Chapter 199

Zhaojia Village, at the stone mill at the entrance of the village.

The stone mill at the entrance of the village is trampled on and not a single blade of grass grows, and the surroundings are bare. This is the place where villagers usually practice martial arts.There are also some stone locks, wooden figures and other things for practicing martial arts around.

There were about 300 people standing in this open space. There were men and women among these people, but each of them held a red tasseled gun in their hands, and each of them stood as straight as the red tasseled gun in their hands.

"Cough cough."

"Since in our village, the old ones who can't walk, and the young Yayas have all left, let me say a few words." In the front of the crowd, a senile white-haired old man said, and he also held A red tasseled gun.

As the old man said, he clubbed the red-tasseled spear in his hand, the body of the spear sank more than three feet into the ground, and stood straight there.The strand of red tassels under the tip of the gun fluttered in the wind.

The old man took out a piece of paper from his bosom. For such a poor mountain village, paper is a rare thing.The old man opened the folded square paper, and read aloud: "Five years ago, it rained heavily, and the grain production in our village was reduced. Every household in the village was tightening their belts to live. At this time, Chief Zhang Da of the Black Mountain Army borrowed Give us two hundred loads of food."

"Two years ago, there was a severe drought, and our village had no crops and no crops. I took the people in our village and shamelessly went to Montenegro to borrow grain. At that time, the situation in Montenegro was better than ours, but it was not much better. But under such circumstances, Chief Zhang squeezed out five hundred dans of food for us out of their rations."

"That's what Chief Zhang told me at the time. He said, there are so many of them, and each of the 30 people has one bite, which will keep our village alive. For others, it is a bite of food, but for us, It's a life."

"Our village is poor, and we usually don't have any surplus grain. We haven't paid back the seven hundred dan grains yet? Chief Zhang never asked us for it."

"If there were no Black Mountain Army and Chief Zhang, some of us would have starved to death, and some would have fled. Our village would have been dispersed long ago, and I wouldn't be alive today, old man."

"People, why are people, because people know how to be grateful and know how to repay kindness."

"When we were in trouble, the government didn't care about us. The Montenegrin Army managed us. Now that the Montenegro Army is in trouble, we can't stand by and watch."

"The Zhao family village is gone, we can still build it elsewhere, but if this person's conscience is gone, he will go to the [-]th floor of hell after death."

The old village chief spoke impassionedly, and the corners of his eyes were even moist when he said the emotion.

"Village chief, we listen to you."

"Village chief, we listen to you."

Two 300 men and women shouted loudly with long guns in their hands.

"Okay, you are all good boys, you are all good boys."

"The Black Mountain Army was killed today, and it's time for us to repay the kindness of the Black Mountain Army and Chief Zhang."

"We borrowed other people's food, and we ate all the food when we practiced martial arts. Since we have sampled it, then we will use our martial arts skills to repay it." The old village chief said loudly.




The men and women of Zhaojia Village shouted in unison.

After the old village chief finished speaking, he picked up the torch beside him and set the whole Zhaojia Village on fire, which can be regarded as cutting off everyone's last thought.

As the saying goes, sooner or later they have to pay back when they come out to hang out. When they couldn't survive, it was the Black Mountain Army who lent them food and kept the village alive.So now, it's time for them to repay the kindness of the Black Mountain Army.

It was night, and countless dense torches were lit on the continuous mountain roads of Montenegro. It was precisely the 30 soldiers and civilians of the Montenegro Army who were migrating in the direction of Changshan.

The news of the 30-strong migration cannot be concealed from anyone. Cao Ren led [-] soldiers and horses to block Li Chen's army from the front, while Cao Cao's nephew Cao Anmin led [-] soldiers and horses, and set up a garrison in Changshan. The sky and the earth.

There are 30 soldiers and civilians in Montenegro, and 30 people want to move out to join Li Chen's army.Then it is necessary to follow the official path. It is unrealistic for 30 people to drag their families over mountains and mountains.

And Cao Anmin's [-] troops were stationed on the only way of the Black Mountain army. If the Black Mountain army and people wanted to join Li Chen, they had to break through Cao Anmin's line of defense first.

On the official road, a wooden temporary checkpoint has been built. Although this checkpoint is not very tall, it has already shown Cao Anmin's attitude.It is not so easy for the Black Mountain Army to pass through here.

"Brother, Cao Anmin has already set up a checkpoint to block our way. Before the folks reach the checkpoint, we have to tear a hole." Zhang Yan said softly beside Zhang Niujiao.

Zhang Yan is a scud, with relatively fast legs and feet. Before the others went down the mountain, he had already run back and forth to find out the situation ahead.

Hearing the news, Zhang Niujiao hastily called the three leaders, Yu Du, and military advisor Bai Bo to discuss.

"Boss, time is running out, you give me 3 people, and I promise to tear a hole." Yu Du said solemnly.

Military advisor Bai Bo's expression was a bit dignified, and he asked, "Second leader, how many people are there in Cao's army ahead?"

Zhang Yan pondered: "About 5 people."

This situation is actually very unfavorable to the Montenegrin Army.The Montenegrin army has only [-] troops capable of fighting, and compared with the well-armored Cao army, it may not be an opponent in terms of combat effectiveness.The most important thing is that the [-] troops cannot be fully mobilized, and some must be left to protect the people and maintain the order of migration.

This is like two waves of people fighting the big dragon regiment. The Black Mountain Army was originally at a small disadvantage, and the vision of the dragon pit was completely black.Zhang Yan just took a look with the blue jewelry eyes, and saw a general idea.But now they have already stood in Longkeng, waiting for you to pass by.

Under such circumstances, the Black Mountain Army was not sure in the past, but it was not enough to pass, so they could only bite the bullet and fight the Longkeng regiment.

"Boss, it's definitely not enough to bring 3 people. We must tear this hole open in one wave, or we will have to be forced back to the mountains by Cao Anmin." Bai Bo said seriously.

It is not an easy task to tear Cao Anmin's defense line open a hole that can allow 30 people to pass through.Although Cao Anmin was not as good at fighting as Cao Ren, he was not an ordinary person either.What's more, the Montenegrin Army has no advantage in terms of strength.

"Military division, I will leave 1 horses for you to relocate the people, and I have to take the rest away." Zhang Niujiao said after pondering for a moment.

"Don't worry about the matter here, chief." Military advisor Bai Bo responded.

After some discussion, Zhang Niujiao left 1 troops for Baibo, and he took the remaining [-] troops, as well as Zhang Yan, Yu Du, Pei Yuanshao, Zhou Cang and other leaders to fight towards the checkpoint set up by Cao Anmin .

(End of this chapter)

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