Chapter 197 Target Changshan
Yu Jin was in Liangxiang, and Fan Yang had set up a defensive line, but he waited and waited for the Qin army to attack, which made Yu Jin somewhat puzzled.However, with the troops in his hands now, even the defenses are full of holes, let alone take the initiative to find Li Chen.

On the third day after Li Chen took Zhuojun, Cao Cao, who was stationed in Zhaojun, received information from Yu Jin.

Zhaojun, the government office.


The fast horse from Liangxiang County rushed into the Zhaojun Office panting, and knelt down in front of Cao Cao.On the way, he didn't dare to rest at all, and rushed to deliver messages day and night.

"His Royal Highness King Wei, this is a letter from General Yu Jin."

Kuai Ma handed over the letter in his hand, Cao Cao opened the letter, looked at the military information on the letter, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

After reading this letter, Cao Cao's dark face, which was originally dark, looked even darker.The whole person's complexion was as green as an egg skin.

Seeing Cao Cao's face, everyone knew that something might have happened to Zhuo County.

Yu Jin has never been a person who likes to shirk, so in his letter to Cao Cao, he explained the ins and outs of the whole thing clearly, including how Cao Xing lowered his vigilance before, and then how 30 people captured the city.

"Father, what happened." At this time, Cao Ang asked at the side.

Cao Cao touched the sword at his waist subconsciously, and said seriously: "Li Chen suddenly attacked Zhuo County, and Yu Jin lost Zhuo County in one night, and now he has retreated with less than [-] remnants. , Fan Yang area."

"What, Zhuo County is lost."

"I lost it in one night, this Yu Jin is really a waste, even beheading him is not an exaggeration." Cao Pi, the second son, said angrily.

"Father, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. It is urgent at noon to send reinforcements. If the reinforcements are slow, Liangxiang and Fanyang are lost, and the entire Zhuojun will be safe. It's in Li Chen's hands." Cao Ang suggested to his father Cao Cao.

"His Royal Highness King Wei, we have no soldiers left."

"If you want to transfer troops, you can only transfer them from the troops encircling and suppressing the Black Mountain Army." Xun Yu said with his hands clasped.

Although Cao Cao is a great warlord, although he has many troops in his hands.But at the same time, his territory is also large, and there are many places for him to defend.People should be stationed at all the passes, and troops should be stationed where they meet other forces.Although there are many troops in hand, there are also many places to use them.In this way, in fact, the 30 troops that encircled and suppressed the Black Mountain Army were all the troops that Cao Cao could use.

A group of civil and military men were discussing, they were discussing how to send troops to support Yu Jin, and they wanted to count on Yu Jin's [-] remnant troops to stop Li Chen, this was almost a dream.

After some intense discussions, everyone agreed that at least 30 troops should be dispatched from the [-] troops that encircled and suppressed the Black Mountain Army to Liangxiang and Fanyang to help Yujin defend the remaining six counties in Zhuo County.

As for Zhuo County, Li Chen could only occupy it temporarily, and after they had dealt with the Black Mountain Army, they would send troops to take Zhuo County back.

Everyone in the hall was discussing one after another, but there was only one person who did not speak. This person was Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

Guo Jia is Cao Cao's most trusted person?He didn't speak, which made Cao Cao feel a little uneasy.

Under normal circumstances, the more silent Guo Jia was, the more unusual the matter was.

Cao Cao couldn't help but feel a shock in his heart, feeling that something was wrong.

"Feng Xiao, what are you thinking?" Cao Cao asked.

Guo Jia frowned, walked to the map unknowingly, fixed his eyes on the map, as if he was thinking about something.

"His Royal Highness, the Qin army may not be targeting Zhuo County."

"Qin Jun's goal is here." Guo Jia said, putting his hand in the direction of Changshan.

As we said earlier, Cao Cao sent a total of three armies to besiege the Black Mountain Army.Cao Cao is located in Zhaojun, which is the direction closest to Yecheng, Cao Cao's base camp, and Cao Ren leads the army to attack Changshan.Changshan is the closest place to Xuzhou. If you send troops from Zhuojun to Changshan, if you march quickly day and night, it will take at most one day and night.

"Feng Xiao, do you mean that Li Chen's purpose is to save the Black Mountain Army?" Cao Cao asked puzzled.

"Yes, I think his purpose is to save the Black Mountain Army. The reason why he attacked Zhuo County is to leave a way out and avoid being surrounded by us."

"If Li Chen's purpose is to save the Black Mountain Army, then General Cao Ren in Changshan must be their main attack direction." Guo Jia said firmly.

Guo Jia had an intuition that Li Chen's target must be the Black Mountain Army, and the next one to be attacked would not be Liangxiang, Yu Jin from Fanyang, but Cao Ren from Changshan.

But why is Cao Ren frowning?Because Guo Jia's thinking is the same as the others, Guo Jia also believes that at this time, it is clear that occupying the seven counties of Zhuo County will gain more benefits.The importance of the seven counties in Zhuojun is far greater than the 30 soldiers and civilians in Heishan. It is really confusing to save Heishan without attacking Zhuojun at this time.

"Military division, that's not right."

"Even my old Xu knows that the seven counties of Zhuojun County are more important than those people in Heishan, so Li Chen doesn't understand." Xu Chuweng asked in a tone of voice.

Guo Jia frowned and said: "I also don't understand Li Chen's purpose, but I think their goal must be to meet the soldiers and civilians of Montenegro, and the next main attack direction must be Changshan."

At this moment, a loud shout came from outside the door.


Cao Jun's scouts hurried into the meeting hall, knelt down in front of Cao Cao and said loudly: "Report to His Royal Highness, the main force of the Qin army is found a hundred miles away from our army. The strength is about [-]. Now our army has cut off the road to Changshan. .”

In the hall, everyone looked at Guo Jia with surprised eyes.This is just like what he said, the Qin army actually let the seven counties of Zhuojun not fight, and came to rescue the 30 soldiers and civilians in Montenegro.

There is no doubt that this Qin army of 5 people must be just a partial army. Their purpose is to stop Cao Cao's army and prevent them from going to Changshan for support.

Guo Jia stood up and walked to the map again. He pointed to the map and said, "Let's see, there must be two such partial troops. One is on the road from Zhao County to Changshan, and the other is from Zhongshan to Changshan. As a result, the Black Mountain Army inside stormed General Cao Ren's troops from within, and Li Chen's Central Army stormed General Cao Ren's troops from outside."

"In this way, General Cao Ren can't take care of both internal and external affairs. King Wei, I'm afraid that General Cao Ren will be defeated in this battle."

"Feng Xiao, how should we fight this battle?"

"Please teach me Fengxiao." Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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