Chapter 198
Now Qin Wang Li Chen's partial army is on the way from Zhaojun to Changshan. This army did not take the initiative to attack Cao Jun, but just blocked it. You Cao Cao wants to support Cao Ren in Changshan.First of all, you have to penetrate this army, let alone whether you can penetrate it, after Cao Cao penetrates this partial army, it is estimated that the soldiers and civilians of Montenegro have already been taken away by Li Chen's people.

Li Chen's army has a total of 5 people, and of course Cao Cao has more than 5 people.But you must know that Li Chen's army is all elite professional troops, and this is a field battle where we meet on a narrow road.In a real fight, Cao Cao's [-] troops may not be the opponent of Li Chen's [-] troops.

Cao Cao didn't dare to fight head-on, and Cao Cao didn't have the confidence to win.Having said that, even if we really fight, this battle may not end in a short time.On Cao Ren's side, under the double attack of the Black Mountain Army and Li Chen, it may not be able to last for such a long time.

Since hard fighting is not enough, the pressure now comes to these counselors of Cao Cao.What counselors do is to advise the lord, and this is the time to use them.

Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao, this is the number one military division under Cao Cao's command, so Cao Cao's first one is naturally like Guo Jia, Guo Fengxiao asked for advice.

Since Guo Jia talked about Li Chen's target as Chang Shan at the first time, he has naturally been thinking about this strategy for a long time.

"His Royal Highness, if you beat us hard, you may not be able to win. Even if we can win, General Cao Ren probably won't be able to last this long."

"I guess the purpose of Li Chen's partial army is to hold us back. If we don't do it, they won't do it either."

"Since the main road can't be taken, let's take the small road. In this way, we will plant more flags, set up more stoves, and use a bluff. Then, we will let most of the soldiers enter the Taihang Mountains under the cover of night. Inside the Taihang Mountains, go across the mountains to support them." Guo Jia explained his strategy.

As the saying goes, once there are more than [-] people, there will be a sea of ​​people, an overwhelming blackness.At that time, if you want to know how many people there are, it is difficult to judge clearly. You can only see that there are quite a lot of people.

In ancient times, when marching and fighting to judge the number of enemy troops, it relied on counting flags and counting the smoke from cooking.Because, no matter which side's strength it is, it basically follows the military system of the Han Dynasty.There is a fixed number of how many people carry a flag, and how many people are fed by a pot.From this aspect, the strength of the enemy army can be estimated very accurately.

The purpose of Guo Jia's bluffing strategy was to confuse Li Chen's partial army, making this partial army think that Cao's army on the opposite side was still there, and the two sides were still confronting each other. Go around inside.

At the same time, Montenegro.

Montenegro does not mean that it is just a lonely mountain. You must know that the place where Montenegro is located is the Taihang Mountains.There are no lonely mountains here, and all the mountains are continuous and full of faces.

Montenegro is also surrounded by seven or eight mountain ranges, and these mountains all have the same characteristic, that is, they are relatively flat, sunny, and rich in products.

Over the years, these mountains around Montenegro have supported a full 30 soldiers and civilians of Montenegro.The people of the Han Dynasty are simple, even in this mountain, as long as they are hardworking enough, they can support themselves.

They cultivated terraced fields in the mountains, and usually rely on hunting to supplement meat. Some even domesticated wild boars, bison, goats, etc. as meat supplements.

Unless it was a time of catastrophe, these people in Montenegro rarely set foot out of Montenegro, and even in those years, they only robbed landlords and wealthy households.

Now, Cao Cao has raised 30 troops to attack, and it seems that the homeland of the soldiers and civilians in Montenegro can no longer be kept.

The Juyi Hall is located on the main peak of Heishan. Zhang Niujiao, Yu Du, Zhang Yan and other leaders gathered here, as if they were discussing something.

"Senior Brother, Brother Yu, His Royal Highness King Qin has already engaged with Cao Ren, and Cao Ren will launch a general attack tonight. Then we have to take the opportunity to tear open a hole and take the villagers out." Zhang Yan said from the side .

"Hey, it's a pity that our business has been in the stockade for so many years." Zhang Niujiao said with a sigh.

People on the side said, don't feel sorry for your broken stockade. If we don't leave, we will all be buried here. At that time, we will stay in this stockade for the rest of our lives.

"He who is in charge of the family can only gain if he has sacrifices. How can our village be compared with Xuzhou City. The folks have followed us in the mountains for so many years. Now that the demise of the big man is a foregone conclusion, we should take them out." Poison said.

If it was not a last resort, who would want to hide in this isolated mountain.After the Yellow Turban was destroyed, these people were all believers of the Taiping Sect. In order to prevent the Han Dynasty from being held accountable, they hid in the mountains.

"Notify the folks, follow us when we break out at night, and don't get lost. It's a disaster for the rebellious army to get lost." Zhang Niu said.

"Yes, try to pack as lightly as possible, and try not to take the rags at home that can be avoided. Don't worry about our rags. When we arrive in Xuzhou City, we will give out new ones for all the daily necessities. Yes." Zhang Yan said from the side.

On the Montenegrin Army's side, arrangements were made in a hurry. 30 people are moving, or 30 people are fleeing. This work will not be completed in a short time.

So at the same time, in a small village outside Montenegro, this small village doesn't look very rich, the houses are all low and ugly thatched houses, and there is not even a single brick house in the whole village.

Good guy, this village is really poor enough.

The people in this village are all surnamed Zhao, and they also came here as refugees. There are not many households, about two hundred households, less than five hundred.

Zhaojia Village is the poorest village nearby. Are they poor because they are lazy?No, on the contrary, the people in this village are very diligent.The men in the village hunt all day in the mountains, while the women and the elderly are in charge of farming.

In this case, why is Zhaojia Village still poor?Because everyone in Zhaojia Village practices martial arts, and everyone, regardless of gender, age or age, practices martial arts.These martial arts practitioners are all edible.Ordinary people who practice martial arts alone can eat up the whole family, let alone this Zhaojia Village where everyone practices martial arts.

It is also because of this that although the people in Zhaojia Village are very capable and able to endure hardships and stand hard work, they are still getting poorer and poorer.

One generation is poorer than the next.

(End of this chapter)

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