihang Mountains, and they will come out when the government leaves.

No matter how much troops the local government can have, they simply don't have the ability to search the mountains.But it's different now. Cao Cao's three armies each have a full 10 people, and each of them has the ability to search mountains and forests.

The three-way Cao army marched all the way towards Montenegro. Of course, the speed of this march was not fast because they had to clear up the bandits and robbers along the way.

Montenegro, Juyi Hall.

"Boss, Cao Ren has already entered the mountain from the direction of Changshan, we can't sit and wait for death like this."

"I don't know when the second leader will move in reinforcements. I think we should send troops to stop Cao's army. Otherwise, if the second leader moves in for reinforcements, if we are trapped in Montenegro by Cao's army, we may not be able to save them." Baibo on the side said.

Zhang Niujiao thought about Baibo's words, and felt that what he said was not unreasonable.Although Zhang Ning divination a way out for them, it is not clear what is going on with Zhang Yan.At this time, you can't sit still and wait for others to save you, you have to save yourself.

After thinking about it, Zhang Niujiao said: "Well, I will lead [-] people to block Cao Ren. In this mountain forest, it will definitely not be so easy for Cao Jun to catch up with us."

No matter how elite Cao Jun's soldiers are, in the mountains and forests, it is definitely not so easy to defeat Zhang Niujiao.It is difficult for a person who has never lived in the mountains to adapt to life in the mountains.The people in Zhang Niujiao's hands are different. They are like fish in water in the mountains and forests, and they go up and down the forest like walking on flat ground.

"How can I let the big boss do this kind of thing, give me a soldier, and I, Pei Yuanshao, will go." Pei Yuanshao shouted loudly.

"That's right, I'll go with my brother." Zhou Cang also shouted from the side.

Both Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang are brave generals, but they are just brave generals. They even have to add three words before brave generals, that is, brainless. These two are brave generals without brains.

"Boss, let me take Yuan Shao and Zhou Cang. People in Montenegro are in a state of panic now, so you can stay here to calm them down." Yu Du said softly.

When Yu Du said this, Zhang Niujiao didn't say much.Because in Zhang Niujiao's view, Yu Du is better than him in leading troops to fight.The reason why he was able to sit on the position of chief is all because he is Zhang Jiao's apprentice.

"Then, be careful." Zhang Niujiao warned.

"Don't worry, chief, Cao Ren didn't have a good reputation when I was fighting. It's just blocking Cao's army for a few days, it's a piece of cake." Yu Du said.

After making a plan, Yu Du ordered [-] Black Mountain troops, and led Pei Yuanshao and Zhou Cang to kill in the direction of Changshan.

The [-] Montenegrin troops did not have armor on their bodies, but each wore commoner clothes, with short knives in their hands, and bows and arrows hanging from each of them.

When fighting in the mountains and forests, long weapons cannot be used because of the shade of trees.There are trees everywhere, weapons like spears cannot be swung at all, only short knives can be used, and crossbow bolts are the only long-range lethal weapons.

Each of these Black Mountain soldiers is as light as an ape, walking on the ground in the mountains and forests, and can even climb a big tree within a few breaths.

What is Zhang Yan's nickname? Zhang Yan's nickname is Heishan Feiyan.There are only wrong names in this world, but no wrong nicknames.Having such a nickname is enough to prove Zhang Yan's speed.

Within a few days, Zhang Yan arrived outside the city of Xuzhou with the essential techniques of peace.Zhang Yan stayed at an inn in the North City of Xuzhou, and waited outside the North City before evening.

Zhang Ning confessed to him, and told him to sit on the sidelines, didn't he just let him wait in place?Zhang Yan believed in Zhang Ning's words, so he didn't think about it in his heart, and just waited quietly.This wait is three days.

On the evening of the fourth day, he was still walking in the north city of Xuzhou.

"Get out, get out."

"The army is passing by, and the idlers are waiting to retreat." At this moment, I saw a cavalry of elite soldiers shouting.

Hearing this, the people coming and going immediately retreated to both sides of the road, making way for the passing army.Zhang Yan naturally followed the crowd and came to both sides of the road.

After a short meeting, I saw a cavalry team approaching from a distance. From a distance, I could see the word "Li" on the Chinese army banner of this cavalry.

"Could this not be the legendary His Royal Highness King Qin?" Zhang Yan muttered in his heart.

The famous king of Qin in Xuzhou City was surnamed Li, and the one who could use the word Li for the Zhongjun banner was none other than the king of Qin.

"Look, it's His Royal Highness King Qin."

"It is said that His Royal Highness the King of Qin came here today to beat Xiaopei. I heard that Xiaopei is going to build a shipyard there."

"Which lake is it?" At this time, the people around Zhang Yan were chatting.

"It's to build a shipyard in the lake. It doesn't matter what the lake was originally called. His Royal Highness King Qin has already named the lake Weishan Lake." The people on the side said.

(End of this chapter)

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