Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 192 Sending troops to Zhuo County

Chapter 192 Sending troops to Zhuo County
Xuzhou City, Yunlong Palace.

Li Chen brought Yuwen Chengdu, Pei Yuanqing and others strode in boasting, and then loudly shouted to the guards next to him: "Notify all generals, I will be promoted to the palace."

"No." The soldier knelt down and replied.

The messenger went to deliver the order, Li Chen sat in the Yunlong Hall, looked at Zhang Yan and asked, "What's your name?"

At this moment, Li Chen still doesn't know Zhang Yan's name, he only knows that he is from the Black Mountain Army.

"Report to His Royal Highness King Qin, my surname is Zhang, and my single name is Yan." Zhang Yan hurriedly replied.

"Black Mountain Army Zhang Yan, yes, I've heard of this name before." Li Chen rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

"General Zhang, don't worry, I will save your Black Mountain Army. Others are afraid of Cao Cao, but I am not afraid." Li Chen promised Zhang Yan.

After Zhang Yan heard Li Chen's categorical words, the stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he quickly fell to his knees.

"I, Zhang Yan, knocked one for 30 soldiers and civilians in Montenegro."

Li Chen quickly raised his hand at Zhang Yan, and said, "Don't kowtow, don't kowtow, if it takes several days, it will delay things."

Zhang Yan: "???"

Zhang Yan was dumbfounded by Li Chen's words, and said in her heart, this is asking me to knock down one for each of the 30 soldiers and civilians in Montenegro.

Zhang Yan suddenly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with King Qin's painting style. He always felt that King Qin was King Qin, but he didn't know if he was serious or not.

While Zhang Yan was in a daze, Li Chen asked again: "Zhang Yan, since this king is going to send troops to rescue the soldiers and civilians of Montenegro, he must understand the current situation of Montenegro."

When Li Chen asked, Zhang Yan regained his composure, and quickly responded: "It should be, it should be."

"Let me ask you, among the 30 soldiers and civilians in Montenegro, how many elite soldiers are there that can really fight?" Li Chen asked.

"Sixty thousand, there are a few of us who can fight." Zhang Yan said an accurate number.

Li Chen rubbed his chin and said in his heart, if 20 elite soldiers are saved, it will increase his population by more than [-] and [-] elite soldiers. This is a good deal.

"I'm asking you, who is in command of the army and civilians of Montenegro?" Li Chen continued to ask.

"The chief is Zhang Niujiao, the second chief is the second chief, and the third chief is Yu Du. Military division Bai Bo, there is also a small commander, Pei Yuanshao, Zhou Cang and others." Zhang Yan continued to answer.

"Is your lady pretty?" Li Chen continued to ask.

"That is naturally extremely beautiful." Zhang Yan replied subconsciously.

"and many more!"

"What was the last question?"

"Could it be that I'm hallucinating?" Zhang Yan felt that something was wrong with the last question.

Li Chen touched it again, thinking, it seems that Zhang Ning is a beautiful woman, so he feels at ease now.

"His Royal Highness, what was your last question?" Zhang Yan asked tentatively.

Li Chen straightened his body, and asked solemnly: "I'm asking you, what's the current situation of the Black Mountain Army?"

Zhang Yan thought, I probably got it wrong.

"His Royal Highness, the Cao army divides 30 troops and attacks from Changshan, Zhongshan, and Zhaojun respectively. Our Black Mountain army has only 10,000 troops, and we have to protect [-]+ people. The disparity in strength may not last long." Zhang Yan Frankly.

At this time, there is no need to lie, to improve oneself, the moment Li Chen sent troops earlier, the soldiers and civilians of Montenegro would be less dangerous.

During this meeting, a group of civil servants and military generals have already gathered, the military generals, Chen Qingzhi, Yuwen Chengdu, Pei Yuanqing, Li Siye, Guan Sheng and others.

On the civil servant's side, there are also Liu Bowen, Chen Deng, Jia Xu, Li Ru and so on.

At this time, Li Chen was no longer the two or three big fish and small fish like before, but the real civil servants like rain and fierce generals like clouds.

Just after Li Chen's civil and military capital expired, and when he was about to raise his account to discuss matters, he only heard the familiar system notification sound in his mind again.

[Mission: Save the soldiers and civilians of Montenegro. 】

Since the first battle in Luoyang, Li Chen has been steadily developing Xuzhou. There is no war these days, and the blind box system can't trigger any tasks.Sure enough, as soon as he was about to start a war against Cao Cao, the blind box system was triggered.

Triggering the blind box mission means that there will be a blind box reward. From this point of view, he will not lose in this battle.

Li Chen talked about the situation of the Black Mountain Army, and then expressed his opinion to everyone that he must save the Black Mountain Army and civilians, and he would do so at all costs.

Li Chen's current prestige in Xuzhou is not an exaggeration to say that he is the emperor, he said one is one, and he said two is two.Since Li Chen made the decision to save the soldiers and civilians of Montenegro, the rest of the people did not dissuade them, but began to think of ways.

After pondering for a long time, the white-robed military god Chen Qingzhi walked straight to the map, pointed to the location of the Black Mountain Army and said, "His Royal Highness Qin Wang, let's see."

"Heishan's army and civilians are located here, that is, Heishan. And Heishan is surrounded by Changshan, Zhongshan, and Zhaojun. It is not easy to support 30 people. If our army wants to support the Heishan army, we must First take Zhuo County, which is adjacent to Xiaopei, and after taking Zhuo County, firstly, our army can enter the hinterland of Cao's army to meet the Black Mountain Army, and secondly, we can also allow the Black Mountain army and civilians to evacuate to our territory through Zhuo County."

Chen Qingzhi's plan was feasible. If he wanted to meet the Black Mountain Army, he had to take Cao Jun's one county as a passage.Otherwise, the army would not be able to enter Cao Cao's territory to meet the soldiers and civilians of Montenegro.

"His Royal Highness, Cao Cao's guard in Zhuojun is Yu Jin, who has always been a stable man. We can first inform Xiaopei's General Zhang Liao that there will be some friction with him. For the time being, we will not let Cao ah know our purpose, so as not to prevent Cao ah Uncover it and launch a fierce attack on Montenegro." Liu Bowen also added.

At this time, Cao Cao must have never imagined that Li Chen would dare to attack him.Once Li Chenruo revealed his purpose in advance, Cao Cao would definitely order Yu Jin to stick to it, and then he would speed up the pace of attacking Montenegro.Therefore, it is best to create a little friction at this time to confuse Cao Cao.

In the main hall, many civil servants and military generals spoke to you and me, and soon made a plan for how to save the soldiers and civilians of Montenegro.

The first is to take Zhuo County as a passage to advance and retreat, and the second is to send three armies to block Cao Jun's three armies respectively, leaving enough time for the army and civilians of Montenegro to evacuate.

"Zhang Yan, you have to go back first and inform the soldiers and civilians of Heishan to approach Changshan. When we reach Zhuo County, my left and right armies will block Zhongshan, and the main force of Zhao County's two enemy troops will go to Changshan to meet the Heishan army and civilians. " Li Chen said to Zhang Yan.


"I, Zhang Yan, thanked the 30 soldiers and civilians of Montenegro and went to Your Highness." Zhang Yan knelt down to thank him, and he dared not mention kowtowing at this meeting.

"I'll go to Xiaopei first, Qingzhi, within seven days you will lead an army of 15 to Xiaopei." Li Chen ordered.

Fighting Cao Cao is no joke, this time, Li Chen is also the main force.

(End of this chapter)

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