Chapter 194 Crazy Test
As the general of Zhuojun, Yu Jin did not dare to take the initiative to provoke a war at this time, and even when facing Cao Xing's teasing, he could only keep giving in.

Now Cao Cao's 30 troops are encircling and suppressing the Black Mountain Army. At this time, once his side fights with Li Chen.Cao Cao has no soldiers to use, and then it will be time for the two sides to race against time.Either Li Mu took Zhuo County first, or Cao Cao took the Black Mountain Army first.

At this time, Yu Jin didn't dare to take risks. After thinking about it for three years, Yu Jin decided to agree to Cao Xing's request.

Letting Cao Xing's people enter the city to search would be a great shame and humiliation in Yu Jin's military career, but if Cao Xing's people were not allowed to come in and search, it would very likely lead to war.

To take a step back is to live in peace, and to take a step further is to intensify the conflict. Among them, Yu Jin chose to take a step back.

Yu Jin gritted his teeth and shouted to Cao Xing: "General Cao, I can send your men into the city to search, but only thirty riders can enter."

"This grandson, his mother can bear it." Cao Xing cursed secretly in his heart.

Cao Xing, who had already turned his head and was about to leave, immediately turned around after hearing what Yu Jin said, and said with a smile, "General Yu, wouldn't it be fine if you said that earlier."

"General, you can't."

"Can't let them enter the city?" The generals beside Yu Jin on the city wall tried to dissuade them.

Yu Jin waved his hand at them, and said in a low voice, "I've made up my mind, if the king of Wei blames me, I, Yu Jin, will be responsible for everything."

Under the city wall, Cao Xing ordered 30 people and signaled them to take a stroll around the city. As for finding the thief who robbed His Highness King Qin's birthday gift, this is just nonsense.

Going into the city for a stroll, testing where Cao Jun's bottom line is, this is Li Chen's task for Cao Xing.

Yu Jin was very cautious. He only ordered people to put down the drawbridge, but he didn't order people to open the city gate.Instead, they asked someone to lower a few hanging baskets from the city wall, and used the hanging baskets to pick up Cao Xing's men.

"General Yu, we are all our own people, so we can't be so careful?" Cao Xing joked under the city wall.

"Ha ha!"

"General Cao, as the saying goes, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others. It is better to be cautious." Yu Jin replied on the city wall.

After entering the city, the 30 people sent by Cao Xing walked around the city according to Cao Xing's instructions, and then were released by Yu Jin from the city wall in a hanging basket.

"Thank you, General Yu, for your flexibility. I'll see you next time." Cao Xing cupped his hands, and led his cavalry away towards Xiao Pei.

"Bah, next time?" On the city wall, a Cao Jun general cursed angrily.

Yu Jin smiled and ordered: "If they want to come, let them come? Remember, let them come in at most 30 people at a time, don't open the city gate, just use this method."

"Also, next time I smear some feces on these hanging baskets, I'd like to see if they sit or not."

"Yes, General Yu's method is good."

"They disgust us, so we will disgust them too." Another general said excitedly.

Xiao Pei, the meeting hall.

After Cao Xing returned with his army, he narrated the whole process to Li Chen.From what Cao Xing said, Li Chen could judge that the Black Mountain Army should have restrained most of Cao Jun's strength, and now Cao Jun should have no spare power to start a war with his own side.

What Li Chen has to face now is the [-] army in Zhuo County.There are currently [-] Cao troops in Zhuo County. If Zhuo County cannot be taken by thunder, another [-] troops from Zhuo County should come to support them.

After pondering for a while, Li Mu already had a rough plan in his mind. Of course, whether this plan is feasible or not will have to be discussed after the army arrives.

"Cao Xing, you are going there again tomorrow, and you are still sending 30 people into the city for a walk." Li Chen ordered.

The next day, Cao Xing came to Zhuo County with a cavalry as before. Yu Jin also put down the hanging basket and took 30 people into the city.

In the evening, Cao Xing came back cursing.

"Yu Jin's grandson is so fucking bad, he smeared feces on the hanging basket."

"I asked him why he was like this, and he said that he accidentally got it when he was preparing the gold juice."

There is no way, Li Chen's order has been issued, let alone the feces smeared on the hanging basket, even if there is a knife on the hanging basket, Cao Xing still has to follow the order.

In this way, Cao Xing took people there for seven days in a row. During these seven days, Cao Xing went in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, and at night, anytime.

After going away for seven days in a row, if Cao Xing didn't go that day, Yu Jin would still miss him.After tossing each other like this, they actually tossed out feelings.

Seven days later, Xiaopei, in the conference hall.

"At this time to seize Zhuo County, Chen Qingzhi is the Marshal of the three armies. All military dispatches are subject to Chen Qingzhi's orders, including me, and all generals must obey Chen Qingzhi's orders." Li Chen ordered.

"No." All the generals in the hall agreed to drink.

"Qingzhi, assign tasks." Li Chen said.

"No." Chen Qingzhi shook his white robe and stood up.

"Yuwen Chengdu, Pei Yuanqing listens to the order." Chen Qingzhi shouted loudly.

"The last general is here." Yu Wencheng and Pei Yuanqing rushed out.

"Order the two of you to bring 30 good men to join General Cao Xing and enter the city." Chen Qingzhi ordered.

"No." Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing accepted the order.

Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing both have undue bravery. If these two people go up the city wall, it will be like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and they will be able to disrupt the enemy formation on the city wall in the first place. So as to give the soldiers below the opportunity to build the ladder.

"The rest of the generals listened to the order. In this battle, Zhuo County must be attacked with the force of thunder. Before dawn, the banner of His Highness the King of Qin must be hung on the city wall of Zhuo County."

"When General Yuwen and General Pei ascend the city wall, it will be the time for our army to attack with all its strength." Chen Qingzhi ordered.

"No." All the generals responded in unison.

What Chen Qingzhi likes to fight the most is blitzkrieg, raids, the kind that wins or loses in one battle.

After Cao Xing has been in and out of Zhuo County for the past few days, the current Zhuo County can be said to be almost undefended for Cao Xing.

Since Yu Jin had met Pei Yuanqing and Yuwen Chengdu, the attack on Zhuo County was put at night to prevent Pei Yuanqing and Yuwen Chengdu from being recognized.

As soon as it got dark, Cao Xing brought people to the city of Zhuojun again.

This time Cao Xing led a lot more people than before, and he specially ordered his cavalry to gallop under the city. With the sound of horseshoes, there was a burst of smoke.

It was already dark this day, and now there was a burst of smoke and dust below the city, making the vision of the people on the city wall very poor for a while.

Cao Xing was deliberately covering the infantry behind. At this time, not far from the city wall, tens of thousands of infantry, with their feet wrapped in sackcloth, were creeping towards Zhuo County.

(End of this chapter)

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