Chapter 196 Taking Zhuo County
Under the command of Yu Jin, Cao Jun on the top of the city retreated like a tide.Morale is a thing, once it fades, it will be out of control.

After the Qin army completely occupied the city wall, it quickly opened the city gate, and countless Qin troops poured in from the city gate.

"Turn over the Cao army in the city one by one, and completely occupy Zhuo County before dawn." Chen Qingzhi's order was conveyed to all the troops.

"General Yu, let's retreat, Zhuo County can't hold it anymore." A Cao Jun brandished a big knife in his hand prejudicedly, and after cutting down several Qin soldiers, he came to Yu Jin and shouted loudly.

The Qin army under Li Chen's command is completely different from Cao's army.Although Li Chen's military strength is not as good as Cao Cao's, Li Chen raises professional troops, and the task of these troops is training all day long.But Cao Jun is different. Most of Cao Jun are field soldiers. They have to participate in field farming on weekdays, and they only train in their spare time.

It can be said that the training volume of the Qin army is more than five times that of the Cao army. Whether it is the elite level of the soldiers or the morale, the Qin army is far above the Cao army.

What's more, the Cao army in Zhuo County only has about 3 people, while the Qin army outside the city has a full 10,000+.Cao Jun is not as good as Qin Jun in terms of individual quality, and Qin Jun is several times stronger than Cao Jun in terms of strength. In this way, how can Cao Jun be the opponent of Qin Jun.

"Withdraw? How can we withdraw?"

"I lost Zhuo County, how can I explain to the King of Wei?" Yu Jin's face was dark, the steel knife in his hand was covered with blood, he almost became a man of blood, and he didn't know if the blood was his own or someone else's.

"General Yu, you are confused."

"Look, there are now 10,000+ Qin troops outside the city. How can we stay in Zhuo County? We can still keep our troops if we go now. If our entire army is wiped out, we will lose more than just a Zhuo County. The county is gone, but the entire Zhuo County is gone." He persuaded him earnestly.

At this time, the feeling in Yu Jin's heart is really hard to describe.He endured humiliation and let Cao Xing enter the city in order to avoid conflict with the Qin army.But despite every precaution, he finally fell into the trick of the enemy.

"Hey, let's withdraw the troops. If King Wei blames it, I will bear it alone." Yu Jin sighed and said helplessly.

Yu Jin is a smart man, he understands that if the fight continues at this time, it will inevitably end in annihilation of the entire army.That being the case, then simply withdraw troops.After preserving the active force, they withdrew to other counties and counties in Zhuo County to garrison.

From Yu Jin's point of view, Li Chen's goal must be Zhuo County. Now that Zhuo County has been conquered, it is completely possible to rely on Zhuo County and gradually occupy the entire Zhuo County.Yu Jin never thought that Li Chen's purpose was to save the Black Mountain Army.

From Yu Jin's point of view, the Montenegrin Army is nothing more than 30 soldiers and civilians, with a strength of [-] to [-].The weight of the Black Mountain Army is far inferior to that of Zhuojun from Jin's point of view.

Of course, it's not like Li Chen didn't think about it, so he simply swallowed Zhuo County without stopping.But after some analysis by think tanks, Liu Bowen, Li Ru, Chen Deng, Jia Xu and others agreed that Cao Cao could not easily give up Zhuojun.

In other words, if Li Chen forcibly occupied Zhuojun, then Cao Jun would definitely give up the encirclement and suppression of the Black Mountain Army and mobilize troops to come to Zhuojun.At that time, it will be equivalent to Li Chen and Cao Cao going to war across the board.

You must know that Li Chen and Cao Cao are both famous warlords. Once the two sides start a war, it will not be able to end in a short time. At that time, both sides will fall into the quagmire of war.

"Withdraw the army, retreat to Liangxiang, and stick to Fanyang. As long as we can still hold Liangxiang, the two counties of Fanyang will certainly be able to block the advance of the Qin army." Yu Jin ordered the general beside him.

At this moment, Yu Jin's heart is bleeding, and now he can be said to have ruined his fame for a lifetime, and this battle will become the shame of Yu Jin's life, and become a joke for others.

What a joke that Zhuo County was captured by only 20 people, it is a big joke.

Of the 8000 defenders in Zhuo County, only about [-] were able to break through in the end.Since the general attack was launched at night, it was time for Yu Jin to lead his army to flee towards Liangxiang and Fanyang.Chen Qingzhi did not order the pursuit, but ordered the soldiers to continue to clear the remaining defeated generals in Zhuo County.

In the east, the white belly leaked out.

After a night of hard work, Cao Jun in the entire Zhuo County has been cleaned up, and Cao Jun's prisoners have also been suppressed and returned to Xiaopei.

Zhuo County, the government office.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, fortunately, Zhuo County has been captured." Chen Qingzhi clasped his hands and said in the hall.

It has to be said that Chen Qingzhi is indeed an expert in blitzkrieg, and the only one who can take down Zhuo County in one night is Chen Qingzhi, the white-robed army god.

"I have to celebrate it, which is better than Gaozu's Han Xin." Li Chen praised.

"Although we can't occupy Zhuo County for a long time, since we're here, we can't leave empty-handed."

"Bowen, you are responsible for persuading the people of Zhuo County to move them to Xiaopei as much as possible." Li Chen ordered Liu Bowen.

"No." Liu Bowen stepped forward and responded.

"Yuanlong, you will transport all the military rations and government rations from Zhuo County, as well as the government's assets, to the Xiaopei government office." Li Chen ordered.

"No." Chen Deng responded.

At this time, Li Chen didn't want to get entangled with Cao Cao. Once he received the soldiers and civilians from Montenegro, he would give up Zhuo County immediately.Although Zhuo County cannot be included in the bag, Cao Cao cannot be cheap, so Li Chen intends to leave an empty city for Cao Cao.

Let's put it this way, with Li Chen's temperament, when he was fishing in his previous life, if he didn't catch anything, he would have to steal a melon from the melon field next to him.Of course, if there were no melon fields nearby, he would have to drink a few sips of river water.

In short, it is impossible to be an air force, and it is impossible to be an air force in this life.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Yu Jin then fled to Liangxiang County with [-] remnants of the defeated army, planning to stop Li Chen's army here.

Zhuo County has seven counties under its jurisdiction. In addition to the governing Zhuo County, there are also Liangxiang, Fangcheng, Fanyang, Zunxian, Gu'an, and Xincheng.

Liangxiang and Fanyang are the horns of each other, and stationing troops in these two places can prevent the Qin army from going to the hinterland of Zhuojun and prevent the other six counties from falling into the Qin army's pocket.

Yu Jin never imagined that Li Chen's goal was not in Zhuo County, but in the direction of Changshan.The direction of Changshan is the established breakout point of the Black Mountain Army, once the Black Mountain Army withdraws to Changshan.Li Chen's army will join forces with the Black Mountain Army to attack Cao Jun in the direction of Changshan, tear a hole for the 30 soldiers and civilians in Black Mountain, and then withdraw from Zhuo County to Xiaopei.

Li Chen had no intention of attacking Zhuo County at all, so no matter how tight Yu Jin's defenses were, he was a bit redundant.

In Liangxiang and Fanyang, Yu Jin is guarding against death. On the other side, Li Chen has divided his troops into three groups to support Changshan, Zhongshan, and Zhaojun's Black Mountain Army.

(End of this chapter)

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