Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 191 The Legend of Dragon Veins

Chapter 191 The Legend of Dragon Veins
Li Chen wanted to find out the identity of the veterinarian. It was not a thought of a day or two, but a thought that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.Of course, it's not that Li Chen doesn't trust veterinarians.This is a simple idea of ​​wanting to see what's inside after getting it quickly.Even, sometimes when I help others to get a courier, I want to open it to see what's inside.

The veterinarian also noticed that if he didn't reveal his identity, Li Chen might be pestered endlessly.

"To tell you the truth, my surname is Yu, and my name is auspicious." After the veterinarian said, he thought to himself, I am not Zuo Ci's idiot who likes to show off everywhere. .

"What, you are Yu Ji, the Yu Ji who wrote the Taiping Sutra and the Taiping Qingling Sutra?" Li Chen blurted out in surprise.

Throughout the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, apart from the Nanhua old immortal who was called an immortal, there were three people who were most likely to possess supernatural power.These three people are Zhang Jiao, Yu Ji, and Zuo Ci.

In the history of the previous life, all kinds of unimaginable deeds of these three were recorded.There is no such thing as groundless rumors in the world, and these three Taoist masters definitely have some unusual abilities.

"How do you know that I wrote the Taiping Sutra and the Taiping Qingling Sutra?" Yu Ji asked curiously.

It is true that he wrote these two scriptures well, but he has never shown them to others. How did Li Chen know about them.

Li Chen thought in his heart that he had slipped his tongue, then rolled his eyes and said, "Once again, you mentioned it after drinking."

Yu Ji likes to drink, Li Chen really believed what he said, after all, he got drunk too many times.

Yu Ji thought to himself, since he had already revealed his identity anyway, it would be better to tell him everything.

"Do you know why I am here, and why I am so sure that there are dragon veins in Yunlong Mountain?" Yu Ji asked Li Chen.

"I don't know?" Li Chen shook his head and said.

Yu Ji touched his goatee and fell into the memories of that year.

"Because I put in the dragon veins in Yunlong Mountain. The reason why Zhang Jiao dared to change the dynasty was not because he obtained the essential technique of peace. It was because he got a piece of dragon veins. With the dragon veins, he has the capital to change generations."

"However, it turned out that Zhang Jiao was thinking too much. His dragon veins were too weak, while Han's dragon veins were still strong at that time. Zhang Jiao failed in the end. Before he failed, he cut off half of the dragon veins and gave them to me. I'm looking for a place with a good geomantic omen to conceive and raise."

"In the end, I chose Yunlong Mountain as the place to conceive and raise the dragon veins, and you are the person who is most suitable for this dragon vein." Yu Ji told Li Chen all the stories.

If this story didn't come from Yu Ji's mouth, Li Chen would really think it was nonsense, but Yu Ji really had no reason to lie to himself.

Moreover, regarding the theory of the dragon veins, there were indeed too many such legends in the previous life.The most widely spread is the story of Liu Bowen cutting the dragon's veins.

It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang ruled the world after he ascended the throne and sat in the palace.In order to prevent the instability of Daming, Liu Bowen was specially ordered to cut off all the dragon veins in the world, leaving only this dragon vein of his old Zhu's family.Liu Bowen spent many years and finally cut off all the dragon veins in the world.

However, go to the place where the white mountains and black waters are, which is the current northeast boundary.A very rare dragon vein was found.The dragon veins that Liu Bowen cut before were all mountains, but this one is a water vein.

Mountains are easy to cut, but water veins are hard to cut. Liu Bowen accidentally let this dragon vein run away.That's why Nurhachi started with thirteen sets of armor and established the Great Qing Dynasty.

Of course, some people said that Liu Bowen let go of this dragon vein on purpose.After all, as the Taoist said, the Dao is fifty, and the Tianyan is fourty-nine, and one of them should be avoided.Everything should not be killed.

"Hey, Lao Yu, what does this dragon vein look like?"

"You take it out and I'll take a look at it?" Li Chen touched Yu Ji's shoulder and asked in a low voice.

As soon as Li Chen said this, Yu Ji's old face turned black, and he thought, you think the dragon vein is that thing in your crotch, and you can take it out if you say it.

"Do you still want to be emperor?" Yu Ji asked rhetorically.

"If you want to be the emperor, you can't move that thing?" Li Chen asked rhetorically.

Return that thing, it's the dragon's veins, the dragon's veins in your mouth is that thing, a fucking dog can't spit out ivory.

"What do you mean?" Yu Ji said angrily.

Li Chen smiled awkwardly, and then said: "If you can't move, then don't move."

"Old Yu, you said that I came here to give you a gift anyway, can't you be more friendly and kind?"

"Come on, give me a smile." Li Chen teased.

"I laughed at your grandma's legs."

"It's not big or small, hurry up and roll a few babies." Yu Ji said angrily.

"Why don't you wait to see me so much?" Li Chen asked puzzled.

"Come here if you have nothing to do. Longmai will become manic when he feels your breath." Yu Ji replied.

"By the way, the essential technique of peace should be in the hands of that little girl of the Zhang family. Since someone came to you with the essential technique of peace, there must have been an accident on her side. Zhang Jiao is my good friend. If he can save it, he will save it." Let's save it." Yu Ji said to Li Chen.

When Yu Ji mentioned the young lady of the Zhang family, Li Chen suddenly thought of something.

"Um, you're the one who messed up about my marriage contract with Ms. Zhang's family?" Li Chen asked.

Yu Ji said: "Zhang Jiao really asked me to find a husband-in-law for his daughter, but before I found it, Zhang Jiao's old thing was gone."

Li Chen rolled his eyes, and then said to Ji: "Old Yu, you said that I haven't seen that Miss Zhang family. How about we, when I see Miss Zhang Jiao, I'll send someone to invite you over. At that time, if I nod to you, you will mention the marriage contract. If I shake my head at you, you will not mention the marriage contract. "

Hearing this, Yu Ji's face turned dark, and he said to himself, you just nod if you look good, and shake your head if you don't look good?
Yu Ji thought in his heart, Li Chen is still Li Chen, and the original formula, even if he becomes the king of Qin, he still has this virtue.

"roll roll roll!"

"Don't bother the old man here." Yu Ji cursed angrily.

After getting off Yunlong Mountain, Li Chen looked at Zhang Yan and said, "You are here to ask for reinforcements."

Zhang Yan immediately knelt on the ground and said, "Yes, they are indeed here to ask for help, and please ask His Royal Highness King Qin to save my 30 soldiers and civilians in Montenegro."

"Get up, beat Cao thief, I'm too familiar with it."

"Meet me in Xuzhou, and tell me about the current situation of the Black Mountain Army." Li Chen said.

Upon hearing Li Chen's words, Zhang Yan was immediately overjoyed.He never expected that Li Chen would be so easy to talk, and he didn't waste a single bit of tongue.

Why is Li Chen willing to send troops so soon? As the saying goes, he will have to pay back sooner or later.The dragon veins of Yunlong Mountain came from Zhang Jiao, so he must save this Black Mountain Army and Miss Zhang's family.

(End of this chapter)

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