Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 195 Seizing Zhuo County

Chapter 195 Seizing Zhuo County

Cao Xing led the cavalry to gallop around the city for a few laps before stopping.

"General Yu, how do my cavalry compare with your tiger and leopard cavalry?" Cao Xing shouted towards the city wall.

On the city wall, Yu Jin said in his heart, as long as you are still competing with tiger and leopard riders, you have no clue in your heart.As for your crap, you don't even have the qualifications to lift shoes for tiger and leopard riders.

Although he had such thoughts in his heart, Yu Jin couldn't say it out. Instead, he responded very politely: "Not bad, not bad."

Yu Jin's behavior is just a smile on his lips, but a horse in his heart.

"Yes, yes."

"I've never seen General Yu now, it's been like three autumns."

"General Yu, put down the hanging basket, I'll go up and catch up with General Yu." Cao Xing greeted from the bottom of the city.

In the past few days of probing, Cao Xing has entered the city several times, so Yu Jin didn't suspect anything, and still asked his subordinates to put down the hanging basket.

Yu Jin felt that the status quo was good, as long as the Qin Army's army did not attack the city, it would be fine to toss with Cao Xing every day, and it would all be a relief.

This time, Cao Xing was the first to get on the hanging basket, and the hanging basket rose slowly, after Cao Xing got on the city wall.Seemingly standing in front of Yu Jin inadvertently, the two chatted like old friends.

At this time, the hanging baskets were lowered one by one, and the people from the city were picked up one by one.Exactly 30 people, no more and no less.

Just at this time, Yu Jin caught a glimpse of the last two people who came up from the corner of his eye. He felt that the two people here seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember who they were.

Yu Jin met Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing. The last time Cao Cao sent an army to attack Xiaopei, the generals of the Cao family fought against these two.

"Boom" Yu Jin suddenly felt a bang on his forehead, and he remembered who these two people were.

"Yuwen Chengdu, Pei Yuanqing."

"Cao Xing, what do you want?" Yu Jin yelled, and drew out the long knife from his waist.

"Why, of course you are doing it?" Cao Xing shouted, and also drew out the steel knife.


"Seize the city!" Yuwen Chengdu also roared, pulled out the steel knife from his waist, and chopped down the few people in front of him.

In order to hide their identities, Yuwen Chengdu's phoenix-winged gold-plated boring and Pei Yuanqing's pair of sledgehammers are naturally unable to carry, so the weapons they use now are just ordinary steel knives.

"A mere 30 people want to seize the city? It's just wishful thinking. I really think that I, Yu Jin, can't make a living." With a wave of Yu Jin's hand, countless knives and axes rushed to the city wall.

The 30 people in Yuwen Chengdu are like a flat boat, drifting in the crowd of Wuyang Wuyang's Cao Jun, and are in danger of being overturned at any time.

But fortunately, Yu Wencheng and Pei Yuanqing, each of them has undue courage.The two led the boat composed of 30 people, cutting through the waves in the sea of ​​people in Wuyang Wuyang.




On the city wall, the steel knife in Yu Wencheng's hand flew up and down, and under each knife, a soldier of Cao Jun fell to the ground, leaving a broken body on the ground.However, Yu Wencheng chopped down one person, and immediately two or three rushed up behind him.Cao Jun is like a tide, endless.

There were too many Cao soldiers, and it seemed that no matter how hard they fought, they couldn't beat them all. At this time, more than ten of the thirty elite soldiers who followed up had already fallen, and even Cao Xing had already died at this moment.

"Leave these two giants under Li Chen's command today, and let you know that I, Yu Jin, are not easy to mess with." Yu Jin shouted loudly while directing the soldiers to attack.



"Take Zhuo County and capture it alive." At this time, a large number of torches were lit under the city, and 10,000+ soldiers rushed up with ladders.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Pei Yuanqing brandished Dao, constantly slashing and killing the enemy.But he is now surrounded by enemy troops, so many people are really hard to kill.

At this moment, Pei Yuanqing kind of missed his pair of sledgehammers.This knife can only cut down one person at a time. If he had a pair of sledgehammers in his hands, he would be able to sweep away a large area, and the fight would definitely not be so embarrassing.

As the saying goes, there is no unparalleled road, at this time Pei Yuanqing rolled his eyes and saw the stones and rolling logs piled up on the city wall.The rolling log is about one zhang long and the thickness is about the thickness of a person's waist, one can see that the weight is not clear.

Pei Yuanqing slashed down a few times, and then cut a bloody path, and came to this pile of rocks and logs.

"Brother Yuwen, pick up the weapon." Pei Yuanqing yelled, picked up a rolling log and threw it at Yuwen Chengdu.

This rolling log is more than ten feet long and as thick as a person's waist, so it weighs a thousand catties.Being thrown by Pei Yuanqing in such a way, with the power of wind and thunder, he knocked away an unknown number of Cao Jun along the way, and forcibly crushed a bloody path.

Yu Wencheng caught the log firmly, and then swept away the enemy troops around him.

"Come, eat a stick from my Yuwencheng."

"How many people are there, all come to my side." Yu Wencheng was aggrieved just now, and now he swept away the depression in his heart.

This big stick, which is more than one foot long and the thickness of a human waist, if it hits the body, it will kill you if you touch it, and you will die if you touch it.

At this time, Pei Yuanqing also picked up a huge log and threw it at the surrounding enemy troops.

These ordinary Cao Jun have never seen such a market, Yu Wencheng and Pei Yuanqing, in their eyes, they are simply not human, they are two monsters.

Under the big sticks of Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing, a vacuum was quickly swept away on the city wall. Seeing this, the soldiers below the city put up the ladder and quickly climbed up.

"General Yu, the sticks of these two are too big for us to bear." At this time, a general of Cao Jun shouted loudly.

At this time, the soldiers under the city had already climbed up the city wall. At this time, the soldiers on both sides of the city wall had mixed together, and Cao Jun's soldiers were obviously at a disadvantage.

"Withdraw, withdraw."

"Let's withdraw and fight them in the streets. Once we find an opportunity, we will shoot Yu Wencheng and Pei Yuanqing immediately." Yu Jin said with a dark face.

Yu Jin also understood that if he continued to entangle on the city wall at this time, he would only lose his troops for nothing.Let Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing, two non-human monsters, mess with them. At this time, their military spirit is slackened, and there is no way to fight such hand-to-hand combat with the Qin army.

If they continue to fight forcefully, their soldiers will collapse completely in a short period of time.At this time, abandoning the city wall, or even abandoning the city, will not destroy the entire army.

Under Yu Jin's urging, Cao Jun's generals gathered the remnants one after another, trying their best to retreat in an orderly manner, so as to avoid an accidental retreat from turning into a rout.

At this moment, Yu Jin's heart was bleeding. He was naturally cautious all his life, but he still fell into the trap of this bandit army.

Of course, the main reason why he fell into the trap was that Li Chen had under his command Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing, who were so brave.Yu Jin never imagined that a mere 30 people could successfully capture the city.

(End of this chapter)

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