Chapter 193 Creating Friction

Zhuojun, this is a county adjacent to Xuzhou in Cao Cao's territory.When Tao Qian was in charge of Xuzhou, the entire Zhuojun had no more than [-] troops, but now Cao Cao has deployed [-] troops in Zhuojun.

In Cao Cao's eyes, Tao Qian was an old goat, and Xuzhou, which was ruled by an old goat, was not the slightest threat.But it's different now, Li Chen is a fierce tiger, a tiger that may eat people at any time, Cao Cao must keep it at bay all the time.

Zhuo County is the seat of Zhuo County, and it is also the closest place to Xiaopei. The straight-line distance between the two is less than fifty miles.Out of Cao Jun's [-] deployments in Zhuojun, a full [-] are in Zhuojun.

Xiao Pei, the chamber.

When "Li" heard that Zhuojun was going to be attacked, Lu Lingqi's face was full of joy, and she almost called out Li Chen's name in excitement.

Zhang Liao on the side hurriedly pulled her, and then Lu Lingqi remembered to change her words: "His Royal Highness, are we really going to fight Zhuojun?"

Although Li Chen and Lu Lingqi are husband and wife, they are not married at the moment, and they are talking about business now, so Lu Lingqi naturally wants to call Li Chen His Highness King Qin.

Xiaopei has always been garrisoned by Lv Bu's old general. How Lv Bu died was caused by Cao Cao and Liu Bei's partnership.Therefore, when it comes to attacking Lu Bu's territory now, they all feel like they have been beaten with chicken blood.

"Yes, the army will arrive within seven days. In the next few days, we have to find a way to create some friction with the defenders of Zhuo County. Give it a try and see what the attitude of the defenders of Zhuo County is." Li Chen ordered.

Before the army came, the purpose of Zhang Liao and others was to create small-scale friction. Li Chen was determined not to make trouble, and wanted to test Cao Jun's bottom line.

After roughly instructing Xiao Pei about the military purpose here, Li Chen nestled in the mansion and worked overtime with Lu Lingqi. He can't show up now, so as not to be seen by Cao Jun's spies and expose the real military purpose.

Of course, while Li Chen was working overtime with Lu Lingqi, he was also thinking about where to do a side job in Diaochan when Lu Lingqi was away.

The next day, the sky brightened.

Cao Xing led [-] cavalry to kill in the direction of Zhuojun. It looked so aggressive that people couldn't see the truth for a while.

Zhuo County, the government office.


Panting, the messenger rushed into the center of the government office, and bowed his hands to Yu Jin who was handling military affairs: "Report to the general, thousands of cavalry were found approaching Zhuo County ten miles away from Zhuo County, and the flag was stationed in Xiaopei. Qin Jun."

Li Chen is now known as the King of Qin, so all the troops under his command are now flying the Qin flag.

"Qin Jun?"

"Could it be that Li Chen took advantage of His Royal Highness King Wei's plan to encircle and suppress Heishan, and wanted to attack my Zhuo County?" Hearing this news, Yu Jin's heart couldn't help but tighten.

"Is this the only cavalry that got up? Does the Qin army have other troops to mobilize?" Yu Jin asked hastily.

"Report to the general, there are not, only this cavalry of the Qin army, about 3000 people." The messenger reported.

Hearing the news, Yu Jin was a little confused.Zhuojun has a full 5 troops, and Xiaopei has about 5 troops.As the saying goes, surround it three times, attack it ten times.Li Chen wanted to take Zhuojun, not to mention ten times as many troops, but relying on Xiaopei's [-] soldiers and horses alone was definitely not enough.

But now Li Chen didn't show any signs of large-scale mobilization of troops, only a cavalry came from Xiaopei's direction, which made Yu Jin's little monk puzzled at this moment.

Yu Jin has always been cautious. Regardless of the purpose of the visitor, it is better to be cautious at this time.

Thinking of this, Yu Jin quickly ordered: "Close the city gate first, and I'll go over here to see what this Qin army is going to do."

Not long after, Cao Xing arrived at the city of Zhuo County with [-] cavalry.Since Zhuo County and Xiaopei bordered each other, the city walls of Zhuo County were reinforced several times after the Cao army was stationed, and now this Zhuo County is considered high and thick.

At this time, the city gate of Zhuo County was closed tightly, and Cao Jun on the city wall was waiting in full battle one by one, aiming at Cao Xing with their bows and arrows.

For a while, the cavalry led by Cao Xing confronted Yu Jin.

"Under the command of the King of Wei, the governor of Zhuo County will be Jin, dare to ask which general under the command of the King of Qin is under the city." Standing on the wall of the city, Yu Jin asked loudly.

"Cao Xing, a pawn under King Qin's command, can't be called a general." Cao Xing responded by cupping his hands at Yu Jin on the city wall.

"General Cao, I have admired your name for a long time."

"His Royal Highness King Wei and His Highness King Qin are not violating the waters of the river. I don't know why General Cao led his troops to our Zhuo County. What's the matter?" Yu Jin clasped his hands and asked, he thought that Cao Xing didn't come to attack the city.

Cao Xing looked up at Yu Jin, and said sternly, "General Yu knows that His Highness King Qin's birthday will be in a few days. Our General Zhang Liao Zhang specially prepared a gift for His Highness King Qin, but on the way to Xuzhou, the gift was caught People were robbed."

"According to my investigation, the person who robbed His Royal Highness King Qin's birthday gift has now fled into your Zhuo County."

"There are no other requests, only one request, that is, please let General Yu let our army into the city, and I will find these thieves."

As soon as Cao Xing said this, Yu Jin's face turned black.why?Not to mention whether what Cao Xing said was true, even if it was true, Yu Jin couldn't let Cao Xing lead people into Zhuo County for search, if Cao Xing was allowed to enter the city like this, wouldn't Yu Jin lose all face.

"General Cao, this is a bit difficult for others. Zhuo County is the territory of His Royal Highness King Wei, how can we allow you to enter as soon as you want?" Yu Jinyan refused.


"Okay, since General Yu won't let me in, then I won't go in."

"However, I, Cao Xing, have never taken responsibility. I have no other skills. This one is first-rate in breaking pots."

"Since I can't catch these thieves, I can only find some excuses. For example, this thieves were sent by General Yu to rob the birthday gift, and this thieves are actually under General Yu's command. The reason why I didn't catch them This gang of thieves is living here because General Yu sheltered them."

"If you think about it this way, His Royal Highness King Qin will definitely not blame me." Cao Xing said loudly to Yu Jin.

"Cao Xing, you don't want to spout blood." Yu Jin said with a dark face.

"General Yu, as the saying goes, a dead fellow doesn't die a poor one, so come and take the blame for me."

"I reckon that His Royal Highness the King of Qin cannot suffer such grievances. At that time, the army will surely come to attack Zhuo County. I will apologize sincerely at the general's grave next year." Cao Xing said solemnly.

Behind the city wall of Zhuo County, Yu Jin's face is covered with black lines. Damn, I don't know who he learned from these generals of the Qin army.

If Cao Xing knew what Yu Jin was thinking, he would definitely tell him that this is our corporate culture.

Yu Jin knew in his heart that he couldn't fight at this time.Cao Cao mobilized 30 troops to encircle and suppress the Black Mountain Army. At this time, they will definitely lose more than they win when they start a war with Li Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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