Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 190 The True Identity of the Veterinarian

Chapter 190 The True Identity of the Veterinarian

Li Chen walked very slowly at first, and finally pulled the horse's rein and gradually accelerated the speed. Under the horse's hooves, a group of people headed towards Yunlong Mountain. Li Chen deliberately wanted to test Zhang Yan's foot strength.

Li Chen suspects that the veterinarian is the legendary Nanhua Old Immortal. He is eager to find a veterinarian for verification. This time, no matter what, he must find out the identity of this old silver coin.

Yunlong Mountain is just outside the city of Xuzhou. It is not very close, and it is not very far away.Fortunately, Li Chen's feet are relatively fast, so it didn't take long for everyone to come to the foot of Yunlong Mountain.

Yunlong Mountain is not a very high mountain, but as the saying goes, if the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be dragons.Although Yunlong Mountain is not high, there are clouds and dragons surrounding the mountainside all the year round, forming a scene of a group of dragons coiling up the mountain.

The veterinarian, the old Yinbi, said that the Yunlong on this mountain came out of the dragon veins in the mountain, and it was precisely because of the dragon veins in Yunlong Mountain that the spectacle of Yunlong Mountain was formed.

Of course, Li Chen somewhat doesn't believe in the mysterious and mysterious things like dragon veins. In Li Chen's view, these dragon-shaped clouds are not so much formed by dragon veins.Rather, it is the water vapor formed by the large temperature difference between the foot of the mountain and the mountain.

Because of this matter, Li Chen even argued with the old silver coin, the veterinarian, but in the end no one convinced the other.Because Li Chen was talking about the nine-year obligation, but the old silver coin of the veterinarian was always talking about feudal superstition.

Ever since he became king of Qin, Li Chen has not been idle for a day, so naturally he has no time to come to Yunlong Mountain.Coming to Yunlong Mountain again this time, Li Chen felt that the dragon-shaped clouds in the mountain seemed to be thicker.

A group of people dismounted at the foot of Yunlong Mountain and climbed up Yunlong Mountain. The veterinarian's Taoist temple of the old silver coin is on a slightly flat place on the mountainside.

As soon as he stepped onto Yunlong Mountain, Li Chen felt a sense of intimacy in his heart for no reason, as if the mountain under his feet was like a pet, getting close to him.

Not long after, the newly built Taoist temple with gray walls and blue tiles appeared in front of my eyes.

There is a person waiting at the gate of the Taoist temple, and this person is none other than the old silver coin of the veterinarian.

"How did you know I was coming?" Li Chen looked at the veterinarian and said in surprise.

"Hey, as soon as you came up, I felt the abnormal movement of the dragon's veins. It doesn't matter if you don't come, as soon as you come, I will break my furnace pill." The veterinarian complained.

"Can you live forever after taking your pill?" Li Chen asked suddenly.

The veterinarian was stunned, and thought to himself, could it be that he wanted to live forever after he became the king of Qin, and none of the emperors who wanted to live forever since ancient times did not end well.

"No." The veterinarian shook his head and said.

"No, no, you practice a few hairs. Pollution of the environment, you know." Li Chen gave the veterinarian an angry look.

Looking at Li Chen's appearance, the veterinarian felt that the man in front of him was not like the famous King Qin, but more like the bandit leader from Yunlong Mountain back then.

A group of people entered the Taoist temple, the veterinarian led Li Chen into the room, and the rest waited in the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Chen took out the "Essentials of Peace" he got from Zhang Yan from his bosom, and handed it to the veterinarian.

"Here, return it to its original owner." Li Chen said tentatively.

The veterinarian took the things, and when he saw the four big characters "Taiping Essentials" written on the paper, his eyes were round and he was stunned.

"Why is this thing here with you?" The veterinarian asked a little puzzled.

Li Chen glanced at the veterinarian and said in his heart, it really is you, Old Immortal Nanhua, if you weren't Old Immortal Nanhua, how could you know this important technique of peace.

"I came back from another place, but was stopped by the man outside. He dedicated this thing to me." Li Chen did not hide it, but told the veterinarian truthfully.

"You really gave me this thing?" The veterinarian said in surprise, "Taiping Essentials" is definitely a unique divine book in the world, and it can be called a priceless treasure.

"I can't understand the ghostly symbols in a book, and it's useless if I don't keep them for you."

"I'm talking, if I give this book to you, isn't it considered a return to the original owner?" Li Chen said with a smile.

"Return to the original owner?"

"What do you mean?" The veterinarian was puzzled by Li Chen's words.

"You're still pretending to me, I know who you are."

"You are the old fairy of Nanhua, right, you old silver coin." Li Chen scolded with a smile.

But who knows, before Li Chen finished speaking, the veterinarian immediately covered his mouth, and then said with a lingering fear, "Little ancestor, don't talk nonsense, I'm not some old fairy of Nanhua, if I Let the old fairy know, but he will be angry."

Li Chen looked at the appearance of the veterinarian, as if he really wasn't pretending. Judging from his expression, he seemed to respect the old fairy Nanhua very much.

"Since you are not the old fairy Nanhua, then who are you?"

"I have been a veterinarian by my side for so many years, but in the end I found out that you are a Taoist priest who was delayed by the veterinary profession?" Li Chen said.

"who am I?"

"Don't tell, don't tell. When it's time to tell you, I will tell you." The veterinarian pretended to be inscrutable again.

Li Chen knew that this old clapper liked the feeling of being guessed by others, but Li Chen didn't like the feeling of being guessed by others.

"You really don't want to say?" Li Chen asked.

Veterinarian: "Don't tell me."

"If you don't tell me, then when I go back, I will order the people below to build a Nanhua Temple in every city in Xuzhou." Li Chen continued.

The veterinarian thought, it has nothing to do with me that you built the Nanhua Temple, I have already said that I am not the old fairy of Nanhua.

The veterinarian nodded and said, "Well, it's a good thing to enshrine the old fairy Nanhua instead of forming a good relationship."

Li Chen looked at the veterinarian who looked like a meat hob, and thought, you are a meat hob, right? I am even more meat than a hob.

"I want to build a statue of Nanhua in every Nanhua temple. Hey, the key point is that I have never seen the old fairy of Nanhua. Well, I have decided, and I will shape it according to your appearance. Build it one by one, create a It's exactly the same." Li Chen nodded and said.


"Don't mind, don't you hurt me?"

"If a living person is enshrined, it will be unlucky eight times a day. Maybe I will be worshiped one day." The veterinarian said hastily.

"Anyway, if you don't tell me who you are?"

"I will always treat you as an old fairy of Nanhua." Li Chen said solemnly.

This time, Li Chen had to find out the identity of the veterinarian no matter what. The old silver coin had been pretending to be a veterinarian by his side for so many years, but now he became a veterinarian again. This really made Li Chen curious.

"You really want to know my identity?" asked the veterinarian.

Li Chen nodded and said, "I must know."

The veterinarian sighed, "Hey, it doesn't matter if I tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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